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Aurelia gasped. ‘Did he die?’

‘No, he recovered well enough to appear at his trial the next day. Ironically, half the crowd had stolen pieces of his own tesserae to pelt him with. They were showering in from all sides as the court convened. The lawyers got hit; so too did the magistrate.’ Gaius mimed ducking down, wincing as he was struck. ‘The city guards had to be sent in to restore order.’

Aurelia snorted with laughter. ‘You’re so funny, Gaius.’

Atia raised a hand to stifle a yawn. ‘Excuse me.’

‘I’m sorry. I’ve been carrying on all night, boring you stupid,’ said Gaius, looking a little embarrassed.

‘No, no. It’s interesting to hear what’s going on in Capua. I think it’s time for bed, though. It has been a long day.’ Atia cast a meaningful glance at Aurelia. ‘You too, young lady.’

‘But, Mother-’ she began.

‘Bed. Now.’

Aurelia flushed with anger, but before she could protest, Gaius had risen from his couch. ‘The ride from Capua has tired me more than I would have thought. A night’s sleep, and I’ll be as good as new.’

Atia smiled. ‘One of the slaves will show you to your room. There are extra blankets in the chest at the foot of the bed should you need them.’

‘My thanks. Until the morning, then.’ Gaius bid them both good night.

Aurelia rose. ‘I’m not a child, Mother,’ she whispered the instant he was at the door. ‘I don’t need to be told when to go to bed.’

Atia turned on her in a fury. ‘When you are mistress of Flaccus’ household, you can do as you please. While you’re under this roof, however, you’ll do exactly as I say!’

Gaius checked at Atia’s raised voice. He half turned, but then thought better of it, and left the room. Aurelia’s cheeks burned with embarrassment and shame that he had heard her mother’s words. She sensed her mother get up, felt a hand close on her arm.

‘Do you understand me?’ Atia demanded.

‘Yes, Mother,’ she muttered from between clenched teeth.

‘I want no more casting soulful eyes at Gaius either. He’s a good man, and will make someone a fine husband, but you are betrothed to another. There must be no suggestion of impropriety. Caius Minucius Flaccus would not approve.’ And the alliance with his family cannot be jeopardised. It will be vital in the restoration of our fortunes.

‘I don’t care about him,’ spat Aurelia, forgetting that she had found Flaccus quite attractive. ‘Or you! I want to marry whom I choose, like you and Father did.’

Slap! Atia’s hand connected with her left cheek.

Complete shock filled Aurelia. Tears of humiliation welled in her eyes. It had been years since her mother had struck her.

‘You forget yourself!’ Atia hissed. ‘What your father and I did is none of your concern. None! You will marry whomever we decide upon, whenever we tell you to. Do I make myself clear?’

‘It’s not fair! You and Father are hypocrites.’

Slap! ‘Keep this insolence up, and I will have a whip brought to me.’

Aurelia’s guts knotted with fear. Her mother’s threat was real. She bit her lip and stared at the floor.

‘Look at me!’

Aurelia raised her unwilling eyes to Atia’s.

‘So you will do as I say?’

‘Yes, Mother,’ Aurelia said, hating herself for being weak.

‘Good. On that we are agreed at least.’ Atia waved a hand in dismissal. ‘Go to bed. I will see you in the morning.’

Aurelia left the room, ignoring the curious stares of the less discreet slaves. Damn Mother to Hades, she thought. It was no more than ten steps to her bedchamber, but in the only act of defiance left to her, she made them last an age. She flung a murderous glance back at the dining room. I hate her. I hate her. Her mother had read far too much into the situation, she thought angrily. She had been enjoying Gaius’ company, that was all. Deep in her heart, though, Aurelia knew that Atia’s instinct had been correct. A stab of remorse. How could she find a man attractive when she was promised to another? Instinctively she knew why. I have met Flaccus once, whereas I’ve known Gaius for many years. Gaius is young, not old. Kind, not arrogant. It’s not a crime to have feelings for someone. An unexpected image of Hanno popped into Aurelia’s mind, filling her with even more guilt. She blanked him out at once. They had never even shared a kiss. He had left, his aim to join Hannibal’s army, and she would never see him again. For all she knew, he was dead.

