Use * to select all available packages (dependencies and conflicts permitting). On the other extreme, use the special package group @core to install a very minimal, text-based system (almost too small to be usable but a good starting point for very compact systems) or @base to install a small text-based system with enough basic software to be useful.
To exclude a package, prepend a minus sign:
For example, if you wanted GNOME, office applications, Samba, printing capability, support for Russian, the GIMP graphics editor, and the Tomboy note program, place these lines at the end of the Kickstart file:
Putting this all together, we get this Kickstart file:
auth --enableshadow --enablemd5
bootloader --location=mbr --md5pass=$1$RaNDoMju$OS0p7cTCbvCJ2ITUfcovM1
lang en_US
keyboard us
rootpw --iscrypted $1$RaNDoMju$OS0p7cTCbvCJ2ITUfcovM1
timezone America/Torontourl --url=
url --url=
network --bootproto=dhcp --device eth0
network --bootproto=static --device eth1 \
--ip --netmask=
# General partitioning options
clearpart --all --initlabel
zerombr yes
# Partitions
# Two IDE disk drives, hda and hdc
part raid.01 --size 100 --ondrive=hda
part raid.02 --size 40000 --ondrive=hda
part raid.03 --size 40000 --ondrive=hda
part raid.04 --size 40000 --ondrive=hda
part raid.05 --size 40000 --ondrive=hda
part raid.06 --size 1 --ondrive=hda --grow
part raid.07 --size 100 --ondrive=hdc
part raid.08 --size 40000 --ondrive=hdc
part raid.09 --size 40000 --ondrive=hdc
part raid.10 --size 40000 --ondrive=hdc
part raid.11 --size 40000 --ondrive=hdc
part raid.12 --size 1 --ondrive=hdc --grow
# RAID arrays
# Six RAID arrays, all RAID 1:
# - one is 100 MB /boot array
# - five are 40GB PV arrays
# (4 * 4000 MB, remaining space in last array)
raid /boot --device md0 --level=RAID1 raid.01 raid.07 --fstype ext3
raid pv.01 --device md1 --level=RAID1 raid.02 raid.08
raid pv.02 --device md2 --level=RAID1 raid.03 raid.09
raid pv.03 --device md3 --level=RAID1 raid.04 raid.10
raid pv.04 --device md4 --level=RAID1 raid.05 raid.11
raid pv.05 --device md5 --level=RAID1 raid.06 raid.12
# Volume Group 'main'
volgroup main pv.01 pv.02 pv.03 pv.04 pv.05
# LVs for root (10GB), /home (35GB), /var (35GB), and swap (1GB),
# leaving about 20 GB available for snapshots and future expansion
# of the LVs
logvol swap --vgname=main --size=1024 --name=swap
logvol / --vgname=main --size=10000 --name=root --fstype=ext3
logvol /home --vgname=main --size=35000 --name=home --fstype=ext3
logvol /var --vgname=main --size=35000 --name=var --fstype=ext3
xconfig --startxonboot --depth=24 --resolution=1024x768
firewall --enabled --port=5900:tcp --ssh --http --smtp
firstboot --reconfig
tomboy Using a Kickstart file
To use a Kickstart file, make it accessible to the installation target system by placing it on an HTTP, FTP, or NFS server, or put it on a floppy disk.
To use a Kickstart file on floppy disk, add ks=floppy to the boot string encountered when booting from a USB key or optical disc:
: linux ks=floppy
It is assumed that the Kickstart file is named ks.cfg , that it is in the root directory of the floppy disk, and that the floppy disk is formatted with an MS-DOS ( VFAT) or ext2 filesystem.
To make the Kickstart file available through the web server on a Fedora Core system, use these commands (assuming that the file is named ks.cfg and is in the current directory):
# mkdir -p /var/www/ kickstart
# cp ks.cfg /var/www/ kickstart
You can then access the Kickstart file by URL at the installation boot prompt:
: linux ks=http:// /kickstart/ks.cfg
(Replace with the actual address of your server.) However, when booting from a PXE boot server, no boot prompt is provided. Instead, you must configure the Kickstart file by entering the URL into the system-config-netboot window for a particular IP address or range ( Figure 10-20 ) or using the -K argument to the pxeboot command:
# pxeboot -a -O fc6 192.168.1 -K
10.4.2. How Does It Work?
Fedora's Anaconda installer is written in Python and uses a library called the Red Hat Python Library, or rhpl . Before commencing the installation process, Anaconda must load the data structures that control the installation. These data structures can be filled with data from user input or from the Kickstart file.
10.4.3. What About... ...creating a Kickstart file using a graphical tool?
Fedora Core provides the system-config-kickstart utility for graphically editing a Kickstart file. Unfortunately, the version of system-config-kickstart shipped with Fedora Core 6 has some show-stopping bugs that cause it to create defective Kickstart files, and it is not able to configure LVM systems. However, you can use it to create a rough Kickstart file to use as a starting point for further customization.