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He watched surreptitiously until she and Mary Ellen Sheffield were on their way across the lawn, made sure his path intersected with theirs, and forced Mary Ellen to introduce him. Now it seemed only moments until they had married, but it had taken about four years for her to reach the socially acceptable age. By then she was nearly finished with college.

It was the most egregious case of marrying under false pretenses that he had ever heard of. Everyone had assumed, because she was a Pacquette, that she would bring significant assets to the merger. The appearance was deceiving, and that deception, he was sure now, was the root of the problem. The Pacquettes had managed to decline very slowly, without letting the change be visible. Instead of selling the plots of land along the Sacramento River or the big old house in San Francisco, which would have caused talk, they had mortgaged their properties one at a time, so that year by year, the big holdings that had been owned outright a hundred years ago were hollowed out by debt. The only reason Caroline could attend the Moorhead School and Princeton was that the house where she had grown up was gradually converted to a series of tuition payments.

Even at the age of seventeen, Caroline was acutely aware of the financial disaster she lived in. For at least a generation, the Pacquettes had been living in a kind of desperation, essentially burning the furniture to keep people from knowing they couldn’t afford firewood. Caroline’s parents had taught her to understand the gamble. They were impoverishing themselves at an ever-increasing rate to maintain her access to the most exclusive strata of Central California society. They were decimating their fortune to give her the education, the clothes, and the spending money to maintain a presence among the children of the honestly wealthy. But it was a race, a struggle to make the funds and the credit last until she was settled. The public extravagance required a brutal frugality in private. Later, Ted Forrest had calculated that if Caroline Pacquette had not married a rich man by the age of twenty-three, there would not have been enough assets left to keep up the pretense. She and her family would have had to move out of their ancestral home and slink off to some suburb to look for jobs. As it was, within a few days of returning from their honeymoon in Europe, Ted Forrest learned that a number of bills for their opulent wedding had been re-charged to his accounts by the signature of his new bride.

Caroline won. She detected the vulnerability in Ted Forrest, his sensitivity to her delicate beauty and the air of innocent grace that she had been cultivating under her mother’s coaching since she could first walk and talk. Her father had retained Dun & Bradstreet to do a work-up on Ted’s financial health only a few months after they met, and did some investigating of his own, and so did his wife. They spoke quietly to people who were close to the Forrests and would know of any scandals in the family or any vices of Ted’s that would make him a poor prospect for future support.

As soon as the inquiries were completed, Caroline began her campaign. Forrest supposed that her decision to choose him, when she must have met hundreds of single men between her seventeenth year and her twenty-first, was a kind of love at first sight. She clearly had marriage in mind from the outset, and she accomplished it in the simplest and most businesslike way.

She told a couple of friends-including Don Sheffield’s sister, after placing them under vows of secrecy-that she had a crush on Ted Forrest that made her feel weak when he came near. Then she contrived to be where he was. As soon as they’d had a proper date or two, she made sure that the next date culminated in sex. This she did in a particularly opportunistic way. He had asked her to dinner at a restaurant in Sonoma. When he picked her up, she made it clear to him that she was planning to spend the night at a friend’s houseOwen Rowland’s cousin Emma, if he remembered right-and wasn’t expected home. At dinner she had asked, “Wouldn’t it be fun if this date didn’t have to end at all?” He rented a hotel room and then suggested she tell Emma by phone that she couldn’t make it.

Caroline handled him expertly. She managed to give the impression that even mild intimacy was not an event that had occurred often in her life. She had to convey that in sharing a room with him she was sacrificing her own scruples and risking her own reputation and interests out of extreme devotion to his. Then, during and after the event, she had to flatter him into believing that he had changed her view of the practice, and that she was eager to have the event repeated frequently for the rest of her life, thus qualifying herself as the ideal wife. That was more than she could communicate in a single night. It took a few similar evenings for her to persuade him, but she did.

Almost immediately after the wedding, Caroline became less attentive to Forrest, and spent more of her time being Mrs. Forrest, the beneficiary of Forrest’s money and position. She spent her early mornings in pajamas at the computer e-mailing friends in the East and looking for advertisements for items that she would later go out to buy in person. Then she exercised. Her lunch times and afternoons were for her friends-the same six or seven who had been with her the day he met her at Sheffield’s and a couple of others-and her evenings were for him to escort her to dinners, plays, and parties. Increasingly, her nights were spent going to sleep early and alone to keep up her strength for the next day’s repetition of her routines. By the end of the third year, the admiration and desire for him that she had expressed so recently was already gone.

When he tried to be affectionate, her indifference made his attempts painful. When he tried asking about her lack of interest in him, she turned defensive. To bring up the deterioration of their relations was unspeakably indelicate and insensitive to her feelings. To imply that she was responsible was unfair and cruel. She hadn’t said she had changed her feelings about him, so how could he say it was her fault? His questioning was what was causing their problemshis implied criticisms had made her feel under scrutiny, and made sex unbearable.

He still had a naive belief that she was sincere, and so he kept trying for a long time. He managed to get her to relent and sleep with him once every month or two, and kept himself going by assuring himself that their relationship was improving and the marriage was preserved. But the truth was that it was mummified, retained in a desiccated state with its guts removed. He was sure it probably looked about the same from the outside: Caroline was an expert in conveying to the rest of the world that all was well. She had been doing it all her life.

Forrest never found any indication that Caroline was engaged in relationships with other men, and he looked hard for one. Like many women who were incapable of conducting marriages, she was excessively warm in greeting male friends, but he could not detect any indication that she did worse than that. She was very demonstrative with her female friends, too, but she had never seemed to be sexually interested in women. And she always had lots of pets, and spoke to every one of them with more affection than she showed when she spoke to him. She would turn away from him so he wouldn’t spoil her makeup, and then kneel to kiss a dog or cat on the mouth.

He had no choice but to pursue other women, and she never seemed to notice. Sometimes he thought she was simply retaliating: What greater proof of his insignificance than that she didn’t even notice that he had moved on? At other times he thought she was operating according to obscure plans of her own-perhaps a relationship that was carried on in safety at times when he was out trying to avoid her attention.