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Chapter 29

Tig had scouted far ahead of the pride. The small blue dragon flew high and fast, racing above the clouds and basking in the bright sunlight. One of the things the little dragon loved was the feeling of the sunlight on its back, and also reflecting off the clouds below to shine on it’s stomach at the same time. But the clouds were few and far between now, and although Tig would have loved to forget everything else but the feel of sunlight on its scales, it knew that it had a job to complete.

Tig saw the army surround the great city. It took several moments of awe-filled wonder, gazing down at the Grand City, before it felt that it had seen enough. The small dragon had seen large towns and small villages. The dragon understood the need for shelter and sometimes missed the security of the lair high in the northern highlands that it had shared with the pride. So, houses and buildings made sense to the dragon-but it had never seen anything like the massive capital of Osla. It was like a giant hive of mismatched buildings and walls, and the sheer number of humans was staggering.

Tig took in the sight, then turned back and raced toward Brianna and the pride. They were half an hour from the city when Tig returned, sharing mental images of the city from memory. For Brianna, it was almost as if she had seen what Tig had seen.

They had landed to rest and allow Brianna to share Tig’s report. Zollin could communicate with Ferno, but only Brianna could communicate with all the dragons-at least until they began vocalizing words. Speaking was difficult for dragons, and Brianna didn’t push her pride to use words. Ferno was the first to try, saying simple words or phrases, usually to emphasize the mental communication the dragons relied on.

“The city is besieged,” Brianna told Zollin, the dragons crowding close to the two humans. “It looks as though King Zorlan has surrounded the city, but there are soldiers on the walls. None of Zorlan’s troops are engaging.”

“Well, that may give us some time,” Zollin said.

“What exactly is our plan?”

“I’m not sure. I mean, we need to stop Offendorl, that’s our highest priority. As long as he lives we will never have peace. But we also need to deal with the witch. We may be the only ones who can.”

“Okay, so if the witch is in the tower of the Torr, perhaps we should just fly there directly.”

“And just let King Zorlan conquer Osla?” Zollin asked.

“Is that really our responsibility? I mean, we have enough on our plate with two wizards and a dragon, don’t you think?”

“Yes, I guess you’re right. But if we could find a way to thwart King Zorlan’s plans, it would go a long way to restoring peace to the Five Kingdoms.”

“Well, we still have no idea where Offendorl is. So, if we can stop Zorlan, we will, but let’s stay focused on the goal at hand.”

“Okay, so we’re flying to the Torr. I think you and the dragons should stay in the air while I go in. I have no idea what I’m going to find there and I’d rather you cover my back.”

“But what if the witch casts her spell on you?”

“I think I can deflect any magic she uses on me,” Zollin explained.

“But what if her spell isn’t like the others?” Brianna argued. “What if just seeing her forces you into her service, like Prince Wilam said?”

“Okay, you go in with me. I’ll protect you with my magic and watch your back. Ferno and Selix will have to remain outside though. They’re too big to be of help inside the tower.”

Ferno growled menacingly but didn’t object outright.

“Tig wants to help,” Brianna said. “I think Tig might even fit through the windows.”

“That’s a good idea. We’ll make that call when we get there,” Zollin said to Tig. “For now, let’s get a little closer. I want to see exactly what we’re dealing with, and it doesn’t seem like we’re in a hurry.

They took flight again and circled the city from so far away that it was just an indistinct blur to Zollin. The dragons and Brianna could see much further. And it was only moments before they spotted Bartoom approaching the Grand City.

Ferno began sharing mental images with Zollin of the city and the massive black dragon. Ferno’s body shook with rage at the sight of the black dragon, but Zollin did his best to calm the beast he was riding on. He made a few quick decisions and shared his thoughts with Ferno, who passed the makeshift plan to the others. They moved slowly at first, watching to see what Bartoom would do.

Zollin was sure the black dragon’s presence indicated that Offendorl was in the city. When they saw Bartoom attacking the soldiers on the city walls, Zollin deduced that Offendorl wasn’t in charge. He decided that Gwendolyn must still be in control, and Zollin figured that his best approach would be on the ground but inside the city walls. He could levitate himself quickly around the city if he needed to, but the pride would have to deal with Bartoom and that meant that Zollin would need to confront Offendorl as quickly as possible.

Then, Tig noticed the soldiers moving out to attack the main gate. Zollin could not see the soldiers on the ground yet, but the city was becoming clearer. He told Ferno to drop him and Brianna on top of the massive gatehouse. The dragons sped up, racing across the open ground. Zollin’s eyes stung from the wind, but he forced them to stay open. He could see the scaling ladders going up and the troops with their big shields slowly ascending. Then he jumped off Ferno’s back. Falling through the air was terrifying and he quickly controlled his fall with the magic that was churning excitedly inside him.

Brianna flipped and tumbled through the air just above Zollin. When they landed on the gatehouse, that section of the city walls was nearly deserted. The soldiers had either been killed or fled in fear. Zollin used his magic to break the scaling ladders. The soldiers fell hard and were carried back from the wall by their comrades. Zollin didn’t have time to concern himself with the second wave of soldiers King Zorlan sent to attack the gate-he and Brianna were watching as Selix soared high into the air while Tig shot forward and ripped at Bartoom’s wing with the smaller dragon’s needle-like talons. Zollin was waiting for Offendorl to reveal himself, but nothing happened. Bartoom was just turning to confront Tig, who had already raced away, when Ferno crashed into Bartoom.

Zollin could feel the rage pouring off of Ferno, but the bulky green dragon didn’t fully engage in the fight. Both dragons were snapping at one another with their razor sharp teeth, but only Bartoom was flapping its wings and scratching with its talons. Ferno just held the bigger, black dragon, using its own weight to drag Bartoom down. They fell, and the descent took several tense seconds as Zollin and Brianna looked on. They were terrified for the green dragon, but Zollin used his magic to flip Bartoom onto the bottom just before they crashed.

Three stone buildings were destroyed, and when the dust cleared Zollin could see the two dragons fighting for their lives. Ferno was strong, but the green dragon’s scales weren’t as hardened as Bartoom’s. Fire and smoke billowed as the dragons fought. More buildings were knocked down, the entire area was littered with rubble, and anything combustible was burning.

Brianna sent an idea to Selix, who dove immediately. Bartoom’s back was still vulnerable from the dragon battle at Castlebury. Selix raced down, flaring its golden wings at the last second and extending talons like an eagle diving for salmon. Selix’s talons sank into Bartoom’s back and then ripped free, sending blood cascading through the air. Bartoom’s roar of pain and rage shook the entire city. Soldiers stood dumbfounded, watching the battle between the dragons.

“Now’s our chance,” Zollin said to Brianna. “Let’s get to the tower.”

He flung Brianna high into the air with his magic before levitating himself toward the massive stone tower. Brianna flipped and bounced along, almost as if she were dancing through the air. Zollin saw Tig racing toward them too.