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Skilclass="underline" Inspire Others

Level One: By inspiring others, you induce them to follow your orders. Higher levels allow for manipulation of enemies and random strangers.

Requirements: LUCK > 5


Skilclass="underline" Magic Eye

Level Five: A colored glow indicates that magical properties are present. Higher levels allow for more detail and access to the Wikipedia of arcane knowledge. A red outline signals that a hidden enemy is near. A yellow outline signals that an object is enchanted. A dark blue outline signals that necrotic magic is being used. A green outline signals that algomagic is being used. An orange outline indicates a hidden trap is present.

Requirements: Level 13 Mage, LUCK > 8.


Skilclass="underline" Splash Back

Level One: Damage increases with higher levels.

Damage:  4% if enemy is less than level 30; 1% if enemy is greater than level 30.

Odds of instakilclass="underline" 4%

Requirements for instakilclass="underline" LUCK > 9


Skilclass="underline" Gory Headshot

Level One: Odds of instakill increase with level.

Odds of Instakilclass="underline" 52% if enemy is less than level 30; 32% if enemy is greater than level 30.

Caveat: Must be within five meters of opponent’s head.


Learn more about Tritania in The Feedback Loop series!

June 2017 is launch month for Fantasy Online Hyperborea, and I need your honest reviews.

If you liked the series, please click here to review it right away.

Good. I’ll wait.

Once you’ve done so, email me your review and I will send you a FREE COPY of The Feedback Loop Box Set! That’s 900 pages for free! The Feedback Loop contains several of the characters you’ve read about in this story, including the legendary Quantum Hughes.

Here’s how to get the box set for free:

1)      Review Fantasy Online Hyperborea

2)     Email me writer.harmoncooper@gmail.com

3)      Get your Box Set

You will also be entered into a launch month contest to receive a SIGNED copy of Fantasy Online! This is a copy of the second printing, and there are only three copies of this version available.

Thanks for your reviews!

Yours in sanity,

Harmon Cooper June 1st 2017

Tritania Basics


Within Tritania, there are three floating continents. The starter continent is called Hyperborea, which is the setting for this book. To travel to the next floating continent, Polynya, a player must reach level 15. To travel to the third and final continent, Ultima Thule, a player must reach level 35.

The second book in this series will be called Fantasy Online: Polynya, and it will be released in December 2017. The third will be called Fantasy Online: Ultima Thule. The fourth? We’ll see ;-)

I promised myself I wouldn’t write anything in the back of the book this time, but the amount of effort I’ve put into this work, both in world and language creation and tying it to my other works, demands a few words. Here are the words it demanded.

Some words often used in my series

Algospell – A spell which affects the algorithm of the game. This is also referred to as algomagic.

Algoweapon – A weapon that can affect the algorithm of the online world. This is also referred to as a mutant hack.

Commoner – A name used by NPCs to describe human players.

Dead City – A zompoc Proxima World that FeeTwix has spent time in.

D-NAS – Digital Neuronal Autoconstruct System. The term for an avatar’s DNA.

ImmiNPC – An NPC from a different Proxima World.

NPC – Non Player Character. Something randomly generated by the Proxima World’s AI.

NVA Seed – The Neuronal Visualization Algorithmic Seed is a worlds main AI.

NV Visor – Neuronal Visualization Visor. The apparatus used to dive to a Proxima World.

PC – A player character, a “real person” playing in the game.

Resetter – A veteran player character who decides to start over with a new avatar.

RPC – A reborn player character. This is an NPC that has had all the life details of an actual player character loaded into them. It is an exact replica.

Steam – A Proxima World first introduced in the second Feedback Loop book. FeeTwix has dove to this world, which is where he got his weapon, the slice bang.

Relation to other series

I wanted to keep this section short, but there are things you should know which will aid you in your understanding of how Fantasy Online: Hyperborea fits into the timeline of my sci-fi series. For ease of enjoyment, here’s a basic timeline:

Year 2058 -- The Feedback Loop series

Year 2075 -- The Fantasy Online series

Year 2083 -- The Life is a Beautiful Thing series

Many characters from the Feedback Loop series are in Fantasy Online. This includes Jim the hostelier (known as Jim the doorman in the Loop series), Croc, Cid the Bartender, and Dirty Dave. Characters mentioned who haven’t appeared include the Knights of Non Compos Mentis aka Sophia, Quantum Hughes, Doc, and Chrono (Chrono’s School of Advanced Weaponry), as well as the Chef, the Saucier, and Mirror the dragon, who are very briefly mentioned. Thuleans are also a feature of the Feedback Loop books three through five, and the tournament that Zaena speaks of (in which Quantum Hughes used his guns to kill Queen Renata), took place in the fourth book of The Feedback Loop series.

More regarding the experiment Hajime speaks about, in which an NPC takes the body of a humandroid, can be found in the sixth Feedback Loop book, entitled Cyber Noir Redux. Sophia, also mentioned heavily in Fantasy Online, makes her first appearance in the Feedback Loop Book Four, Reapers and Repercussions. To find out more about these characters and the origins of Fantasy Online, start The Feedback Loop series with the three-book box set here.

Characters from my hallucinatory cyberpunk series, Life is a Beautiful Thing, also appear in Fantasy Online. These include Walt the cyborg (briefly mentioned) and Lorem Ipsum, the account executive at MercSecure. The real kicker? For those brave enough to dig deep into the wild, hallucinatory series that is Life is a Beautiful Thing, you will encounter older versions of Ryuk and Hajime (after all, it takes place eight years after Fantasy Online), who are featured in the second and third book of that series. You’ve been warned.


Tritania consists of three floating continents, Hyperborea, Polynya, and Ultima Thule, all of which float over the Endless Sea. The continents were named after early names used to define the area we now call The North Pole. Most of the cities in Tritania are named after Inuit words for snow. For example, ‘Jatla’ is the word for snow between your toes, and it is also the word for ‘filthy’ in Thulean. ‘Sotla’ is the word for snow sparkling in the sunshine. And so on.

Time in Tritania is relatively easy to follow.

The morning and evening hours share the same times; the only thing that changes is the addition of the world ‘morning’. Here are the hours:

1- Hour of the Dragon

2- Hour of the Griffin

3- Hour of the Rabbit

4- Hour of the Water

5- Hour of the Tiger

6- Hour of the Air

7- Hour of the Mana

8- Hour of the Faun

9- Hour of the Pig

10- Hour of the Fire