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EMCON — Emissions Control

ESM — Electronic Support Measures

Fire Scout — popular name of MQ-8C unmanned helicopter

Flanker — NATO code name for Su-27 series aircraft, to include the Su-30

FLIR — Forward Looking Infra-Red pod that detects heat contrasts

Fox — radio call associated with firing of air-to-air missile with type; “Fox-2” = Sidewinder

Fragged — as planned or previously assigned; “Proceed as fragged”

g — the force of gravity; “4 g’s” is four times the force of gravity

GCI — Ground Controlled Intercept

GPS — Global Positioning System

Greyhound — popular name for C-2 Carrier On-board Delivery aircraft, also known as the “COD”

Growler — popular name of EA-18G Airborne Electronic Attack aircraft, a Super Hornet variant

Gunner — squadron ordnance officer; typically a Chief Warrant Officer specially trained in weapons handling and loading

Hawkeye — popular name for E-2C Airborne Early Warning aircraft, also known as the Hummer

Hellfire — popular name for AGM-114 air-to-surface missile

Helo — helicopter

Hornetpopular name for FA-18C Strike Fighter.

HSC — Helicopter Combat Support Squadron flying MH-60S

HSM — Helicopter Maritime-Strike Squadron flying MH-60R

HUD — Head-Up Display; glass display in front of FA-18 pilot that depicts aircraft and weapons delivery information

ICS — Inter Cockpit Communication System

INDOPACOM U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, Camp Smith, HI

IR — Infra-Red

ISR — Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance

JASSM-ER — Joint Air-To-Surface Standoff Missile — Extended Range

J-10 — Indigenous Chinese-built fighter; aka Vigorous Dragon

J-11 — Chinese-built variant of Russian Su-27 Flanker

JO — Junior Officer — lieutenant (O-3) and below

JSF — Joint Strike Fighter; F-35 Lightning II

Knot — nautical mile per hour; one nautical mile is 2,000 yards or 6,000 feet

LCS — Littoral Combat Ship

LEX — Leading Edge Extension; narrow part of FA-18 wing leading to the nose of the aircraft

LSO — Landing Signal Officer, also known as “Paddles”

LRASM — Long Range Anti-Ship Missile

MALD — Miniature Air-Launched Decoy

MANPAD — Man Portable Air Defense System. (“Hand-held” SAM)

Nugget — first cruise pilot

NVGs — Night Vision Goggles

PIM — Position of Intended Movement

PLA — People’s Liberation Army; (N)-Navy, (AF)-Air Force

PLAT — Pilot Landing Aid Television; closed circuit video picture of flight deck operations

Plug — take fuel from airborne tanker

Poseidon — popular name for P-8 Maritime Patrol Aircraft

PRC — People’s Republic of China

Rhino — slang name for FA-18E/F Super Hornet

ROE — Rules of Engagement

Romeo — slang name for MH-60R Seahawk

RTB — Return to Base

SAM — Surface-to-air missile

SAR — Search and Rescue (CSAR is Combat Search and Rescue)

SATCOM — Satellite Communications

SCS — South China Sea

Seahawk — popular name for MH-60 series multi-mission helicopter

Seventh Fleet — U.S. Navy numbered fleet responsible for Western Pacific

Sidewinder — popular name for AIM-9 infrared heat seeking air-to-air missile

Sierra — slang name for MH-60S Seahawk

SLAM-ER — Standoff Land Attack Missile — Expanded Response

Super Hornet — popular name for upgraded FA-18E/F single seat or two-place Strike Fighter with increased range and payload; also known as “Rhino”

Tomahawk — Surface and subsurface-launched land-attack cruise missile, aka TLAM

Trap — arrested landing

Triton — Popular name for MQ-4 unmanned surveillance aircraft

UAV — Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

UCAV — Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle

VAQ — Fixed Wing Electronic Attack squadron

VAW — Fixed Wing Early Warning squadron

VFA — Fixed Wing Fighter Attack squadron

VID — visual identification

VLS — Vertical Launch System; missile launchers found on cruisers and destroyers

VMFA — Marine Corps Fixed Wing Fighter Attack Squadron

Winchester — out of ordnance

WESTPAC — Western Pacific

WSO — Weapons Systems Officer

XO — Executive Officer

CVW-15 “Wolfpack” call letters NL “November Lima”

VFA-152 Gun Fighters (100) “Sniper” FA-18E RR 7

VFA-26 Mustangs (200) “Bronco” FA-18F RR 5

VMFA-335 Panthers (300) “Panther” FA-18C RR 8

VFA-156 Sharks (400) “Shark” FA-18E RR 6

VAQ-143 War Horses (500) “Montana” EA-18G RR 1

VAW-118 Sentinels (600) “Lookout” E-2D RR 2

HSC-19 Vindicators (610) “Powerhouse” MH-60S RR 4

HSM-76 Pouncers (700) “Magic” MH-60R RR 3


Part I

Ta ta, tan tan; tan tan, ta ta.

(Fight fight, talk talk; talk talk, fight fight)

— Mao Zedong


Waters west of Scarborough Shoal, South China Sea, November, 2018

Liao Chang stepped to the starboard side of the pilothouse and peered through the binoculars. There they are, he thought. A smile formed on his lips, and his body shivered from excitement.

Today was the day.

Finally, exactly 1,400 years since the time of Tang Dynasty, and after more than 100 years of foreign humiliation, China — under the Red Banner of the People’s Republic — was going to once again exert control over what belonged to it. Beginning today, and in these waters, the Han people, weak no longer, would unify all under heaven and return order to her ancient seas. Liao smiled again when he thought of the military history books that would have his name written alongside the names of Sun Tzu, Admiral Zheng He, and Chairman Mao himself.