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She shrugged him off. ‘If it is Daniel, which I don’t believe for a minute, then I need to see him. I’m his mother. Nobody else has the right to say goodbye.’ She walked straight past him, down the hall towards the door.

Mike Morrison looked at Paula beseechingly. ‘She’s not strong enough to handle this,’ he said. ‘It should be me.’

‘I think you should come too,’ she said. ‘She’s going to need you. But I think she’s right. She needs to see him for herself.’ She gave him a fleeting pat on the arm and followed Jessica out to the car.

Paula was thankful it was a short drive to Bradfield Cross Hospital, which housed Dr Grisha Shatalov’s pathology suite. The atmosphere in the car was grim, the silence swelling to fill all the space available. Paula parked by the bay reserved for the mortuary van and led the way into the building by the discreet rear entrance. The Morrisons followed her like beasts to the slaughter. She led them into a small room decorated in muted colours with a long couch facing a wall-mounted monitor. ‘If you’d like to take a seat,’ she said. ‘Once you’re settled, the screen will show you the image we need you to identify.’

‘I thought we would see . . .’ Mike’s voice tailed off. He didn’t know what to call the body Paula presumed was his son.

‘We find it’s less traumatic this way,’ Paula said, as if she believed it. What could possibly make this less traumatic was beyond her powers of imagination. She waited till they sat down. ‘I’ll be back in a minute.’

She left the Morrisons and went down the hallway to the technicians’ room. ‘We’re ready for Daniel Morrison. The body that came in this morning?’

‘We’re all set up,’ one of the mortuary techs confirmed. ‘You just need to switch on the monitor.’

Back in the viewing room, Paula checked the Morrisons were composed and ready. Then she switched on the screen. It turned silvery grey then Daniel’s face appeared. They’d done a good job, she thought. Asphyxiation didn’t leave pretty victims, but they’d managed to make him look less swollen and engorged than he’d appeared earlier. His eyes were closed, his hair combed. By no stretch of the imagination did he look peaceful, but at least he didn’t look nearly as fucked up as he had done when they’d found him.

‘That’s not Daniel,’ Jessica said loudly. ‘That’s not my son.’

Mike put his arm round her shoulder and gripped her tight. ‘It’s Daniel,’ he said, his voice bleak. ‘It’s Daniel, Jess.’

She pulled away and staggered to her feet, approaching the monitor. ‘It’s not Daniel,’ she screamed, clutching her chest. Suddenly her face contorted in terrible pain. Her body twisted and bent and her mouth opened in a silent cry of agony. She fell to the ground, her body in spasm.

‘Jess,’ Mike yelled, falling to his knees beside her. ‘Get help,’ he shouted at Paula. ‘I think she’s having a heart attack.’

Paula sprinted from the room and threw open the technicians’ office door. ‘She’s having a heart attack, call a code.’

They looked blankly at her. ‘We’re not on the system,’ one said.

‘Well, get her on a fucking gurney and into the main hospital, ‘ Paula shouted. ‘Now. Do it!’

Afterwards, she’d have been hard pressed to catalogue the events of the next few minutes. The technicians were galvanised into action, loading Jessica on to a trolley and racing through the corridors to A&E, Mike and Paula at their heels. Then the Casualty staff sprang into action with unflustered aplomb and Paula was banished to the family waiting area with Mike.

Paula made sure he was settled and the receptionist knew where he was and where she would be, then headed for the ambulance bay and a nicotine hit. She had one hand on the door and the other on her cigarettes when a faintly familiar voice said, ‘Detective McIntyre?’ She swung round and found herself staring at warm grey eyes and a tentative smile.

‘Dr Blessing,’ she said, unable to resist the grin spreading across her face. ‘Elinor, I mean,’ she added, remembering that the last time they’d met she’d been granted that privilege.

‘It’s good to see you,’ Elinor said, wrapping her white coat more tightly around her as they stepped out into the chill air.

‘You too.’ Meaning it more than she’d meant anything in a while. When the two women had met on a previous case, Paula had felt a frisson between them. She’d even thought Elinor might have been flirting with her, but it had been so long since she’d had to decode those messages and she’d been so tired; it had all been too hard. She’d planned to follow up later, but life had, as usual, got in the way.

‘You still working with DCI Jordan on the Major Incident Team?’ Elinor asked.

‘That’s right. Attached by an umbilical cord to the worst that human beings can do to each other. And you? Still on Mr Denby’s team?’

‘For now. Though I’m due a move soon. But right now I’m on my way to Starbucks,’ Elinor said. ‘If I drink another cup of junior doctor coffee I’ll need to have my stomach pumped. Can you join me?’ She caught sight of the cigarette pack in Paula’s hand. ‘They have tables outside.’

Paula felt a flash of irritation. ‘I’d love to. But I can’t.’ She gestured back towards A&E. ‘Work. I need to stay close at hand.’ She spread her hands in defeat.

‘No problem. It’s only two minutes’ walk. How would it be if I brought you something back?’

Paula felt a warm glow in her stomach. She’d been right, this was a woman after her own heart. ‘A grande skinny latte would be a beautiful thing.’

‘Coming up.’ Elinor hustled off down the driveway, a white blur in the streetlights.

Paula lit her cigarette and took out her phone. Positive ID on Daniel Morrison. Mum had heart attack. Am @ A&E with Dad, she keyed in and sent the message to Carol. That should cover her back for long enough to have an exploratory coffee with the lovely Dr Blessing. Work might be shit, but it looked as if her personal life might just be taking a turn for the better.


It wasn’t that she missed him when he was away. It wasn’t like they lived in each other’s pockets. When they were both busy, they could easily go for a week without spending an evening together. But Carol was always conscious of the emptiness of the house above her basement flat when Tony was away. Their lives were separate, their space private, the doors at the head and foot of the internal staircase creating a sort of airlock between them.

And yet . . . She knew when he was not there. Maybe there was a genuine reason; perhaps his movements created a vibration at some subliminal level in the house’s fabric and whose absence unsettled her reptile brain. Or maybe they were, as Blake had implied, a little too closely in tune. Carol shivered at the thought. Her feelings for Tony were a complicated web whose strength and fragility she preferred not to test.

So she told herself it was just as well that he wasn’t here, as if his presence would somehow hamper her exploration of his history. Certainly it would be more than likely to sharpen the nag of guilt she felt at continuing to go behind his back and against his expressed wishes. Nevertheless she logged on to Google and soon found herself on the home page of the Halifax and Huddersfield Herald. First she tried ‘Eddie Blythe’ but got no result. But when she replaced the first name with Edmund, a string of results unrolled on the screen.

The first on the list, the most recent in terms of date, was the story Alan Miles had shown her in the pub. Frustratingly, the photograph hadn’t been scanned in. The next result was a story about the proposed sale of Blythe’s company to the Sheffield firm. Halfway through the story was a paragraph that stopped her in her tracks. ‘The factory’s owner, Mr Edmund Blythe, was unavailable for comment. Mr Blythe is recovering from a recent violent assault, as reported in this newspaper.’