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“Oh. Her.”

“Mmm hmm. ‘Her.’” I sat quietly for a moment. “She loves you, you know.”

She nodded a bit glumly.

“What? You don’t love her back?”

She debated and then shook her head.

“You’re a lousy liar.” I chuckled. I stared into the distance and decided what to say next. “My mother has a lover,” I said, very quietly. “Like you and Wren. They were apart for a while, but I don’t think they ever stopped loving each other.”

“What does your father think? Does he know?”

“That’s a much longer story, but yes, he knows.”

“And he doesn’t care?”

“He cares very much… about my mother’s happiness.” I looked down at her to see if she’d made the connection. Just in case, I said, “That’s how I care about you.”

She nodded and wiped a tear from her cheek.

“So it’s okay if you love Wren.”

“You aren’t jealous?”

“Not at all. Love isn’t some finite quantity.” I laughed gently. “You won’t run out. And you don’t need to save it for marriage or anything.”

“That’s good,” she said with a teary laugh.

“You don’t need to save anything else for marriage either.”

“But what if I want to?”

“I’m not talking about going all the way tonight.” I laughed and hugged her. “We’ll take things slow. Baby steps. And I never thought I’d say this, but…”

“Yes?” she said when the silence drew out.

“I’m kind of looking forward to the slow buildup.” Besides, I still had a lot to tell her about myself and my lifestyle. She wouldn’t change overnight.

So I had to take things slow if I didn’t want to risk losing her.

“You really don’t mind?”

“Part of me does,” I said honestly, “but I’ll give him some attention later.”

She grinned and rolled her eyes.

“Until then, I think we should celebrate our new relationship.”

“Oh? How?”

“Let me demonstrate.” I kissed her, and she sighed as I eased her back to the blanket. “How’s that?”

“Too soon to tell. You’d better try again.”

“My pleasure.”

We kissed slowly and let the heat build. Then I moved my hand to her stomach and watched her expression. She gazed up at me calmly, so I lifted her sweater and pulled her thin blouse from the waistband of her jeans. I stopped when she hissed.

“It’s okay,” she said quickly. “Only, your hand’s cold.”

“Do you want me to take it away?”

She searched my eyes.

“It’s much warmer in here,” I said. When she still didn’t say anything, I eased my hand up her stomach. I found the catch of her bra and popped it.

Then I chuckled. “That’s twice.”

Her brow furrowed.

“I keep getting lucky with your bras. This one and the other one close in front. They can’t all be like that.”

“They aren’t.” She laughed softly. “But a lot of ’em are. I’m so small up top.”

“You aren’t small,” I said as my hand closed on the soft flesh of her breast.

“You’re just saying that ’cause you wanna cop a feel.”

“I’m already copping a feel,” I said. “So why would I lie?”

“I thought all guys like big boobs. My brothers do.”

“You mind if I talk about a couple of my exes for a moment?”

She frowned at the non sequitur.

“I’ve been with girls who were nearly flat-chested and ones who were double D’s, and d’you know what I liked best?”

“Lemme guess,” she said sarcastically, “the bi—”

“The ones in my hand.”

Her eyebrows flew up.

“Big or small, round or flat, perky or saggy… the only thing I care about is, ‘Can I touch ’em?’”

She laughed in spite of herself.

“So,” I said with a raised eyebrow, “can I touch ’em?”

She rolled her eyes. “You already are.”

“Then they’re my favorites!”

“Guys will say anything to get lucky, won’t they?”

“I got lucky the moment I met you.” I looked into her eyes. “Everything else is just icing on the cake.”

She drew me down for a kiss. When we finally came up for air, I slid my hand out from under her sweater and rested it on the button of her jeans. I arched an eyebrow and waited, but she didn’t push me away.

I popped open her jeans and lowered the zipper. Then I eased my now-warm hand into her panties. I grinned down at her. “Copping a feel was just a pretense. I really wanted to get my hand warm before I… you know… made a move.”

Her eyes widened in disbelief. “Are you serious?”

“Completely. Small packages are very sensitive. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I just poked around with cold fingers?” I grinned down at her and then kissed her gently. “Some packages are best when you take your time and finesse them open.”

“I’ve been finessed, all right!” But she laughed.

“You want me to stop?”

“You know I don’t. That’s what’s so infuriating about you.”


“You always make it so easy for me to do what you want.”

“That’s ’cause you want it too.” I waited, but she didn’t deny it, so I slid my hand deeper into the warmth between her legs. Dampness greeted my fingers as soon as I touched her cleft. “See? You can’t fake that. You can’t stop it either. It’s like my hard-on. It just happens when I’m excited.”

“Mmm, it does.”

“At least you can hide yours.”

“I can’t hide anything from you,” she said breathlessly.

She fell silent as I began moving the tips of my fingers in small circles over her clit. Her breathing grew heavier and heavier until she arched her back and stifled a cry. She caught her breath and gazed up at me as her orgasm subsided.

I withdrew my hand from her panties. Then I held her eyes and tasted my fingertips. Her nostrils flared. She seemed almost mesmerized, so I grinned and offered her my finger. She sucked gently at first, but then she pulled it deeper into her mouth.

“You like sucking things, don’t you?” I whispered.

She nodded and moaned deep in her throat.

“Anything else you’d like to suck?”

She moaned again.

“That’s good,” I said with a soft laugh. “I have nine more just like it.”

Her eyes popped open in disbelief.

I gently pulled my finger from her hungry lips. Then I kissed her, deep and long.

She was breathing hard when I finally pulled back.

“Baby steps,” I said softly.

She thought about it for a moment and nodded.

I kissed her again and then slid my hand under her sweater. She closed

her eyes and relaxed as I caressed her nipples. We made out until we heard Danny’s voice in the distance. I pushed up on my elbow and cocked an ear to listen.

“Where are you guys?” he called again.

“Time to be a proper young lady again,” I said to Christy. Then I raised my voice, “Here!”

Her eyes flew wide. She pushed me away and hastily buttoned her jeans as I sat up and adjusted my hard-on. I grinned down at her, but she was distracted trying to refasten her bra. She finally had to hike up her shirt and sweater. I was hoping for a glimpse of her breasts, but it was too dark. Her bunched sweater blocked my view anyway.

“Call out again!” Danny shouted from closer.

“Over here!” I stood so he could see me easier. It also gave me a chance to ease the pressure on my swollen manhood.

“All right, I have visual!”

They rejoined us and sank to the blanket. Sabrina looked slightly mussed and very happy indeed.

“The wind’s picked up,” Danny said. “Kinda chilly.”

“Especially on bare skin,” I joked.

“How old are you again?”

We grinned at each other.

“You want another beer?” he asked Sabrina.

“No, thanks. I’m still a little chilled.”

“You ready to go home?”

“Not if you keep me warm.”