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“They have come with news for Jarl Kjotve, and they desire his protection,” Ulfrik explained and Rolf stood straight, trying to appear dignified. “I have guaranteed their safety.”

The guards nodded in agreement. “But all these bags and … is that a cooking pot? All that can’t be taken into the hall. Place it in the front room, inside the door. It will be safe.”

Rolf nodded his agreement.

Ulfrik, Toki and Yngvar, entered the hall first, followed by the ragtag band of travelers with their wives and children. Inside, the aroma of roasting meats greeted his nostrils and the bustle of slaves and women preparing the meals felt welcoming. A guard inside greeted him and pointed to Jarl Kjotve and Thor at the far end of the high table.

Picking a path among tables, and among men coming to their dinner, Ulfrik approached Thor and Kjotve. Both were so involved with eating that they simply waved in recognition, rather than pause to speak. At the far ends of the table sat Kjotve’s wife and four daughters. His wife was passably attractive, but his daughters were a study in homeliness, each sibling uglier in turn, as if attempting to out-do the others.

Thor looked up and scanned the ragged new arrivals. “Why did you bring me old women?” He said, wiping his mouth with the back of his arm. “Not enough ugly girls here already?”

Thor’s mother clucked at her son’s jibe, but none of his sisters even recognized. Ulfrik knew any response to that question would be unwise. He gestured towards Rolf. “Rolf Roundhead, from Frodi’s hall, arrived in my lands this morning with dire news. I led him and all his people here immediately.”

One of the young children suddenly laughed, and Ulfrik cringed at the noise. Thor had no patience with children.

Thor took a gulp from his mug, the liquid running over onto his beard. Then he slammed it to the board, and stared. Kjotve also put down his food and looked on expectantly.

“The news should be relayed in private,” Ulfrik said. “And it must be heard now. You will not want a delay in this. I promise.”

“Lucky for you we’re done eating,” Thor said. “Let me clear the hall.” He stood and slammed the board with his maul-like fist. His sisters squealed as their plates and mugs jumped and Kjotve picked up his mug to keep the contents from spilling. “Clear the hall! We need privacy.”

Slaves and serving girls put down their burdens and left. Thor even waved away his personal slaves. His mother and sisters made an irritated display, huffing at Ulfrik as they left for their rooms. The hirdmen, however, remained, always staying with their lord unless directly ordered away. A handful of them still sat before their meals. Satisfied, Thor gestured to Rolf with an extended palm, and Ulfrik stepped aside for him to tell his story.

Rolf approached the high table and bowed. Both Thor and Kjotve recognized him, but gave no sign of their thoughts at his sudden appearance in their hall.

Rolf spoke plainly as he told them everything that had happened, and Thor and Kjotve let him speak, only interrupting to ask for details or clarifying questions. When Rolf finished, he and his men stood with their heads bowed.

“This Vandrad and his High King, they bring taxes and laws that steal from freemen to fill the king’s treasure horde,” Rolf told them. “Frodi let his fear best him. But I cannot stand it. My men and I want to fight this so-called High King. We bet our lives that you do, too.”

Thor and Kjotve faced each other in silence. Ulfrik still marveled at how alike father and son looked, even down to the calculating expression they gave when considering a proposition. It seemed Rolf’s offer did not even require words.

Kjotve stood. “You have bet wisely, Rolf Roundhead. We had learned of this news from our spies some weeks past, but you have much additional information that will be put to good use in battle. Give me your oaths and your families will be bound to me.”

Rolf again bowed. Ulfrik understood Kjotve’s words to be a warning: the families would be hostage to Rolf and the men’s good behavior. It was an unsavory but necessary action. Though Ulfrik guessed Rolf and his men were honest, it could still be a clever trap.

“Ulfrik, it is good you have come as well.” Kjotve, holding his hands gripped tightly behind his back, began to pace. “Matters with this Harald Finehair have become serious, a threat to freemen everywhere. He has grabbed the entire coast with the exception of my kingdoms and those of my western neighbors. Through marriage, he has even secured Halogaland for his own.”

“Fucking sneaky pig,” Thor added, his words mangled as he picked at his back teeth with a stout finger. “Got it without a fight. Who can dig him out of there now? So far north, the place is locked in ice ten months out of twelve.”

“I thought Harald was the Jarl of Vestfold?” Ulfrik hadn’t realized how small his world-view had been until he had come among great jarls like Kjotve. He felt no shame for it, although others might look down on him. Thor laughed at his question, but Kjotve was more patient.

“He started that way, but his uncle Guthorm has guided him to victory since he was a child. Now he is the High King, with only a few of us left to resist. With Frodi changing loyalties, Harald’s armies are sitting on my borders, eyeing my land.” He pummeled the table again with a fist for emphasis.

“I’ve been in discussions with my neighbors, making plans to fight. King Eirik of Hordaland thinks we can bait Harald south and catch his fleet by surprise. I agree with him. We will join that fleet-every vessel that we have. Harald has been destroying us kingdom by kingdom, like pulling the legs off a bug. But if we stand together, we will defeat him.”

Kjotve stopped and reviewed his audience. Everyone was focused on Kjotve, their faces taut with concern. Beside him, Ulfrik noticed Yngvar nodding and snarling; he had a long-standing grudge against Harald. Toki seemed attentive, although less concerned.

He is right, Ulfrik thought. Only a coalition of jarls can face an army the size Harald can now muster. In many ways, Harald was at the root of all Ulfrik’s troubles. Even in his youth, Vestfolders and Varmlanders fleeing Harald had marauded his homelands. Ulfrik wanted this fight, but he could not begin it until he had settled another matter: Runa.

I will not sail off to war in the northwest and leave her further behind. Not knowing what I do now… Before he even finished his thought, he was addressing Kjotve. “As your sworn man, all of my fighting men are ready to sail-this day, should you command it. But first, we must deal with Frodi. Frodi is threatening your borders.”

Kjotve stared at him, his face flat and hard. Thor suddenly turned away. “That is where you will aid me, Ulfrik. I will need someone to guard my borders while my main force is away at battle.”

“It would be my honor.” Ulfrik inwardly flinched at the dishonor of being left behind. But confidence in his idea buoyed him. “But you will need every ship, every sword to beat King Harald. We don’t want Agder to lose the glory of being the one to bring down Harald. With so many vying for the chance, even two ships could be the difference.”

“I will cut my way to him first!” Thor burst to his feet, making everyone but Ulfrik and Kjotve jump in surprise. Ulfrik knew he had hit the nerve he wanted. “Agder will be first in glory.”

“I do not doubt it, Thor. But two more ships to escort you will make that task easier. How many ships will your allies bring? When it comes to dividing spoils, each jarl will claim he contributed more than the others. They will count ships to end the quarrels that will result from such rare treasure.”

Like his father, Thor began to pace, but even more angrily. Thor’s rage, his greatest asset on the battlefield, was a liability anywhere else. He punched the air with a growl. “I’ll skin the man who says we contributed anything less than all we had!”

“Calm yourself, my son. Ulfrik raises many good points.” Kjotve turned a complicated smile to Ulfrik, suggesting he understood but disagreed. “But he has not solved the threat on our border with Frodi.”