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They flew south, rising high into the air where it was difficult to breathe once the sun came up. Brianna lay across Selix’s back and neck through the day. The air was cold and she was forced to hop from one dragon to the next so that they could warm themselves with fire as they flew. Brianna had no spare clothes, so she couldn’t let the flames wash over her and warm her like the others. By evening she was exhausted and aching with cold, but they were near the source of the magical voice.

The other dragons had sent her mental images of castle ruins on a hill, which they spotted just as the sun set. Brianna was leery, but she was too tired to resist. The pride was tired too. They had been flying for nearly 24 hours without rest or food. The smaller dragons were affected most. They didn’t eat as much as the larger dragons, so they needed to feed more often. They were circling the hill, which was near a wide river and a small village. Brianna was surprised to see that no one was moving about in the village. There were animals, but no signs of the villagers at all.

“Danger,” Brianna shouted, pushing the emotion out to the pride, who would be hard pressed to hear her words in mid-flight. “Beware.”

She sent them mental images of people moving around in a village, but she wasn’t sure they understood. They were searching for the source of the voice in their heads, which was calling for them to land in the castle ruins. The twins, Tig and Torc, landed first, stretching their wings and letting their heads droop a little.

There were cattle tied up in the center of the ruins. Cows, sheep, goats, and pigs, all crying out in terror at the approaching dragons. Images of eating the cattle popped into Brianna’s head. Ferno joined the twins, but Selix and Gyia were more cautious, even when the others began to feast on the defenseless animals. It only took a moment to recognize the trap, but for the three dragons in the castle ruins it was too late.

* * *

Offendorl had devised a simple yet devious plan. He had spent a full day stacking the huge slabs of stone back onto the sections of castle walls. The effort had been stupendous, but he was beginning to feel his strength returning. After nearly a month of desperation, he was growing strong again. The women at the inn were terrified of him, all except for the young woman who’s husband’s manhood Offendorl had ruined. She alone seemed happy to take care of the wizard’s every need. She made sure food and wine was always available and kept the other women working hard.

The inn had become a fortified palace, and Offendorl was the king. He spent most of his time in the large chair, which was covered with blankets and quilts. There were finely embroidered cushions as well as animal skins. The village had been searched, and Offendorl was now served all his meals on fine dishes and crystal goblets. Offendorl didn’t need gold or jewels, but he insisted that the women sew new garments from the best linen and silk in the village.

Then, Offendorl called to the other dragons. It was a simple technique, not unlike the way Brianna spoke to her pride, but Offendorl amplified his wishes, sweetening them with magic that made them almost irresistible to the dragons. They were drawn to magic and thrived whenever they were near it. So Offendorl had called, starting before dawn, sending images of himself as a kind wizard who only wanted to help them. He kept the crown he used to control Bartoom close at hand, and the women fed him throughout the day to keep his strength up. He knew he would need all his magical prowess if he were to defeat the pride of dragons.

Then, as the last light of day faded, the dragons arrived. Offendorl hurried to the large window of the inn and watched as the dragons circled the castle ruins. He waited as first the two smallest dragons landed, and then he enticed them to eat. A third dragon, a great green brute, landed next, but the other two seemed hesitant. Offendorl decided that two dragons were no match for Bartoom and his own power. He reached out with magic and pulled the loose stone slabs down. From the four corners of the castle ruins the heavy stones fell. They were large stones, easily several tons each. The dragons feasting on the cattle had no warning before the stones fell. Ferno launched itself up, trying to fly out of the trap, but the stones battered the hulking green dragon back down, knocking it senseless. Fortunately, the green dragon deflected most of the stones, saving the smaller dragons’ lives. One managed to escape without injury, but the other’s wing was broken. There were savage roars of anger that made the women in the inn cower, covering their ears, and several even began to cry. Offendorl laughed at their fear and misery, then placed the golden crown on his head and ordered Bartoom to attack.

* * *

Brianna watched in horror as the castle walls fell. Dust rose in a thick cloud but she didn’t wait for it to clear. Instead, she dove off of Selix’s back, rushing toward the hill like a cliff diver, disappearing into the dust cloud before she flipped and slowed her descent. The sound of rocks and stones sliding and bouncing filled her head with a cacophony of noise as she landed. Torc raced past her, roaring in fury, while Tig limped to her side. The small blue dragon’s left leg was gashed and its wing was broken, the leathery skin in tatters with shattered bone gouging through the flesh at an unnatural angle.

Brianna placed both of her hands on the injured dragon, sending magical fire into its body to begin the healing process. She was looking over at Ferno, who was still breathing but who was also covered in a mountain of broken stones. Then, only seconds after she had landed, fire lit the sky. Selix and Gyia were spewing fire, illuminating the massive form of Bartoom as the beast dove past the larger dragons, blowing through their fiery breath the way a child would splash through a fountain. Then it swooped, its talons outstretched, fire flooding from its open maw, and snatched Torc right out of the air. The smaller dragon was defenseless, held fast by Bartoom’s massive claws.

“No!” Brianna screamed, but Bartoom was already climbing back up into the sky.

Bartoom reached down with its long neck, sinking its teeth into Torc’s neck and then ripping. Brianna felt the life of the small dragon extinguish, the way a candle flame is snuffed between fingers. She felt her own heart break with grief as Bartoom dropped the body of the small dragon.

Selix and Gyia attacked from opposite sides, even as Tig roared in fury, billowing orange flame and black smoke into the sky. Bartoom swung its massive black tail at Gyia but then turned its full attention to Selix. The two dragons met in mid-air, their talons clawing at one another while their tails lashed and their jaws snapped. Bartoom was slightly larger and much stronger. The big black dragon’s scales were harder as well, making Selix work harder to inflict damage, but Bartoom’s wing was not fully healed and it struggled to get a dominant position.

Selix and Gyia were working together, so Selix didn’t try to injure Bartoom-merely distract it. Gyia had flown wide of Bartoom’s initial attack, easily dodging the black dragon’s tail, but now it dove back into the fray. The purple dragon hissed as it dropped heavily on Bartoom’s back. Talons ripped across scales that weren’t quite as strong as those on the rest of Bartoom’s body. It was the exact spot that Zollin had hit the dragon with his electrical magic blast. At the same time, Gyia’s jaws snapped shut on Bartoom’s injured wing.

Bartoom arched its back and roared in pain. Selix flew back, letting the two entwined dragons fall past, then dove back down, intending to strike again, but a bolt of lightning shot down behind the golden dragon. Only Selix’s dive had saved it from being killed by the lightning bolt that Offendorl had conjured, but Selix was close enough to feel the shock as the bolt skimmed its tail. Then the clap of thunder startled everyone.