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Surprisingly, he kept at it for longer than I thought he would be able to and my body started to stir to life again. Gripping the sheets in my fists, I arched my back, helping him get deeper. I pushed off the bed so I could rise up onto my elbows, then sank a hand into his hair. Pulling his mouth to mine, I dropped back to the bed, making him follow me down. It was amazing having John's body pressed so firmly to mine as he continued to thrust, slowing due to the new position. Releasing his mouth, but not his hair, I looked into his eyes. "You feel so good, Master."

“Shit." John clenched his jaw as his entire body hardened. A few grunts and erratic thrusts let me know he’d finally found his own release. Each thigh flopped to either side as his weight pressed into me.

“You make me lose control," he murmured softly into my ear.

"Good." I smiled as my hand drifted lazily down his sweat-covered back. “I was beginning to think you could go all night.”

"Oh, Precious, we aren't done. I just need a breather." He pulled back and smiled down at me before slowly stepping back. Dropping to his knees between my thighs, his fingers plunged unexpectedly into me.

Rising onto my hands, I looked down at him in confusion. Surely he didn’t expect to start back up so soon.

"I'm making sure my seed doesn't escape. I told you, you are mine, and I want a part of me inside you as long as possible. Don't move," He demanded, back in full Dom mode. Stepping away from the bed, he grabbed something from the small dresser before returning. A large, cold object pressed against my opening.  "You will wear this until the next time I fill you."

The object slid into my body and then John fiddled with straps of some sort. When I realized what he was doing, I tried to pull back. "What are you doing? I can't wear this."

"What was that, Precious?" John cocked his head, his eyes blazing with anger.

"Wh...What is it?" I tried a different approach.

"It's a dildo... and a harness that'll lock it in place," John said as if it were normal. I felt like it was anything but.

"But..." I blinked rapidly, trying to comprehend what he was saying.

"Don't worry, Alix. I plan on fucking you again very soon, so you won't have to wear it for long. This time." John rubbed a thumb over my cheek before giving me a tender kiss. "I can't help it. I have to claim you."

Fighting my need to please him and the uncomfortable feeling of having an object that was going to be staying in my body, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I trusted John. He was my Dom. Finally, I swallowed hard before nodding and opening my eyes to look at him. “Whatever you’d like, Master.”

“Fuck, that’s hot.” John’s hand sank into my hair as he pulled me to him for a heated kiss. Sliding his tongue along mine, he groaned into my mouth. “I love having you without the blindfold.”

“I love not having the blindfold.” I smiled. While I’d been shocked the man I’d been calling my master was also the man I frequently masturbated to, it was almost a dream. I wanted him. He wanted me. That’s what was important. The fact we both apparently had the same kinks made everything so much better. We clicked in ways you couldn’t fabricate. They were simply there or they weren’t.

“Now, Precious, I think we have a punishment to take care of, yes?” John reached to either side to release my ankles from the restraints.

“I’m sorry, sir. I don’t know what you are referring to.” And I didn’t. The last day had been a blur more than anything since I unexpectedly discovered his identity.

“Let’s see.” Holding out a hand, he helped me to my feet before spinning me around and pressing against my back. “It was in your office.” A cool band enclosed my throat. The collar. “And you were being naughty. Does that help clear things up?”

I ducked my head — it did clear things up. He had caught me masturbating when I'd been explicitly told not to. He’d told me that he had a special punishment in mind for when I gave in to my addiction. I didn’t want to find out what it was, but I had indeed touched myself. It had been more out of a desire to upset him than the need for release it had once been. I doubted it would matter to him, though.

“Come,” John said as I felt the telltale tug from the front of my throat. The leash.

Clenching my jaw, I turned to follow him. To my surprise, he had pulled on a pair of black boxers, but left me completely nude. He led me out of the room without another word.

Although we had been into the big room where lots of couples played at once, it was completely different heading that way without a blindfold and with a dildo keeping his come inside me. My palms grew more damp with each step.

With only a few feet left in the hallway, John turned to me. He tugged my leash at the same time he stepped closer, making me bump against his bare chest.

“Breathe,” he whispered as a hand cupped my cheek. “There is no judging here. It is a community of like-minded individuals. No one will touch you except me. You ready?”

“Yes, sir.” I didn’t know if I really was, but I was going to do it because he would be the one leading me.

After dragging his thumb across my lower lip, he turned to enter the room.

Chapter 2


Finally getting inside Alix had been as fantastic as I’d dreamed about, but the absolute best part had been filling her with my release and then plugging her up. It was me that was in her. My come that filled the most intimate part of her, and it stayed there. I told her I would fuck her again, but I didn’t specify where.

I wanted to show her what her punishment was going to be. It wouldn’t be right away, but I would make her endure it when she was least expecting it. She would, however, get to watch as another experienced it so she could anticipate what it would be like. Anticipation always made it that much more fun for everyone involved.

Slightly tugging on the leash, I led her into the main room of Scene, the BDSM club where I kept the private room we had been in. I knew she was anxious, as it was the first time she would be there with me and without a blindfold, but she had seen it the first time she’d come with her friend. She would not be the only nude person in the room — part of the joy of being in an environment of like-minded people. It wasn’t unusual, it wasn’t weird or awkward. It was simply another person who enjoyed kink.

Without stopping or acknowledging anyone along the way, I walked straight to the back. It was a room that had been shut off during her first visit, so I paused and turned to look at her. While I wanted to shock her, I didn’t want it to be overwhelming. Her punishment had to be something she feared and didn’t want to ever suffer again, as it would be the only thing that would help her not give into her addiction again.

I knew she had most likely been attempting to get my attention, and she had certainly done that, but not in a good way. I’d given her rules for a reason and no matter her rationale for breaking them, a punishment would be given.

Cradling her cheek, I lowered my chin so I was looking directly into her eyes. "Watch closely, Precious. This is what your punishment will be. Not now. No, I want you to think about how she feels, wonder when I will make you get up there. Will it be later tonight? Will it be next week? Is it only going to be for ten minutes or an hour?" I stepped closer, putting my mouth to her ear. "What's it going to feel like being forced to have orgasm after orgasm and being absolutely helpless to stop it? Maybe I'll invite a crowd in to watch. Or will it be just you and me? Think about it, because it is going to happen. You owe it to me."

"Yes, sir." Alix lifted her chin showing me she wasn't going to back down, but would accept her punishment even though she wasn't entirely sure what it was.