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He heard Zander ease back on the throttle, and the boat came to a virtual standstill about fifty feet away.

Rocky cupped his hands around his mouth. “Well isn’t this romantic,” he shouted, rocking precariously as the boat pitched in the waves.

Even from a distance, Jack could see the sickly look on Rocky’s face.

“Is he being sarcastic?” Jen said.

“I doubt he has enough brain cells to know what being sarcastic is.”

“That asshole.”

“I knew there was something going on between you,” Rocky shouted. “Well, you’re welcome to each other.”

Zander stormed out of the wheelhouse and yanked Rocky out of the way to shut him up. “So where are my drugs?” he shouted.

“Jesus,” Jack said to Jen. “Is he mad?”

“I did warn you.”

“Look,” Jack shouted back. “I took less than an eighth. It was no big deal. Now just fuckin’ help get us out of here.”

Zander shook his head. “It wasn’t in your house, me and dickhead here looked.”

Jack noticed Rocky grimace, and he felt a slight sense of glee at Rocky’s discomfort. “I’m sorry. What else can I say?”

“I don’t know how you found it all the way out there at sea, but where’ve you put it? And don’t fuck me around, because I’m not in the mood.”

“What’s he on about?” Jen asked. “I thought you only took a bit.”

“I did. He’s lost it.” He turned back to Zander. “Look, I don’t know what you’re on about, and I don’t know how you found us, but can’t you see we’re stuck out here.”

“Luckily for me, I was outside the bar when your old man was telling Graham where you were. Now tell me where my stuff is, otherwise I’m going to make you wish you’d never been born.”

Jack shrugged.

“Goddamn it, where are my drugs?” Zander roared.

The sound sent a shiver down Jack’s spine, and he was glad there was fifty feet of water between them. The man was crazy.

“Rocky,” Jen called, “you’ve got to help us. There’s something… something in the water.”

Rocky scowled. “Don’t you remember, we broke up. Or rather, you broke up with me. And now you want my help. Well you can go to hell, you bitch.”

“Rocky, for God’s sake, can’t you see we’re in trouble?

“Ask me if I care. I’m sure old Jacky boy there will help rescue you. Oh, I forgot, he’s stuck too.” Rocky laughed, then turned and lurched to the side of the boat where he was violently sick.

Zander turned towards Rocky and scowled. He said something that made Rocky shake his head in reply.

“Now, enough of the teenage tantrums and love sick kid bullshit,” Zander roared. “Where the fuck are my drugs?”

Jack shook his head. “Fuck your fuckin’ drugs. You’ve got to listen to me, there’s something in the water, some sort of creature, a monster, I don’t know.” Jack knew he was rambling, but he didn’t know what else to do. They couldn’t stay where they were much longer. The creature would be back soon, he was sure of it.

Zander ran both hands through his short brown hair, his lips pursed. “Listen kid, give me back my stuff and I’ll say no more about it.”

“I’ve told you, I don’t have anything.”

Zander looked furious. Even from a distance, Jack could see the tendons in his neck protruding like thick cables, his ruddy cheeks aflame.

“Okay, I’ll tell you where they are when you rescue us,” Jack shouted.

Jen glared at him. “I thought you said you didn’t take them.”

“I didn’t,” Jack whispered, “but if the only chance of our being rescued was to say that I robbed Fort Knox, I’d fess up to that, too.”

Zander nodded his head. “I’m glad to see you’ve seen sense. I’ll bring the boat as close as I can, but then you’re going to have to swim.”

Swim!” Jen shrieked. “No way. There’s no way I’m going in that water.”

“I know how you feel,” Jack replied. He turned back to the boat and shouted, “Isn’t there another way, you know, without going in the water?”

“Not without running aground. Now I’m going to bring the boat as close as I can.” He turned and started back towards the wheelhouse.

We can’t go in the water,” Jen squealed.

Zander stopped and turned back. “Look, either you get in the goddamn water, or I come over there and drag you across.”

“There’s something in the water,” Jen shouted.

“And there’ll be something else in there in a minute, you pair. Now get a move on.”

“Can’t you throw us a line?” Jack hollered.

Zander rolled his massive shoulders and turned to Rocky, who was still leaning over the side of the boat. He said something, then grabbed Rocky by the scruff of his neck and hauled him to his feet. Then he pointed at something on the boat and said something else that Jack couldn’t hear. Rocky shook his head, and Zander clipped him around the ear, which forced Rocky into action.

Rocky staggered across the deck, his face turning green. Every time the boat moved, he almost fell to his knees. Zander made his way back to the wheelhouse, moving as though man and boat were one.

Towards the front of the boat, Rocky bent down. When he stood up, he had a lifebuoy attached to a rope in his hand.

The sound of the engines grew louder as Zander brought the boat closer to shore. A moment later, his voice boomed out of a speaker.

“The lad here will throw you the lifebuoy,” he roared above the noise of the engines, waves and wind. “You’ll have to jump in the water, then we’ll pull you aboard.”

Jack felt Jen shivering at his side. “I know it’s scary, but they’ll be able to pull us aboard pretty fast.”

Jen cupped her face in her hands. “I don’t know whether I can do it.”

“Well, I know you can.” He smiled to offer encouragement. “If you go first, I’ll keep an eye out, and if I see anything, well, you know, I’ll…”


Jack swallowed. “I’ll jump in the water and distract it if I have to.”

“Don’t be stupid. I can’t ask you to do that.”

“You didn’t ask. I’m volunteering.”

Jen kissed him on the cheek.

Concerned that Rocky might have seen, Jack glanced across at the boat as it drew nearer to the rocks, but Rocky was leaning over the bow, shaking his head.

“Okay, that’s as close as I dare come,” Zander said through the speaker. “Kid, throw them that lifebuoy, and be quick about it.”

The boat’s engines revved as Zander fought to hold his position, and Rocky stood up and threw the lifebuoy as far as he could. The red and white striped float hit the water about fifteen feet from Jack and Jen’s location.

“It’s too far away,” Jen said.

“It won’t be that far when you’re in the water. Come on, I’ll help you down.” Jack lowered himself from the ledge to the rocks below. A nervous tremor ran through him, but he tried to put on a brave face and despite his fear, he helped Jen down. The waves rolled across the rocks at his feet.

“I don’t know whether I can do this,” Jen said.

Jack put his hands on her shoulders. “Yes, you can. Rocky will pull you aboard before you know it.” He looked across at the boat, which seemed to lurch closer towards the rocks with each fresh swell. “I’ll keep an eye out, now go.”

He ushered her towards the water, and despite her obvious fear, Jen complied. She waded out, and after only a couple of steps, the water was up to her neck. “Now swim for the lifebuoy,” Jack said. “You can do it.”

Jen started to swim and Jack kept his eyes peeled on the sea for any sign of the creature. When Jen reached the lifebuoy, she grabbed hold of it. “Okay, pull,” she screamed.