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“There you are!” Frodi, his mail bedewed with blood and his white-braided beard clotted with rusty stains, strode across the open field, pointing at Ulfrik all the way. “Look what you brought here. Look at this!” He pulled up to his full height before Ulfrik and his watery blue eyes gleamed with anger.

Ulfrik met Frodi’s gaze with a contemptuous look. He could care little for Frodi and his mood. The man had robbed him of his honor when he took Runa as a slave. Ulfrik was not going to lie down any longer, nor be humiliated before his men. “I see I brought you a chance to show your might to Thor Haklang,” Ulfrik said. “I brought you a chance to smash an enemy power on your border before it grew.” Ulfrik glared out from the visor of Grim’s helm, refusing to take Frodi’s bait.

The old jarl appeared to soften, even if barely. “What is this business here?” Frodi hooked his thumb at Snorri and the others. “You are taking oaths from enemy prisoners? Maybe you should join them?”

Ulfrik and Frodi stared at each other for a long while. The threat was real, and Ulfrik had to choose his words carefully to avoid worsening matters. At last he shrugged and let Frodi stare him down. “If you would make prisoners of men who fought for your home-died for your home.” Ulfrik jabbed a thumb toward Magnus’s corpse. “Then you must make prisoners of us all. This is your land, Jarl Frodi, and your law.”

They fell silent again, and Ulfrik raised his sheathed sword for Frodi to take.

Frodi did not look at it, but threw his hands up in disgust. “Bah! You test my patience. They can have their weapons and go with you. But everything I said last night still holds today, and extends to your men too. Do not return to my lands again. You will not be welcomed.”

“Neither will you be welcome in my hall,” Ulfrik retorted. “Think on that, Jarl Frodi.”

Frodi appeared to consider it a moment. Then he laughed, deep creases appearing at his eyes. “I will be up all night thinking about it. And by the way, that’s a fine helmet. How did you come by it? Found it in the mud?”

Frodi left and Ulfrik watched him stalk off. The three guards looked at Ulfrik with expressions that ranged from disinterest to minor admiration. Rather than return the weapons, they wandered off, leaving the pile unattended.

Yngvar appeared at Ulfrik’s side. “He’s got the personality of a speared boar.” He snorted at Frodi’s departing back. “But he’s done with. I hate having to bury Magnus on his land. Seems something of a dishonor, doesn’t it?”

Ulfrik nodded, looking back at Magnus’s body. They had dressed him in the fur he so cherished, and placed a good sword in his hand for the feasting hall, but his grave would be shallow and hastily dug. Ulfrik hoped it was enough to deter animals.

The other men sorted out their weapons as Ulfrik considered their next move. Some of the men had families, whom he hoped were aware of their men’s decisions. Food and shelter were their priorities, and finding a winter camp had to come next. His mind immediately began mulling over the details.

But there was one last thing he had to attempt. While Yngvar conversed with Snorri and the others, Ulfrik slipped away.


Ulfrik found Bard sitting alone in the hall, slumped against the wall. He stood over him, glowering down with the sternest face he could muster. Bard appeared small and scared. He was smattered with blood, but instead of wearing it like a man, he wore it like a boy with a nosebleed.

“Before I leave this land, you must return Runa to me,” Ulfrik insisted, assuming the commanding stance his father had used when giving orders, both hands on hips.

Bard squinted up at him, as if staring into the sun. He said nothing. Ulfrik repeated his demand.

Finally, Bard hauled himself to his feet with deliberate slowness. Still squinting, his face crimson with exertion, he said, “That is not possible.”

“Of course it is possible,” Ulfrik countered. “You bring her to me, and I leave with her.”

“She is my father’s slave now. Don’t be foolish.”

“Your father’s slave?” Ulfrik laughed. He had been controlling himself, but felt his discipline unraveling. “You took her from me within hours of my arrival. Your father hasn’t the interest in her that you do, Bard.”

Bard looked away from Ulfrik, his face flushing even redder. He folded his arms like a child, but did not speak.

Ulfrik snorted at the silence. “Very well, I’ll put that aside. I granted Runa her freedom, and your father condemned her to slavery-that is unjust.”

“Really? She still wears the slave collar she had when you bought her.”

“I never bought her; I found her.”

“And who witnessed this freedom you granted her? As far as I can see, she is a slave. You owe me much, Ulfrik, for all I did for you. I cannot be responsible for what my father does. I treated you well, respect that.”

Ulfrik was shamed by the words, and surprised to find that Bard had backbone when pushed. For a moment, he hesitated, thinking. Then he said, “You are right, Bard. You were good to me. There is no witness to Runa’s freedom, but it does not change that I granted it to her.”

Bard turned to leave. “I’m done here.”

He was stopped by Ulfrik’s hand on his chest. “We are not done. If you won’t accept that she is free, let’s talk of her slavery. Frodi took her as payment for what I cost him. Let me buy her back from you.”

“Buy her?” Bard stepped back and Ulfrik’s hand dropped from his chest. “How could you buy her?”

Ulfrik hated that this had come to be, but it was his only choice. He held up Fate’s Needle and the green gem on the pommel glittered between them. “I will trade you this. It is well made, a gift from my uncle. It is dear to me, but I would surrender it to you for Runa.”

“It is not enough,” Bard said in a clipped tone, and turned away.

Ulfrik stung from the rejection. “This is a fine sword, inlaid with jewels. All that for a slave girl? It’s more than enough.”

Bard continued to walk.

Ulfrik grabbed his shoulder, roaring, “Do you have any honor? You offer hospitality that ends in slavery!”

Bard rounded on Ulfrik, batting away his grip. Loud enough to bring onlookers, he screamed, “You forget yourself, Ulfrik. You are no longer welcome here. Leave me now, or you will die a dog’s death.”

“Is that so?” Ulfrik said through gritted teeth. “You will give me a dog’s death? Will you piss your pants until I die of laughter?”

Bard scowled and the shadows of armored men drew about him. “You will not be laughing when you die,” he said coolly.

Ulfrik knew he had botched his last chance. Bard’s protectors were closing in a ring, and if Frodi came, the jarl would not hesitate to kill him. “Peace, peace.” He put up both hands. “I understand you, Bard. I will go now. Keep your protectors at bay. But I will return for her; and if you won’t sell her we will have to discuss other terms.”

“Leave!” Bard commanded. “Another word will be your last. I was a fool to extend courtesy to a beast like you.”

Ulfrik rankled at the accusation. But now warriors gathered, and one lowered his spear. He walked backwards, both hands up before him, until he was away. Bard stood watching as Ulfrik turned and started back to Yngvar and Snorri. From a safe distance, his rage bested his judgment.

“You will regret this,” he called back to Bard, with as much iron in his voice as he could muster. “I am not as weak as you think. There are other ways to settle this, Bard. No one makes slaves of my people. No one!”


Ulfrik stalked back to his men, visualizing the night raid he would lead to rescue Runa. They would loop back after Frodi’s men had escorted them to the border. No doubt Bard would be trying to bed her. He would catch him in the act, then hack him down before he could touch her. He envisioned it clearly in his mind, to the exclusion of everything else, so much so that he walked without seeing. Poor Runa, he thought. Free for just a few hours. This cannot stand. Better we all die frozen in winter as freemen, than one of us die a slave.