It was the protective eye of Reorx himself that prevented the war from rising to the level of catastrophe. For bitterness, hatred, and cruelty existed on both sides. All present admit observing the corruption of Harn Poleaxe when it was revealed by the light of the Forge. His control by a dark power was made manifest that day.
At the same time, all now know that it was the scheme of Tarn’s captain Garn Bloodfist, he of the Klar clan, to lure the entire attacking force of hill dwarves into Pax Tharkas-and hence, to crush them beneath a mountain’s weight of stones by releasing the massive trap within the ancient fortress. Contrary to the will of his king, Bloodfist nearly succeeded-until the presence of Reorx was made brilliant and true in this very hall, revealing the dark enchantment of the attacking hill dwarves and thwarting the Klar’s lethal plan through his most humble agent, the gully dwarf known as Gus Fishbiter.
(NOTE: Tarn Bellowgranite wishes it made known and recorded that Garn Bloodfist, in his efforts to release the trap, was acting in direct opposition to the orders of his thane.)
(NOTE: Axel Carbondale suggests the above note is irrelevant, as it was not the actions of the mountain dwarves that thwarted the mad Klar’s plan.)
(NOTE: Otaxx Shortbeard wishes all to know that he and his thane really, really tried to stop Garn Bloodfist.)
(NOTE: Crystal Heathstone suggests, yet again, that the negotiations resume under the auspices of Gretchan Pax.)
And so it shall be done:
Now, in the wake of the battle, on this floor scoured of blood, we strive for a pledge of peace. It is fitting that we make this effort in Pax Tharkas, for though it is a fortress in war, this mighty edifice was originally constructed as a symbol of lasting peace between diverse peoples.
Our goals are three and range from simple to complex.
FIRST, we declare that a state of peace exists between the exiled mountain dwarves who dwell in Pax Tharkas and the hill dwarves of the Kharolis Mountains. Any further raids, coercion, kidnapping, extortion, or other acts of violence between these two peoples are expressly forbidden and shall be punished by the combined might of two nations.
SECOND, the dwarves of Pax Tharkas shall grant free passage through their mountain pass to their kinfolk, the Neidar. The gates shall remain open, the road unblocked, and none shall require any toll or other charge be affixed to this passage. Hill dwarves who journey this way shall be accorded the comforts of any standard wayfarer’s house, including food, drink, and shelter at reasonable rates.
In addendum, there shall be no restrictions, tariffs, or undue taxes placed upon mountain dwarf merchants who wish to do business in the communities of the Neidar. Neither shall they be subjected to discriminatory rates when applied to such necessities as food, drink, and shelter.
THIRD concerns a goal for the future. For reference, it should be noted that the mountain dwarves in exile have been driven from Thorbardin by cruel repression. The fanatical thane Jungor Stonespringer used the person-and the life-of young Tor Bellowgranite, at the time a mere infant, as leverage to compel his father’s departure. Following that exile, the lone remaining gate of the kingdom, once known as the North Gate, was sealed, and it has nevermore been opened since that time.
Yet all agree that Thorbardin is the key to the future of all dwarfkind. The fate of Thorbardin is the fate of the dwarves themselves. It is hereby resolved that the current government of Thorbardin is false and illegitimate and that it shall be the goal of hill dwarf and mountain dwarf alike to restore the true high king-Tarn Bellowgranite or his heir-to the throne under the mountain.
Adding urgency to this objective, it has been reported that, within the sealed kingdom of Thorbardin, a bitter civil war currently rages between the forces of King Stonespringer and the rebel army of a powerful and wicked dark wizard.
(NOTE: Tarn Bellowgranite reminds all that the source of this information is the aforementioned gully dwarf, Gus Fishbiter. Further action in pursuit of this goal shall, therefore, be postponed until such time as the information can be affirmed by a reliable source.)
Thus be it agreed that, should that confirmation be attained, the dwarves exiled from under the mountain shall seek the assistance, in a military alliance, of the Neidar. The hill dwarves shall offer such assistance as is requested and adjudged to be reasonable given the resources available. The two great clans of dwarfkind, working in concert, shall seek to restore the ancient throne of Thorbardin and establish therein a realm where all clans, kin, and breeds of dwarf shall find themselves welcome. The benefits accrued from such a reinstatement shall be shared equally between the clans, with allowances for the proportion of resources committed and losses suffered during the campaign.
For many ages, we dwarves have been forced to look back in shame and to look forward in apprehension. Let it now be decreed that our ancient shame shall become our current wisdom and that Reorx shall will that our future apprehension turn, once and for all, into hope.
It is suggested by many that the person of Tor Bellowgranite be upheld as a perfect symbol of this hope. His father hails from a mix of two of Thorbardin’s great clans, while his mother traces her roots to the highest nobility of the Neidar. Thus, he may become a prince for all the dwarves, for all the ages.
Nor should it be assumed that this agreement was easily achieved or peacefully completed. All the signatories wish to note, with appreciation, the contribution of Gretchan Pax, priestess of Reorx, who served to moderate the debate and firmly kept the discussion focused and progressing.
Thus be it declared to alclass="underline"
The future goal of both our peoples, the Neidar Hill Dwarves and the Mountain Dwarves in exile, is the reclamation of Thorbardin, once the greatest nation and proudest land in all the world of Krynn.
Tarn Bellowgranite
Slate Fireforge
Otaxx Shortbeard
Mason Axeblade
Axel Carbondale
Crystal Heathstone
Tor Bellowgranite, (minor) witness
Gretchan Pax, priestess of Reorx
The horax hissed, its segmented body rearing high above the cavern floor as the arachnoid perched upon six rear legs. An equal number of forelegs thrashed menacingly, striking with hooked talons toward the monster’s tormentors. Two multifaceted eyes bulged from its melon-sized head, cold and dispassionate even as they reflected the light of several flaring torches. A pair of wicked mandibles thrashed before the monster’s mouth, wickedly cutting back and forth, slashing with enough strength to slice a man-or a dwarf-in two.
Three heavily armored dwarves advanced on the horax, shoulder to shoulder, protected by long, steel shields extending from floor to nose. Each fighter was further armored in plate mail, and each wore a simple steel cap that covered his scalp, ears, and forehead, with an additional flap jutting down to guard the nose. Three pairs of cold, calculating eyes studied the monster over the tops of the shields until, in unison, a trio of sharpened spikes thrust forward, piercing the monster at the juncture of its grotesque head and the first segment of its armored body. Thrashing wildly, the horax twisted away, easily sliding free of the unbarbed tips, but by the time it dropped to the cavern floor, it was dead.