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“When Paige was kidnapped I covered up my decision. With Evan also dead, it was easy. Easy to put the blame on you. And when Paige died”-he closed his eyes, shook his head-“I would never have intentionally put her in harm’s way. She told me you were meeting Denise Arno alone and she had evidence. I didn’t know it was a trap.”

Madeline James spoke. “As Mr. Merritt knows, he is under investigation for his actions. Do you have anything else to add to your previous statements?”

Kate shook her head.

“And your decision about accepting our offer of probation?”

“May I have a couple of days?”

The director consulted a calendar in front of her. “I’ll expect an answer Monday morning, which is the start of the next training session at the Academy. You’ll report at oh eight hundred at Quantico, or you will meet me in my office at oh nine hundred to sign your resignation.”

Kate stood, nodded to the committee members. She couldn’t look at Jeff Merritt before she walked out the door.

Dillon watched Kate approach. He’d been waiting on a stone bench outside the J. Edgar Hoover Building. It was sweltering on this last day of June. He forgot the ache in his thigh and hand as soon as he saw Kate, though he couldn’t tell by her expression what had happened. She’d told him she might be in there for hours, but only thirty minutes had passed.

He stood, took her hands.

She kissed him lightly. “Sit. You shouldn’t be standing.”

“I’m fine, Kate.” But they sat down next to each other, hands entwined. “Well?” he asked, surprisingly impatient.

“I have two choices. I can quit, no repercussions except I can’t work in law enforcement or on a computer for two years. I’d be a civilian again. Or, I can be on probation and earn back my rank.”


“I have to go through the Academy. Sixteen weeks.” She groaned. “It was hard the first time around.”

“You’re smarter now.”

“The tests didn’t throw me. Do you know how many miles I have to run each day?”

“You’re in great shape.”

“I was in better shape when I was twenty-three.”

“So that’s it? Go through the Academy again and you’re reinstated?”

“Well, I can’t go in the field for a year. They want me to teach e-crimes at Quantico.”

A huge weight lifted from Dillon’s heart. She was free. He’d been so terrified she’d go to prison, no matter what Quinn Peterson had told him.

“Jeff Merritt admitted he’d pulled backup off our meeting and then covered it up. He resigned.”

“What do you want to do?”

“Sixteen weeks is a long time. I’d only be able to see you on Sundays, if that.”

He kissed her. “I’ll be here every Sunday.”

“You would?”

He nodded. “I love you, Kate.”

She relaxed, rested her head on his shoulder.

“What do you want to do?” he asked her again.

She paused, thinking. “I’d like to go back. I think I have something to offer.”

“I know you have something to offer. When do you have to start?”


“That gives us a week.”

“Enough time for a little vacation in San Diego. I think your family misses you.” She frowned. “How’s Patrick?”

Dillon looked over at a statue of a man he didn’t know. Possibly J. Edgar Hoover himself, or maybe a military war hero.

“He’s still in a coma.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, Kate.”

She sighed uneasily. “Maybe not, but you love him and I hate that you’re hurting inside.”

“Patrick is strong. The doctor’s believe he’ll have a full recovery. Sometime.” But with each passing day, the chances he’d come out of the coma grew slimmer. “Lucy’s with him every day.”

“Do you think that’s okay? For her?”

“I don’t know. She seems to be holding it together. And maybe-maybe he’s the only one she can talk to.”

Kate leaned into him, swallowing heavily. Her tension filled Dillon’s own body and he shifted in his seat, forcing her to look him in the eye.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t want to take you from your family. They love you so much.”

“Do you love me, Kate?”

She stared at him, startled. “How can you ask me that? I told you I do.”

“No, you didn’t.”

“Yes I did! I told you last night after we made love-”

“Actually,” he interrupted, “it was while we were making love and I don’t count that. Look me in the eye.”

She did. He saw worry there. But he also saw her love.

“I love you, but-”

“No buts. Tell me again.”

She started to smile. “I love you.”

“Good. Then we’ll make it work.”



“Dillon, are you sure?”

“I’ve been a forensic psychiatrist for eleven years. I’ve had my hand in some high-profile cases. I think I might be able to find a job on the East Coast. Besides, Lucy is starting Georgetown in two months. I think I’d like to be here while she is.”

Kate looked relieved. “Maybe it will all work out.”

“I know it will all work out.”

Dillon took her face in his hands, kissed her. “Let’s start our vacation right now.”

“You want to get a flight back to San Diego?”

“No, that can wait a few days. I want to get back to the hotel.” He kissed her again, holding her lips hostage for a long minute.

“Um,” she murmured. “That’s nice.”

“That’s an understatement.”


The generosity of professionals, friends, and fellow authors continues to amaze me, in particular Pia Bergqvist of the Cessna Aircraft Company, Rae Monet, Karen Rose, Candy Calvert, Rex Moen, Cheryl Zoe Thomas, and Gordon Hinkle. While I tried to keep the facts of computer technology and small plane craft accurate, if I got anything wrong it was due to my own error and certainly not because of these helpful people.

To Karin Tabke for always listening when I panicked, then telling me to get back to work because I didn’t have time to wallow in self-doubt.

And of course the fabulous Ballantine and Trident teams, without whom I wouldn’t be penning these acknowledgments.

I especially want to recognize and thank businessman and philanthropist Bill Simon, who has been a special friend to my family, for all the good works he and his wife Cindy do.

Allison Brennan

New York Times and USA Today bestselling and award winning author Allison Brennan has published nine romantic thrillers with Ballantine, plus a novella and short story. Her latest release, PLAYING DEAD, takes place in Sacramento, California where she currently lives with her husband and five children.

RT Book Reviews said, “Brennan’s arrival on the suspense scene has been a tremendous gift.” The reviews have called her books, “haunting,” “mesmerizing,” “pulse-pounding” and “emotionally complex.” “[Brennan] is making a name for herself by producing not only memorable heroes but also unforgettable villains.”

With over three million US books in print and published in eight languages and the UK, Allison is currently working on her new Sacramento FBI series which will be out in 2009 starting with SUDDEN DEATH in April, followed by FATAL SECRETS in June and CUTTING EDGE in August. She’s also launching a supernatural thriller series based on the Seven Deadly Sins in Spring 2010. A member of the Romance Writers of America, International Thriller Writers, and Mystery Writers of America, Allison is currently the president of RWA’s published author chapter (PASIC) and the 2009 ITW Awards Chair. For fun she enjoys wine tasting, swimming, playing video games, and-of course-reading.
