"Well," Ken said, "what the hell are we going to do about this turn of events?"
Mary frowned and shrugged.
"Damned if I know," she said. She knelt cautiously beside Jody, keeping one eye on Wang's huge head. She wasn't about to try to interfere with his meal.
She looked at Jody's pretty face. Had the child fainted? Her face was bright red. Mary noticed tears glistening where her eyelids closed, and then the tears began flowing. Jody sobbed with a sudden sharp deep intake of breath, then burst into hysterical weeping.
"It's OK, honey. It's OK," Mary said, quickly reaching out and stroking the little girl's hair.
This tenderness only caused the girl to howl louder. Jody had never in her life been so utterly, so totally, so thoroughly embarrassed – so completely ashamed of herself.
She bawled and bawled, and Mary caressed her face and cheeks and hair, cooing to her, calming her, gently beginning to make love to her.
Ken finally grabbed Wang by the thick fur along the back of his neck and hauled him away from Jody's cunt. Wang yelped. He tried to get back to his lunch, but Ken growled at him, warning him away.
Wang went to the kitchen door, but there he turned and gave Ken a withering glare of contempt.
With a snort, he pushed through the door and strode into the kitchen.
Ken looked down at Jody and Mary. Jody was fighting Mary's hands at her face, trying to cover her face and hide herself. But Mary pushed them away and continued her gentle ministering to the child's shame.
"No, no, honey. It's really OK. You're just a little girl, Jody. It's perfectly all right to experiment like that. After all, if you don't try something new once in a while, how will you ever know whether or not you like it?"
"Please, please, I'm sorry," Jody whimpered weakly, her head rolling from side to side as she fought to get her face covered with both hands. "Oh, God, I'm so sorry."
In her sorrow, Ken noted with pleasure, little Jody didn't bother to try to cover her lower body. She lay there on her back with her legs still sprawled wide open and her bare young snatch fully and beautifully exposed to his gaze. Her cunt lips were coated with a thick smear of doggie drool, and her pussy was puffed open with excitement, her bright pink inner folds blossomed open and glistening with the thick fragrant goo of her lubrication.
"You'd better get her upstairs, Mary," Ken said softly. When Mary didn't respond, Ken nudged her tight ass with the toe of his shoe. Mary lifted her head sharply, her eyes flashing.
"Don't interrupt me," she whispered sternly.
"Take the girl up the fucking stairs," Ken mouthed, gesturing with his whole body that this was just the opportunity they'd both been dreaming of.
Mary glanced to the stairs.
"Oh. My, yes." She leaned down closer to Jody's face and cupped the child's head in her hands. "Listen, honey. Let's get you upstairs and into a nice hot tub. We'd better get you cleaned off, honey, so you won't get some kind of infection or something. Dogs can be very dirty, you know."
With these words, Jody burst into a renewed bout of bawling, but she let herself be hauled up to her feet between Ken and Mary and docilely went up the stairs with them.
"Ken, why don't you go find something nice for Jody to wear after she's had her bath?"
Ken winked at Mary as the two girls stepped into the bathroom. Mary left the door slightly ajar so he could sneak a look at Jody's naked soapy body. He turned and strode down the hall to the bedroom. He knew just the things to get. He only regret was not being able to give the kid a nice hot bath himself.
There would be time for him later.
It was Mary's turn first.
Tom Gordon rode the moving ramp toward the terminal. Wanda stood beside him, swaying slightly as she clung to his powerful arm.
"Nice flight, wasn't it, Tom?" she murmured, turning her face and kissing the man's shoulder through his shirt.
"Yeah," Tom agreed casually. "If you like fingerfucking."
Wanda hugged his arm tighter.
"I like everything," she said, her voice a low husky purr of invitation.
"Everything, huh?"
"Every fucking thing," she whispered, shifting her weight and pressing her hipbone hard into Tom's thigh.
Tom slug his arm up around Wanda's shoulder, and hugged her to his side. She wrapped both arms around his trim waist and rested her head against his side as they moved toward the terminal building.
Wanda stiffened. Tom looked down at the top of her head.
"What's wrong?"
Wanda didn't answer. She had spotted an Airline Representative coming toward them, riding the ramp in the opposite direction, back toward the boarding area. The elderly man, immaculately dressed, was from Wanda's own airline, too. Shit. She saw him glance toward her and note the cut of her uniform. He began glaring at her pointedly as she continued hugging Tom in public. Such a display of affection was frowned on, strongly. Totally against proscribed behavior for a stewardess. She could lose her job if the old fart was in a fucked-up mood. And he obviously was.
As the old bastard started past them, just over the railing on the other ramp, Wanda lifted her head. She gave the man a pretty smile, nodded pleasantly, and said, "My father."
As the man moved by, he turned to keep his eye on Wanda. She cringed back against Tom's side. Oh, fuck, she thought, cursing her stupidity. She'd meant to say that Tom was her brother, not her fucking old man. No way in hell that rotten old coot would believe this virile young man was Wanda's father.
She'd really blown it that time.
She glanced back, and her heart sank when she saw the creep writing furiously in a pocket notebook.
"Shit," she said.
"Somebody you know, Wanda?" Tom asked her.
"Ah, piss on it," Wanda said firmly. "And him."
Tom chuckled quietly.
"Give the old guy a blow-job, kid. You know the routine. He'll forgive you."
Wanda sighed.
"Yeah, I know. I guess I'll have to now."
"Yep," Tom said sympathetically, reaching over and stroking his fingertip over Wanda's moist lower lip. "But first give me one."
Wanda snuggled against the man's side and kissed his fingertip.
"My place or yours?" she asked.
Tom shrugged.
"Are your roommates in?"
"Not unless they've had a flight change. Not due in until tomorrow night."
"Your place, then. My daughter's home."
"Wouldn't want the kid to learn anything prematurely?"
"Something like that," Tom admitted. He loved his little girl, and he wouldn't hurt her for anything in the world, including the greatest blow-job of the century. Jody had become Tom's whole life, his real life, his one over-riding concern. She was everything, and he was determined to see to it that she wasn't hurt by anything.
Unfortunately, Tom had no idea how a little girl grew into a big woman. As far as his daughter was concerned, he was almost totally ignorant. To him, Jody was still the girl she was the day her mother died. She was just a pretty little girl, not a young woman filed with the promise of life and love. overflowing with needs and desires and feelings and curiosities that could only be met or fulfilled by experiment.
On the other hand, Tom had some needs and desires of his own that needed fulfilling – needs that he didn't dare turn to Jody for.
He checked the time. Not too late, yet. Jody would still be up watching television. Or fighting off some young stud of a date, Tom suddenly thought. He stepped off the end of the ramp and strode toward the nearest bank of phones.
"Calling your kid?" Wanda asked.
"Yeah. I think I'll let her know I'm back in town."
"She'll feel obligated to wait up for you, if you call her. That means you'll feel obligated to get home at a reasonable hour." Wanda purred sexily as she rubbed up against Tom's body, one hand dropping down to the front of his pants. "And I'm not feeling very reasonable tonight, Tommy boy."