McDonald’s Deutschland, Inc., 232–33
“McDonald’s English,” 71
McDonald’s Self-Service Restaurant, 34
McLibel Support Campaign, 246
McNeal, James U., 43–45
McNuggets. See Chicken McNuggets
McStore, 31–32
McWilliams, Carey, 18
“McWorld,” 229
Meat & Poultry, 202, 218
Meat Inspection Act of 1906, 205
Meatpacking industry: and “captive supplies,” 138, 142–43; chicken manure as cattle feed, 202–3; cleaning crews in, 176–78; consolidation in, 136–38; and crime, 154–55, 164–65, 179–81, 206; dangerous working conditions in, 9, 169–90; and de-skilled workforce, 154; and disassembly lines, 153–54, 169–71, 173–75; and drug abuse, 174; and E. coli, 194–96, 202–4, 263; and employee turnover, 160–61, 184; and European Union (EU) exports, 264, 329n; facilities conformity in, 305n; government regulation of, 179–86, 196–97,205; and health insurance, 160; history of, 152–57; and hygiene, 203; immigrant workforce in, 149, 160–62, 265–66; and “independent contractors,” 176, 310–11n; industry standards, 174–75; and injuries, 172–90, 264–65, 309–10n; and interstate highway system, 154; intimidation of cattle ranchers, 143–44; and irradiation, 217–18; and land ownership, 138–39; and lawsuits, 176, 181, 182; liability avoidance of, 196–97; and literacy, 161, 178, 203; and manure, 150, 202–3, 305n, 317n; and meat recalls, 211–14, 314n; and microbial testing, 205–6; and organized crime, 154–55, 305n; and OSHA, 179–86, 262, 263, 265; and price fixing, 137, 143, 159, 266; and profit margins, 174, 310n; and Salmonella, 188, 197; and secret pricing of cattle, 143; and sexual harassment, 176; social effects of, 164–65; and steam pasteurization, 216–17; and steroids, 150; and Streamlined Inspection System for Cattle (SIS-C), 206–7, 317n; supervisor behavior in, 174–76; and tax breaks, 163–64; and training, 178; and unions, 153–58; wages in, 149, 153, 160, 162, 306n; worker deaths in, 178, 301n; and worker safety, 172–90; and workers’ compensation, 184–85; working conditions in, 152–53. See also Cattle industry; Labor practices; Workforce; and specific meatpacking companies
Meeker, Nathan, 150
Meersman, Pete, 73
Meineke Discount Mufflers, 97
Methamphetamine, 174, 310n
Mexico, 156
MGM, 48
Mickelson, Gary, 307, 319n
Mickey Mouse, 40, 41, 43
Mickey Mouse Club, 45
Microbial testing, 205–6, 208–10, 215
Micron Technology, 116
Migrant industrial workforce, 161–63, 265–66
Milk production, 204
Minimum wage: establishment of, 261; and fast food industry, 8, 37, 73, 88, 262; and hiring practices, 71. See also Wages
Minor League Football System, 52
Mirage Hotel, 234
Monaghan, Thomas S., 23
Monfort, Kenneth, 151, 153, 157–58
Monfort, Warren, 151
Monfort plant: business practices of, 153, 157–58; and National Labor Relations Board, 183; opening of, 151; and SIS-C, 207; and unions, 157–58, 183; and worker safety, 181–82, 186–90; and workers’ compensation, 184–85
Monsanto, 39, 269
Montgomery, Scott, 212
Moral Majority, 63
Mor-Fries, 130
Morris, Dave, 246–49
Morris, Willie, 182
Morris & Company, 137, 205
Motels, 17
Motormat, 24
Moulton, Bert, 118–19
Mountain Dew, 54
Mouthfeel, 127–28
“Mr. McDonald,” 140
Multi-Unit Foodserver Operators Conference, 87
Muppets, 48
Murder, 83, 84, 86, 292n
Murphy, Edward, 181–82
“My McDonald’s” campaign, 50–51
Myers, Leon L., 14
NASA, 217
National Academy of Sciences, 80, 205–6, 208, 328n
National Association of Broadcasters, 46
National Association of Convenience Stores, 85
National Association of Manufacturers, 185
National Basketball Association, 48
National Beef, 137, 178
National Congress of Parents and Teachers, 46
National Council of Chain Restaurants, 72
National Food Service Security Council, 84
National Hockey League, 48
National Labor Relations Board, 183
National Maritime Union, 157–58
National Meat Association, 220
National Restaurant Association (NRA), 73, 85, 238, 275n
National Safe Workplace Institute, 85
National School Lunch Program, 218–21, 263
Nation’s Restaurant News, 73, 87–88
Natural flavor, 120–21, 126, 127, 128
Nazis, 38–39, 226, 282n
NBA, 50
NBC News, 218
NCAA, 48
Nebraska’s Center for Rural Affairs, 138
Netherlands, 231, 243, 263
Nevada Gaming Control Board, 235–36
New York City, 16, 24–25
New York Times, 54
New York Tribune, 150
Nicholson, Sidney, 248
Nickelodeon, 46, 48, 231
Nike, 43, 267–68
Nixon, Pat, 32
Nixon, Richard, 8, 25, 32, 37, 151
Noebel, David, 65
North, Oliver, 105, 234
North American Aerospace Command, 1, 62
North American Aviation, 19
North Carolina, 101, 185
Northern States Beef, 219
Northrup, 19
Norton, Kay, 184
Norton, Tom, 184
Norwalk-like viruses, 196
Norway, 243
Novak, David, 88
NRA. See National Restaurant Association (NRA)
Nugent, Robert, 208, 237–38
Nutra Slim, 229
Oak Brook, Ill., 31
Obedience, of workers, 75
Obesity, 9, 240–43, 261, 324n
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): authority reductions for, 179; as “consultant” agency, 185–86; fines levied by, 178, 265; and National School Lunch Program, 263; and safety in workplace, 84–85, 183, 262, 265; and underreporting of injuries, 180, 182; and “voluntary compliance,” 179–80
Offut Air Force Base, 85
Oil industry, 18, 24
Oligopsony in agriculture, 117–20
Olive Garden, 92
Olympics, 48, 68
Omaha World-Herald, 162, 164
One Hour in Wonderland, 40
Onions, 113
Operations manuals, 69–70
Orange County Register, 63
Ore-Ida, 117
Organized crime, 154–55, 305n. See also Crime
Orr, Kay, 163
Orville Redenbacher, 159
OSHA. See Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA)
Outback Steakhouse, 78
Overtime wages, 73, 74, 262
Packard, Vance, 43
Packers and Stockyards Act, 144
Packers and Stockyards Administration (P&SA), 137
Packingtown, 155–57, 306n
P&SA (Packers and Stockyards Administration), 137
Papa John’s, 104
Pater, Siegfried, 233
Patterson, Paul, 117
Pentagon, 260