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A gurgling cry from Publius carried down the hallway. Quintus laughed. ‘That must be your baby. Martialis spoke fondly of him.’

Aurelia beamed. ‘It’s our son, Publius. He was born a few weeks ago.’

‘It is good to know that life is still entering the world.’ The light in Quintus’ eyes darkened for a moment, but he rallied himself. ‘It’s another reason to raise a toast.’

‘Life goes on. Publius is part of the new generation,’ said Aurelia, remembering with dread how she’d taunted the gods, and praying that nothing further came of it. ‘Mother says that he looks a little like you at the same age.’

‘Aha! I cannot wait to meet him.’ Quintus grinned and for the first time, Aurelia really saw her brother again through the grime. On impulse, she entwined her arm with his.

‘It is so wonderful to see you!’

‘And you, sister. After what has happened, I did not think ever to see such a happy day again.’

Walking with Quintus and Lucius to find her son and Atia, Aurelia let her heart sing. Her grief for her father had not diminished, but she would return to it another time. For now, she would live in this moment. Rejoice that her remaining family had been reunited, and that Gaius had also come through the inferno of Cannae. Cherish in her heart the hope that, somewhere to the south, Hanno was alive too.

After the horror of the previous days, that seemed enough.