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Elira arrived with the wine. Once it was poured, Aurelia was quick to dismiss her. Who better to tell first about her pregnancy than her mother? It would lift Atia’s mood too. ‘I’ve got some news for you as well,’ she said, suddenly feeling shy. ‘Good news, for a change.’

‘You’re with child!’ said Atia, quick as a flash.

‘How did you know?’ gasped Aurelia.

‘A mother’s intuition.’ At last, a warm smile. ‘How many months are you gone?’

‘Two, I think.’

‘Very early days, then. You mustn’t be complacent about it. A lot can happen in the first three to four months. It’s common to lose the baby.’ Aurelia’s face fell, and her mother took her hand. ‘We shall ask all the gods and goddesses to make sure that that doesn’t happen! It’s still wonderful news, my child. Does Lucius know?’

‘Not yet.’

‘When are you going to tell him?’

‘Soon. For now, I want it to be our secret,’ said Aurelia with a wink. She would wait until her mother had left before speaking with her husband. In fact, she would delay it until he had bedded her before doing so. Perhaps Elira could give her some advice on pleasing him? Her cheeks warmed at the immodest thought, but her resolve did not weaken. She would do everything within her power to aid her family. Aurelia didn’t know the exact details, but she had heard Quintus and Gaius talking and laughing with one another on enough occasions to know that bearing children wasn’t the only way to please Lucius. She just hoped that her newfound eagerness didn’t arouse his suspicions.

Aurelia’s opportunity came less than a week later. Atia had departed after just a few days, citing her need to return to the estate. Their relationship had improved in the short time together and they had taken an emotional farewell of each other. The day after, Lucius returned from a successful trip to Neapolis. He arrived with a rare gift for Aurelia, a gold necklace decorated with tiny rubies. She was delighted with it, especially as it gave her the pretext of seducing him by way of thanks. Lucius’ good humour was increased by the warmth of Aurelia’s welcome, the lavish dinner that was served that evening and the keen manner with which she drew him to bed afterwards. Once there, Aurelia was glad of the courage granted her by the sly cup of wine she’d consumed before leaving the dining room. When Lucius tried to roll on top of her as usual, she swiftly moved away, pushing him on to his back. Before he could do or say much, she had begun kissing his chest and belly, using her fingers to roam all over his hips and thighs. His surprise was clear as she let her mouth roam down to his groin, where it had never been before, but he did nothing to stop her. The little gasps that left his lips in the moments that followed, and the pressure of his fingers on her head, told Aurelia that Elira’s advice had been accurate.

Afterwards, he took her in his arms, which was rare in itself. Aurelia nestled against him, delighted by his evident pleasure. Deliberately, she said nothing.

‘That was quite a welcome,’ he murmured.

‘I’ve missed you.’

‘Clearly.’ His voice was wry.

A silence fell, more comfortable than any between them before. Lucius gently stroked her hair, another new development. Aurelia wondered if it was time to tell him about her pregnancy, but emboldened by her success, decided to follow more of Elira’s counsel. A little while later, her hand casually strayed downwards again. A few strokes and she felt him stiffen.

‘Gods, but you are eager tonight!’

Panic bubbled up inside Aurelia but she did not let her fingers stop. ‘I have missed you. That is allowed, isn’t it? And I love my new necklace. Besides, you are more than rising to the occasion, husband.’

He laughed and lay back, closing his eyes. It was just the opportunity Aurelia wanted. If he’d been looking at her, it would have been much harder to climb on top of him and ease his rigid length inside her. The moment she did, however, his eyes jerked open. ‘What are you doing?’

Rather than answer, Aurelia moved her hips to and fro, as Elira had told her. To her surprise, it felt very good — better than anything they had ever done before. Her enjoyment was enhanced by the way that his face kept morphing into Hanno’s. She felt a momentary guilt, but it was too pleasurable to banish the image.


‘Only trying to give you pleasure,’ she whispered. ‘Shall I stop?’

A faint groan; a muttered word that might have been ‘No’. Gaining confidence, Aurelia found her rhythm, rocked backwards and forwards as he writhed in ecstasy beneath her. When his hands reached out to grasp her buttocks, she let him guide the speed at which they moved.

It wasn’t long before Lucius climaxed. He made more noise than ever before. Aurelia felt a deep satisfaction as she rolled off him, not least because if their coupling had been that enjoyable, it could only be better with Hanno.

‘Where did you learn to do that?’ he asked, intruding on her fantasy.

‘My mother gave me some advice,’ lied Aurelia, knowing that he would never dare mention it to Atia.

A sleepy smile. ‘I’m in her debt.’

‘And I in yours.’

His eyebrows rose. ‘Why’s that?’

Moving to lie her chin on his chest, she gazed into his eyes. ‘You are to be a father.’

A confused look; then a surprised one. Last of all, an expression of unadulterated joy. ‘You’re pregnant?’

She nodded, smiling with satisfaction. ‘Only two months so far, but I thought you’d want to know.’

‘Ceres and Tellus be praised — that’s wonderful news!’

She chuckled as he touched her belly. ‘There’s nothing to feel yet.’

‘How can you be sure then?’

‘I’ve missed two cycles. Besides, a woman knows these things.’

‘You told your mother when she was here?’

‘Of course. But you’re the only other person who knows.’

He squeezed her to him, before self-consciously loosening his grip.

She pulled his arm back around her. ‘You won’t cause me any harm!’

He gave a sheepish grin, which made him look very young. ‘Let’s not say a word until you begin to show. It can be our secret.’ And then he was off, waxing lyrical about how proud his father would be, his favourite boys’ names, the games he would teach their son.

Aurelia joined in from time to time, agreeing with everything Lucius said. She offered up a silent prayer that the child was indeed male. The second baby could be a girl, but the first, for a multitude of reasons, had to be a boy. When he was done, she kissed him on the lips. ‘You’ll make a fine father.’

‘And you will give me a strong son!’

The iron was hot, thought Aurelia. It was time to strike. ‘It is such a shame that my mother wasn’t able to enjoy the wondrous news.’

‘I don’t understand. Her visit went well, did it not?’

‘Yes, it did.’ She let her voice tail away.

‘What then was the reason? Is she ill? Has there been bad news of your father or brother?’

‘No, it was nothing like that.’

‘Tell me.’ His voice was commanding but gentle.

Fortuna help me, pleaded Aurelia. ‘It’s nothing that concerns you. Just a family problem.’ She kept her gaze averted from his. A blaze of hope warmed her insides as he took her chin and tilted her face upwards.

‘You can tell me.’

Out it all came, told in suitably sorrowful tones. How her father had borrowed from Phanes after a few years of disastrous crops. He had kept up with his payments until going off to war. The subsequent pressure her mother had been under. Phanes’ threats; his increase of the interest rates; how Martialis had helped as best he could. She didn’t mention the attack on the moneylender — bringing Hanno into the equation was not something she wished to do — merely relating that of recent days Phanes had raised the monthly amounts so high that her mother had had to sell part of their farm. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said, putting a tremble into her voice. ‘I shouldn’t have told you. Mother and Father would be so angry with me if they knew.’