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Jody sat on the couch, her fingers working nervously on her lap. Her eyes darted back and forth between the flickering pale blue image on the television screen and the deep black eyes of the handsome young dog beside her.

Wang had gotten up from his place near the door and had come padding over to the young teenager. He nuzzled her knee with the tip of his long snout, then sat down, gazing up at her with beautiful eyes of desire.

Jody gulped.

She hadn't missed the huge dangling sword of Wang's bright-red cock swinging and bouncing under his belly, sticking out like a knife from the hairy sheath between his powerful thighs.

Her hand touched her throat as she gulped again.

Her other hand rubbed absently over her tummy, stroking the soft material of her skirt down between her legs. She had put her panties back on. She could feel the waistband of her panties through her skirt. Her hand pushed down and she spread her knees. She cupped her crotch and moaned.

"Oh, Wang," she said, gasping weakly. The dog cocked his head toward her, his eyes glittering.

Jody's young pussy was soaked. The crotch of her panties was wet with doggie saliva and the gooey traces of her own come juice. She'd tugged them up quickly after Wang had eaten her cunt and made her climax. She was embarrassed beyond words, yet at the same time she was excited beyond imagination.

A fight was going on inside her.

She could still feel the rough tongue of this wonderful, huge, handsome animal stroking into her pussy slit and sloshing over her clit, sending chills of agonizing pleasure into her guts. She wanted to feel it again. Right now.

But she felt funny about it – not like she'd really done something horrible or wrong, but just funny, like she'd passed some kind of plateau and needed to pause for a moment to get her bearings.

Wang nudged her skirt hem with the tip of his nose, then jerked his head to one side in a loud sneeze.

Jody giggled quietly.

"Oh, you silly doggie," she whispered. She reached out and stroked the dog's massive head, scratching her fingernails into the hardness along the top of his snout.

Wang seemed almost to be purring from the pleasure of the young girl's scratching fingernails. He scooted forward on the floor and laid his long snout down on her lap between her warm thighs.

"What do you want?" the young girl whispered, knowing very well what the beautiful animal wanted from her.

She rested her hands along her thighs beside Wang's head and began fingering the hem of her skirt upward, out from under the dog's head and snout, so that his head was resting on her bare thighs.

Wang sniffed. The wonderful odor of virginal pussy juice filled his quivering nostrils. His tongue slopped out and stroked Jody's warm thighs, brushing lightly against the tight crotch of her wet panties. He tasted little girl fuck fluid again and his cock shoved outward, hard and stiff.

Taking a deep breath, Jody slowly parted her knees and Wang's nose slid downward until it was poking right into her cunt mound again.

Then Wang growled.

Jody gasped.

The dog twisted his huge head, drove his mouth into the child's crotch hard, his teeth gouging into the taut material of her panties. He caught the wet silk with his teeth and jerked his head backward, stepped back with his whole body, growling and snarling.

"Oh, no!" Jody gasped, her voice a sharp cry. She clawed at the back of the couch as she felt her body being hauled forward, off the couch. She dug her heels into the rug and fought to regain her position on the couch, but Wang was far too powerful for her. He held her panty crotch between his locked jaws and jerked her thighs open by shaking his head. Jody's legs flew apart, her heels slipped against the rug, and she spilled forward off the couch, landing hard on her firm ass.

Wang held on, growling as he shook his head from side to side more and more violently, trying to rip the child's soggy panties right off her body.

As soon as Jody realized what the dog wanted and was going to have, one way or the other, she stopped fighting him. She thrust her ass up off the floor and pushed at her panties with one hand while she held herself up with the other. She pushed her panties down to her knees. Wang got a better grip on them and yanked them down and off her feet.

He tossed his head and the girl's panties flew across the room.

He turned back toward her, his head low, his eyes glowing with lust.

He showed his teeth, and growled deep in his throat, letting the girl know she better let him at her, or else.

"OK, Wang," Jody said, trying to soothe the animal. What had caused this sudden change in him? Had he sensed her reluctance to let him lick her again? But she had been about to take her panties off herself and let him suck on her pussy hole all he wanted to.

The explanation was simple. Wang was a dog, not a man. He had no self-control. Instinct had taken over. He wanted to fuck her this time, not just suck at her cunt hole.

Jody didn't understand this. To her, the dog was as close to being human as any man she'd ever known. But she'd never known a man sexually. No man had ever done to her what this huge dog had done. And now the dog wanted more.

He growled louder, then suddenly clamped his huge jaws down around Jody's thin ankle. She jerked as she felt his sharp teeth gouging into the flesh of her leg. She then held herself frozen for fear that those razor-sharp teeth might slice into her and sever an artery.

Wang crouched and yanked on the child's ankle, stepping to one side as he tugged on her leg. He sidestepped again, drawing the child's ankle across her other leg, forcing her body to roll over.

Jody got the idea quickly. She flipped over onto her belly as Wang released her ankle.

What the hell could he possibly want with me on my tummy? the girl wondered.

Before she had time to think, Wang nuzzled up under the rear of her skirt, pushing at the tight deep crease between the little girl's ass cheeks. He pushed hard, forcing her body forward until Jody's head bumped into the base of the couch. And he kept shoving.

"Wang!" Jody protested. She couldn't move forward another inch unless she crouched up onto her hands and knees. The instant she saw the image of herself on her hands and knees with the huge dog behind her she knew what Wang was after.

Her pussy fluttered. Her heart began hammering violently in her chest. Her cunt hole felt funny.

"Oh, my God," she whispered, her arms surrounding her head, her long hair falling over them.

Wang's nose drilled between her ass cheeks. Jody jammed her knees up against her tits and raised her ass high. She yelped as she felt the cold, wet, rough nose burrowing into her ass, spreading her ass cheeks apart.

"Jesus!" she shouted. Wang slurped his tongue out, wiped it down under her cunt slit and swept up along her pussy crease to her ass hole. The sensation made the young teenager melt.

She was doubled over, her head crushed against the bottom edge of the couch and against the floor. Her body was arched into a high tight bow, her knees pressed into her tits. She forced her arm behind her and fumbled the rear of her skirt up over her back, baring her ass cheeks.

She was panting. It was very difficult to breathe in this position. She could feel Wang's hot breath blasting against her sweaty ass.

Jody groaned with pleasure. She had never experienced such a wonderful sensation as this submissive pose, the feeling of the dog's wide wet tongue lapping at her ass hole, his hot breath searing against her bare ass and swollen cunt mound.

She spread her knees as wide as she could and got herself balanced, ready for anything. She didn't know exactly what she should expect, but she'd seen enough doggies fucking out on the streets to know that Wang was probably going to jump up onto her back, mount her like she was a little bitch in heat, and shove his huge prick right into her virgin cunt hole.

She was dripping already. Her cunt channel was hot and wet with pussy juice, all set for the first fucking of her young life.