‘Into your room!’ Atia had come out to check on her.

Aurelia’s resentment towards her mother resurged with a vengeance, but she kept quiet as she opened her door and slipped inside. A plan was hatching in her mind. Everyone in the house would go to bed soon. If she waited, she could creep to Gaius’ chamber and let herself in. Intense satisfaction swept through her. How angry her mother would be if she ever found out! Not that she would. I’ll be quieter than a mouse, she thought with glee. And then I can be alone with Gaius.

Perhaps an hour later, all sounds outside her door had ceased. There had been soft talking among the slaves who were clearing up the remains of their dinner. Plates clattering off one another. From the kitchen, the sound of Julius chiding his minions, telling them to be quiet. Atia’s voice, thanking Julius for his efforts. Her feet pausing by Aurelia’s door; a faint creak as she opened it and peered inside. Aurelia hadn’t moved a muscle, had kept her breathing deep and regular, and her eyes closed. Her efforts had seemed to work. Atia had gently shut the door and gone on her way. The last noises Aurelia had heard were a dog barking from the outbuildings and the subsequent yelps as one of the farm slaves kicked it into silence. She had lain in the darkness since, her blankets pulled up to her chin, listening hard.

All she could hear was her own heart, which was thumping hard off her ribs. Aurelia realised that her previous behaviour had been nothing more than bravado. Sadly, it had worn off. Was going to see Gaius worth the risk? If her mother were ever to realise, a whipping would surely follow. Aurelia had seen Atia punish a slave that way once when her father and Agesandros hadn’t been to hand. The slave had screamed throughout the entire procedure. Don’t be a coward, she thought. What she was about to do could not even compare to the dangers faced daily by Quintus.

With renewed resolve, she threw back the covers and climbed out of bed. Lighting her oil lamp was too risky. Besides, she knew the layout of her room like the back of her hand. Shrugging a blanket over her shoulders to guard against the chill, she tiptoed to the door and placed her ear against the timbers. Not a sound. Aurelia had long since perfected the knack of lifting the latch without making any noise. Pulling the horizontal bar towards her, she raised it while with her other hand she firmly pulled the door ajar. A glance outside. Nothing moved. No one stirred.

Aurelia slipped into the covered passageway that bordered the courtyard. Everything had been turned a beautiful shade of silver by the moon. The cold was piercing, and she clutched the blanket to her. Her exhaled breath formed instant clouds before her face, so she was careful to remain in the shadows as she scanned the square for any sign of life. The only creature in sight was the cat that hung around the kitchen, and it ignored her. Content, Aurelia slid her feet across the mosaic floor, counting each step. To reach Gaius’ chamber, she had to go past her parents’ room, which lay fifteen paces from hers. By the time she’d reached ten, she could feel sweat running down her back. Eleven. Twelve. Somnus, she prayed to the god of sleep, keep my mother firmly in your grasp, I beg you.

Aurelia was right outside Atia’s door when there was a cough from within. It took all of her self-control not to turn and bolt. She froze. Time stood still as she waited to be discovered. Blood rushed in her ears. She saw her mother before her in a towering fury, a whip in her right hand. She blinked. The horrific image disappeared. Aurelia forced herself to breathe slowly. By the count of twenty, there had been no further sounds. Knees weak from trembling, she crept on. Outside Gaius’ room, she paused. There was still time to return to her bed unnoticed. That notion vanished in a heartbeat. After the fear, she wanted some reward. She shocked herself by visualising a lingering kiss with Gaius. That picture bright in her mind, she lifted the latch with a practised hand and padded inside, closing the door behind her.