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Tom looked at the phone, but felt the hand pressing against his swelling cock.

Well, Jody had to learn how to defend herself sometime, he told himself. What a guy could do with a kid her age. Feel her breasts a little bit? Maybe she'd like it. Hell, she has to learn to like it eventually.

Wanda gave his dork a firm squeeze.

Tom gulped. And so what if the guy tried to feel Jody's little snatch. Wouldn't hurt her, would it? Hell, no. She might really go for it. As long as she didn't let him do anything but feel her snatch.

Tom gave a momentary shudder. Wanda thought it was from the grip she had on his cock but it was really from the image in his mind of his little girl with her legs spread and some pimply-faced young bastard's hands up under her skirt, clutching at her sweet young virgin cunny mound, trying to stab his fucking finger into her taut little hymen and rip it to shreads as he shoved his fist all the way up into her soft womb. And, horror or horrors, little Jody couldn't stop him. She was crying, fighting his clawing hand, trying hard to squeeze her legs together and keep him out, pleading with him to stop, please stop.

Tom grabbed the telephone off the hook, jammed his dime into the slot, and dialed viciously.

Wanda let her hand fall away from the bulge of his dork.

Tom slammed the phone back onto the craddle.

"Fuck it," he whispered to himself. "I can't babysit her from long distance. She has to learn how to take care of herself. And besides, it's all in my mind. Jody's been alone for days, even weeks, at a time, and nothing terrible has happened to her yet. Hell, she's probably just sitting there watching some dumb television show, perfectly content and happy and safe."

"Right," Wanda agreed softly. "Now, let's get going."

Tom nodded.


Jody felt wonderful. At least, she felt wonderful to Mary's gentle hands. The little girl was still in a daze from her utter shock at being found in such a vile position with Wang. Jody had stopped bawling so hard and settled down to a quiet sniffling and moaning, which was slowly changing into a soft sexy purring under Mary's expert touch.

"God, Jody, your muscles are so tight. Relax. Loosen up, honey," Mary urged in a tender voice, her fingers kneading hard into Jody's bare shoulders.

Mary leaned awkwardly over the edge of the tub, her knees hurting against the hard floor as she reached out to the young girl's sharply pointed shoulder blades and gouged her thumbs into the knotted muscles, massaging them into relaxation.

Jody sniffled, then said, "Ouch."

"Sorry, honey, but you're really tensed up here, and that's not good. Try to relax, OK?"

Jody nodded mildly.

"OK," she said, sniffling. She wiped her cheeks with the wet fingertips of one hand, then let her hand drop back down into the sudsy water.

Mary had filled the tub almost to overflowing with hot water, and stirred in lots of bubble bath. Now, Jody was nearly buried in the thick white foam.

Mary didn't want to frighten the child any more than she had been when they'd found her with the dog. Just let her feel the water all around her, soothing her body, relaxing her, and let her feel these soft and tender hands working the tension out of her muscles. Let her calm down, lose her inhibitions since she'd already proven it with Wang. If she could make it with a fucking dog, she sure as hell could make it with another girl.

Mary smiled to herself as she stroked her hands around Jody's slippery sides, and the young child automatically raised both arms above her head, crossed them over the top of her soft thick hair.

Jody sighed deeply as she felt Mary's hands tenderly massaging her sides, high up under her arms. She didn't twitch at all when Mary's hands slid forward, out onto the sloping sides of her breasts.

Getting the girl undressed had been no problem at all for Mary. She'd simply told Jody to take her things off and hop into the tub, while it was still filling with hot water. Jody had meekly obeyed. Mary had instantly sensed Jody's total submission. This was a new and exciting side of the child's personality. Most of the time, Jody had seemed so self-confident, self-sufficient. Just the opposite of meek and submissive.

Mary pulled her hands back off Jody's full young tits, afraid to go too far too fast. She rubbed the girl's bare back for a few seconds before venturing another try at her little boobs.

Jody's sniffling subsided. She gave a hard shudder, then sat still in the tub, the water and suds swaying easily about her body, just below her small but full and firm young breasts.

"Oh, Jesus, Mary," Jody sighed. She still held her arms over her head, her forearms resting on top of her head. "You must think I'm terrible beyond belief, don't you?"

"No, of course not, honey," Mary said with feeling. "What you were doing with Wang was perfectly normal. I don't think there's a girl alive who hasn't wondered what it would be like to have a big old dog lick her pussy." Mary paused, her fingers kneading Jody's shoulders again. "Or maybe even something better."

Jody blushed. The bright red glow spread quickly down her pretty face and covered her shoulders, giving away her silly little secret.

Mary grinned.

"How was it?" she asked quietly, leaning farther forward and boldly pressing her cool lips to the base of Jody's arm.

Jody turned slowly and glanced at Mary.

She gulped and sucked her lips for a brief moment.

"It was nice," she said.

"Good," Mary said with a smile. "I'm glad, because that's all that really matters, honey. If you liked it, then don't you worry about what other people might think about it. To hell with them, right?"

"Right," Jody whispered. She turned back and faced the faucets at the end of the tub, her arms still raised. Her breasts rose and fell more quickly, and the bright hot blush remained on her skin.

She knew what was going to happen.

Her heart speeded up, and she felt a strange knot of warm pleasure tighten her belly. She sucked in her breath and held it as she felt Mary's hands began moving. She closed her eyes. The hands slid smoothly over her wet skin, and suddenly, Mary's hands were cupping Jody's breasts, holding them firmly.

Jody held herself stiff, afraid to breath, afraid to move and destroy this strangely beautiful and loving moment between herself and Mary.

Mary stroked both thumbs across Jody's hot nipples, and the soft dark nubbins of sensitive girlflesh rose hard and throbbing, reacting instantly to the soft touch of the older woman's flicking thumbs.

"Are you," Jody began, then gulped so hard she nearly gagged on her own words. She swallowed, cleared her throat, then tried the words again. "Are you going to…"

But she couldn't finish it.

Mary squeezed the youngster's tits, then rolled her hardened nipple buds between her thumbs and index fingers. Jody gasped as the sharp pleasure shot deep into her breasts and zigzagged down her spine to explode into her guts.

"Yes," Mary whispered lovingly into Jody's ear. She kissed Jody's armpit, stroking her tongue over the soft salty skin, sniffing the gentle fragrance of the child's perspiration.

"Oh, my God," Jody whispered so softly it was little more than a sigh. She felt a slight shiver sweep over her body. The water was so hot. The air was thick with moisture from the tub, the mirror fogged and running with trickles of water.

Mary's lips caressed Jody's bare wet back, just below her hair at the base of her neck. She poked out the tip of her tongue and stroked it back and forth, very lightly, between the little teenager's pointy shoulder blades.

Jody shuddered as the sensation forced her to pull her shoulders far back. She squirmed. Her breasts seemed to expand in size, filling Mary's palms with smooth firm globes of virginal titflesh. Jody's hardened nipples drilled into the centers of Mary's palms.

Jody sighed. She felt scared and excited at the same time. Mary's hands caressed her breasts with loving tenderness, thrilling her.