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“Speaking of fair share”—she grins—“I’m signing over 50% of all Dominick’s assets to you.”

What the fuck? “Raven, no. I don’t want that—”

“Too bad.” She shakes her head. “You share his blood; you share his burden.”

“Keep it for Raven’s Nest.”

“We have enough to keep Raven’s Nest funded for the next thousand years. Now it’s your turn. Do your part to break his legacy and use his money to do it.”

Yeah, that’s what I’ll do. There’re group homes that are overflowing with kids who’re too old to be adopted, children who’ve been abused who need counseling, so much need and not enough people trying to eradicate it. I could use that money to help, do what I can to ensure that a child doesn’t suffer the way I did.

“Okay, I’ll do it.”

She smiles. “Great. Now let’s go tell that brother-in-law of yours that he’s finally getting the little brother he’s always wanted.”

We thank the lab tech and move back to the waiting room. Before opening the door, we take a collective breath.

Jonah, Milena, and Gia are all standing up, anxious for the results.

“Well?” Jonah’s eyes move back and forth between us.

My eyes move to Gia, the girl who dropped into my life, ripped me to shreds, and then put me back together to be better, stronger. “You were right.”

Jonah claps his hands. “Fuck yeah!” He rushes me and Raven, pulls her into a hug and gives me a fist bump. “Welcome to the family, brother!”

Gia, gray eyes shining, her red hair falling in soft wisps around her face, watches me cross to her. I sift my fingers through her hair, tucking it behind her ear, and run my lips across hers. “You fought for me from the beginning; even when they all said you were crazy, you fought.”

“And you fought for me.” Tears pool in her eyes, spilling over her lower lids. “I’d be dead if it weren’t for you.”

Unable to stand the space between us for another second, I pull her into my arms, and she does the same, wrapping me up so tight it’s hard to breathe.

“This is good news, Rex. It means answers and family.” She tilts her head back to look at me. “It’s a start to healing.”

I grin and kiss her head, soaking in her words of encouragement, forever grateful for the woman in my arms. “I love you, Gia.”

“I love you too, Rex.”


Who knows what life will bring.

Circumstances aren’t what they seem.

We’ll grasp and hoard the good we get.

As for me, I remember you, but the rest I’ll fight to forget.



It’s my first Monday back in Vegas. I have a full week ahead of me and too many things on my to-do list, which includes stopping by The Blackout to beg for my job back.

Rex thinks I should take more time off to recover and says he’s happy to cover me financially, but since I was released from Ridley I’ve been on my own and I like it that way. In the past, trusting someone to take care of me has been a big fat fail. As much as I love Rex, I need to know that I can pay my own way.

This discussion is what brought us to my number-one thing on my to-do list: therapy.

Rex rubs my leg to get it to stop jumping. “Don’t be nervous. Darren’s a good guy.”

“Mm-hm.” I’m sure he is. “Forgive me, but psycho-therapists and I don’t have the best history.” I glare at the speaker on the bookshelf across the room. “What is that music? It’s creepy. You think if I shatter that speaker there Darren will have me recommitted?” I smile at my little joke and turn to Rex.

His jaw is hard, muscle jumping in his cheek. “If anyone, and I mean anyone, tries to take you away, they’ll have to kill me first.”

My smile grows. I’ll never get used to how protective he is. Ever since I woke up in a Denver hospital, he’s barely let me do anything by myself. That’s another reason why I have to work. I like that he wants to take care of me, but I’m not crippled, at least, not physically.

Mentally, I’m not the same as I was before I left Vegas. Rex doesn’t talk about it, but I see it in the way he looks at me, as if he’s waiting for something more. He’s not the only one who misses the old me. I also miss the girl I used to be, and I do feel her coming back slowly. Too slowly. Resurrection is work for the divine, not the broken.

I gaze into the eyes of the man who’s as much a part of me as Gia, Mac, and Annie. He’s the commonality that brings them all together, the missing piece that binds them. The missing peace. I found it, and for the first time in as far as I can remember, my life isn’t only about revenge.

It’s about me.

And Rex.


The door to a small office opens and a woman and her son walk out hand in hand. My eyes follow the little boy clinging to his mother. That’s about how old Rex was when we met. It took us fourteen years to get where we are, and there’s still so much work to do, but doing it together is all that matters.

“We’ll see you next week.” The man saying goodbye must be Darren.

He’s younger than I thought he’d be. His gaze swings to us, and his face lights with a stunning smile. “Wow.” He shakes his head, his hand covering his mouth.

Rex takes my hand and stands. I follow and he leads me to Darren. His blond hair is longer than I expected with a few gray streaks that are barely noticeable against his light hair. He looks at me through his glasses, and there’s so much kindness in his hazel eyes, so different from what I’m used to.

“Darren.” Rex pulls me in front of him, but places his hands on my shoulders. The heat of his front warms my back and I feel safe. “This is my Gia.”

My Gia. Warmth fills my chest, chasing away my unease.

“Just . . . wow.” Darren holds out his hand. “It’s an honor to finally meet you.”

I reach out and grab his hand. “It’s an honor to meet you as well.”

Rex squeezes my shoulders, and I can’t hide my smile at his show of approval.

Darren motions for us to follow him into his office. We go to a small love seat and squeeze in together. Rex takes my hand, always keeping constant contact. Could I love him anymore than I do? I’d have thought no, and yet my affection for him grows every day.


His eyes set on mine. “Yes?”

“I don’t know how much Rex’s told you about my past, but—”

“He’s told me all he knows, Gia. And I know you don’t believe this now, but you’re safe here. Rex has agreed to stay with you through therapy for as long as you need him, as long as it takes for you to trust me.”

I exhale and force my shoulders to relax. “Thank you.”

He nods and smiles so sweetly that I can see how Rex came to care so deeply for the man.

His eyes move between us. “You know this isn’t very professional of me to say, but I’ve known Rex for a very long time, so I’m going to say it.” He leans in, elbows on his thighs. “With your history, both the shared experiences and the traumatic events that followed, statistically you guys don’t have a chance at a healthy relationship.”

My stomach lurches and my muscles get tight, but I notice Rex is still relaxed.

“But looking at you now, the obstacles you’ve overcome to get where you are today? Your love makes a believer out of the worst cynic.”

Rex’s hand convulses around mine. “I couldn’t agree more. Now will you tell my girl she shouldn’t go back to work yet?”

My mouth hangs open, and Darren tries unsuccessfully to stifle a laugh.