People Serving People, 163
Pepsi, 43, 53, 54
Pepsi GeneratioNext Resource Center, 53
Perestroika, 236
Pertschuk, Michael, 46
Peter Lowe International, 104–5
Peter Lowe’s Success Yearbook, 105, 106
Peterson, Robert L., 163, 180, 183
Peterson Air Force Base, 61–62
PGI (Potato Growers of Idaho), 118
Phil Donahue Show, 32
Philippines, 230
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, 202
Piaget, Jean, 44
Pitts, Lee, 138
Pizza, 263–64
Pizza Hut: and anti-U.S. imperialism, 243; celebrity endorsement of, 237; corporate-sponsored teaching materials, 56; in fast food clusters, 60; in Germany, 233; and homogenizing of America, 5; as international, 88; labor practices, 69, 71; and Gorbachev, 237; and NCAA promotions, 48; and restaurant technology, 71; and school cafeterias, 56; and throughput, 69
Plauen, Germany, 225–29, 249–52, 322n
Pokémon, 47
Polygraph testing, 76
Pop Tarts, 124
Popular culture, 9, 17, 48
Pork, 198, 276n
Potato Growers of Idaho (PGI), 118
Potato industry: development of, 112–14; and frozen french fries, 114–17; as oligopsony, 117–20; processing potatoes, 111–12. See also French fries
Poultry industry: and chicken manure, 202–3; and Chicken McNuggets, 139–40; and eggs, 264; and injuries, 186, 310n; mechanization of poultry plants, 172; structure of, 140–42
Powell, Colin, 105, 239
Powell, Jody, 208
Preston, Paul, 249
Preventive Medicine, 202
Price fixing, 137, 143, 159, 266
Primakov, Yevgeny, 238–39
Procter & Gamble, 55
Profit margins, 54, 174, 286n, 310n
Propaganda films, 38
Proposition 13 of California, 64
Protecting Youth at Work, 80
Psychology of Selling (Tracy), 105
Pueblo, Colo., Health Department, 193–94
Quebec, 77
Quintillion software, 66
Radio City Rockettes, 234
Railroads, 16
Ralston-Purina, 99–100
Ramirez, Javier, 183
Ramirez, Ruben, 155–57, 183, 306n
Ray A. Kroc Museum, 31–32
Re/Max Real Estate, 229
Reagan, Ronald: and advertising to children, 46; and business mergers, 137, 158; and Disneyland, 36; and Karcher, 25, 27; and Lowe, 105; and OSHA, 179; and public health spending cuts, 206
Reckert, John, 71
Red Arrow Products Company, 128
Reddi-Wip, 159
Red Lobster, 73
Reeve, Christopher, 106–7
Reiter, Ester, 75
Religious organizations, 63–65
Republican Party, 88, 210
Restaurant industry, 6, 65, 210. See also Fast food industry
Restaurants and Institutions, 260
Richfield Oil, 39
Ritzer, George, 9
Robbery, 83–85, 292n, 293n
Roberts, Burton, 155
Robertson, Pat, 63
Robotics, 66–67, 131
Roman Empire, 3, 239
Roman Republic, 3
Ronald McDonald: in commercials, 42; development of, 41, 95; in Germany, 232–33; influence of, 231; on Internet, 45; photograph of, 30; recognizability of, 4, 276n; statues in Germany, 250. See also McDonald’s Corporation
Roosevelt, Theodore, 152, 204–5
Rosenberg, William, 22
Rowlin, James R., 207
Rudolph, Beth, 198–99
Rugrats, 48
Rus-Ettes Special Dry Fry Shoestrings, 130
Russia, 244. See also Soviet Union
Safe Tables Our Priority (STOP), 200
Safety for workers, 8, 84–85, 172–90, 206. See also Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Sager, Dean, 100
Salmonella: and beef, 188, 197, 328n; and illness, 201; and National School Lunch Program, 219–20; and poultry industry, 202–3, 208, 264
San Bernardino, 19–21
Sanders, Gary, 178
Sanders, Harland, 23. See also KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken)
Saturday Evening Post, 205
Saudia Arabia, 230
SBA (Small Business Administration), 102, 164
Schickel, Richard, 33
Schiller, Friedrich von, 228, 250
Schools: advertising of fast food companies in, 51–57; corporate-sponsored teaching materials, 55–56; dropout rates of fast food employees, 79–80; fast food sold in, 56–57
Schriever Air Force Base, 62
Schuller, Robert, 19, 32
Scotland Yard, 248
Scott, Willard, 41
Screen Cartoonists Guild, 36
Seale, Bryan, 76
“Secrets of Closing the Sale” (Ziglar), 105
Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC), 25
Selling ‘Em by the Sack (Hogan), 197–98
Selling to Kids, 43
Service Corporation International, 5
Service economy, 4
7-Eleven: and robbery, 83; in Turkey, 229
Sexual harassment, 176, 310n
Sherman, Richard, 42
Sherman, Robert, 42
Sherman Antitrust Act, 137
Shiga toxins, 199–200, 221–22
Shoney’s, 86
Signer, Bill, 72
Simplot, John Richard, 111–16, 118–19, 138
Simpsons, The, 48
Sinclair, Upton, 152–53, 204–5
Sirianni, Carmen, 4
SIS-C (Streamlined Inspection System for Cattle), 206–7, 317n
Skala, Richard, 178
Small Business Administration (SBA), 102, 164
Snake River Reclamation Project, 112
Snelgrove, Ken, 48
Snip N’ Clip, 5
Snow White, 40
Snyder, Esther, 259, 328n
Snyder, Harry, 259
Snyder, Tom, 321
Soft drinks, 54–55, 241, 286n
Sonneborn, Harry J., 96–97
South Africa, 244
South Dakota, 164
Soviet Union, 266. See also Gorbachev, Mikhail; Russia
Soybeans, 143
Space Command, U.S., 1, 275n
Spain, 242
Speedee Service System, 20–21, 34–35, 69, 153, 259
Spencer Beef, 158
Spudnik, 117
SSI, 209
Standard Oil, 16
Stanko, Rudy “Butch,” 218–19
Staphylococcus aureus, 197
Star Broadcasting, 56
Starbucks, 5, 59
Stasi, 228
Steak and Ale, 88
Steak House Fries, 130
Steam pasteurization, 216
Steel, Helen, 246–47
Steinman, Moe, 154–55, 305n
Stephan, Frieder, 252
Stern, Jane, 258
Stern, Michael, 258
Steroids, 150
STOP. See Safe Tables Our Priority (STOP)
Stouffer’s, 36
Streamlined Inspection System for Cattle (SIS-C), 206–7, 317n
Strikes, 36–37, 38, 157–58
Stull, Homer, 178
Subway (chain), 56, 59, 100–102, 241
Suicide, 146, 226
Sunglass Hut, 5
Supreme Beef Processors, 219–20
Supreme Court, U.S., 158
SureBeam irradiation technology, 217
Sus, Jerry, 71
Sweden, 243, 263
Swift, Harold, 153
Swift & Company, 137, 153, 156, 157, 187, 306n
Swiss Miss, 159
Tab, 124
Taco Belclass="underline" advertisements of, 43; competition of, 24; and employee coercion, 74–75; and food “assembly,” 69; and food safety, 222; and franchise owners, 85; history of, 22; and homogenizing of America, 5; as international, 88; labor practices of, 69,71,82; lawsuits against, 75; and NCAA promotions, 48; and overtime wages, 74–75; and restaurant technology, 71; and school cafeterias, 56; and throughput, 69