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iceberg impact and

lifeboats and

Olympic and

Smith, Iago

Smith, William Alden

Spencer, Carl

SS Mesaba

stacking effect

staterooms, matching to occupants

Steffansen, Bjornstrom

Stephenson, Martha (Eustis)

Stephenson, Parks

Stormer, Susanne

stowaways, on Titanic

Sullivan, Arthur

Sun Yat Sen (dog)

surge-cloud effect

Minoan Thera

September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks


Sutehall, Henry, Jr.

death of

Irwin and

Thayer, Edward C.

Thayer, Jack

Carpathia rescue and

escape by

iceberg impact and

memoirs of

third-class passengers. See class distinction; lifeboats; prejudice

Thompson, John William


band of

breakaway of ship

Carpathia rescues

child victims (See also lifeboats)

compartmentalization and

distress calls

distress rockets fired by

fire codes and

furnishings (See also artifacts)

great stairwell, damage sustained during sinking

iceberg damage assessment

iceberg warning

initial iceberg impact on

legacy of

lighting on

listing of

location of sunken stern

passengers in water (See also lifeboats)

publicity about sinking

seabed collision of

second iceberg, avoidance of

sinking of

speed of

stern inspected by expedition

victims within wreckage of

water pressure on wreckage of

“youngest” and “unborn” survivors of

See also artifacts; individual names of crew and passengers; individual names of expeditions

Titanic David”

Titanic (film)

Titanic VIII (1996 expedition). See also artifacts; rusticles

Titanic XIII (2001 expedition)

of boiler rooms

conclusion of

evidence of damage sustained during ship sinking

furnishings examined by

“Hell’s Kitchen”

matching staterooms to occupants

Mir launches and

Mir Predive Checklist for

Murdoch legacy and

preservation of letters


sealife examined by

sealife found by

September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks notification to crew

Titanic crosses” of

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire

Truth about the Titanic, The (Gracie)

Tulloch, George

Tulloch, Matt

Turin, Mikhail

Turja, Anna

Turkish baths

“unborn survivors”

U.S.-Russia relations

Vartanian, David

Vartanian, Mary

Vartanian, Rose

Verizon building

Vinogradov, Georgyj

on rusticles

on sealife

Titanic XIII expedition

on “white worms”

Viola (meteorologist)

Wahabe, Shaneene Abi-Saab

Watts, Bertha

Weikman, Augustus H.

Wennerstrom, August

Wheat, Joseph

White, Alfred

escape by

injuries of

White, Ralph

White Star Line

competition of

damages paid by

Hendrickson testimony on

Titanic publicity about sinking

“white worms”

Wilding, Edward

iceberg impact and

on ship listing

Williams, Richard Norris, II

on collapse of smokestack

escape by

iceberg impact and

Williams, Richard Norris, Sr.

wood, of Titanic

Woolner, Hugh

Wright, Frederick

X-Treme Life (expedition)

explorations by

mission of

Yamasaki, Minoru

Yasbeck, Celiney

escape by

iceberg impact and

Yasbeck, Fraza

Yeltsin, Boris



Copyright © 2012 by Charles Pellegrino. All rights reserved

Design by Forty-five Degree Design LLC

Photo insert credits: pp. 1 (top left, top right), 2 (top left, top right), 13 (middle), Southampton City Council, courtesy of William MacQuitty; pp. 1 (bottom), 2 (bottom), 3, 5, 6, 8 (bottom), 9 (top), 14, Charles Pellegrino; p. 4 (top), James Cameron and Charles Pellegrino; pp. 4 (bottom), 10, 11, 16, Lori Johnston, NOAA; pp. 7, 8 (top), James Cameron; p. 9 (bottom), Leigh Bishop; p. 12, NOAA; p. 13 (top), courtesy of Walter Lord; p. 13 (bottom), Roy Cullimore and Charles Pellegrino; p. 15, Roy Cullimore

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Pellegrino, Charles R.

Farewell, Titanic : her final legacy / Charles Pellegrino.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-0-470-87387-8 (cloth); ISBN 978-1-118-19128-6 (ebk); ISBN 978-1-118-19129-3 (ebk); ISBN 978-1-118-19130-9 (ebk)