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"Then you are persisting in the slander. You're saying that you intend to identify one of the people there Wednesday evening as a murderer."

"Only to my satisfaction, for my private purpose. Perhaps my explanation has lost something on its way to you through Mr Purcell and Mrs Vail. No. I'm wrong. I explained fully to Mr Tedder, but not to Mr Purcell. Having deduced that Mr Vail was murdered, I made two assumptions: that the murder was consequent to the kidnaping and therefore the murderer had been involved in the kidnaping, and that he or she knows who has the money and where it is or might be. So I needed to identify him and I had to see all of you. I had seen Mrs Vail. I intend to find that money."

Frost was shaking his head, his lips compressed. "It's hard to believe. I know your reputation, but this is incredible. You wanted to see me so that, by looking at me and hearing me, you could decide if I was a kidnaper and a murderer? Preposterous!"

"It does seem a little overweening," Wolfe conceded, "but I didn't rely solely on my acumen." He turned. "Archie, bring Saul."

That shows you his opinion of Saul. Not "Archie, see if Saul is around." Frost was Saul's subject, so, since Frost was here, Saul was in the neighbourhood. Of course it was my opinion too. I went to the front door and out to the stoop, descended two steps, stood, and beckoned to Manhattan, that part of it north of 35th Street. A passer-by turned his head to see who I was inviting, saw no one, and went on. I was expecting Saul to appear from behind one of the parked cars across the street, and I didn't see him until he was out of an areaway and on the sidewalk, on this side, thirty paces toward Tenth Avenue. He had figured that Frost would head west to get an uptown taxi, and undoubtedly he would. Reaching me, he asked, "Was I spotted?"

"You know damn well you weren't spotted. You're wanted. We need you for four-handed pinochle."

He came on up, and we entered and went to the office, Saul in front. Sticking his cap in his pocket, he crossed to Wolfe's desk with no glance at Frost and said, "Yes, sir?"

Wolfe turned to Frost. "This is Mr Saul Panzer. He has been making inquiries about you since yesterday morning." Back to Sauclass="underline" "Have you anything to add to your report on the phone last evening?"

Presumably after I had left to go to Mrs Vail. Saul said, "Only one item, from a source I saw after I phoned. Last fall he bought a one-third interest in a new twelve-story apartment house on Eighty-third Street and Park Avenue."

"Briefly, some of the items you reported yesterday."

"He's a senior member of the firm of McDowell, Frost, Hovey, and Ulrich, One-twenty Broadway. Twenty-two names on the letterhead. He was co-chairman of the Committee of New York Lawyers for Nixon. Two years ago he gave his son a house in East Sixty-eighth Street for a wedding present. He's a director in at least twenty corporations-I don't think the list I got is complete. He was Harold F. Tedder's counsel for more than ten years. He has a house on Long Island, near Great Neck, thirty rooms and eleven acres. In nineteen fifty-four President Eisenhower-"

"That's enough." Wolfe turned. "As you see, Mr Frost, I realize that my perspicacity is not infallible. Of course some of Mr Panzer's items invite further inquiry-for example, is the estate on Long Island unencumbered? Is there a mortgage?"

Frost was no longer frosty; he was too near boiling. "This is unbelievable," he declared. He was close to sputtering. "You have actually paid this man to collect a dossier on me? To examine the possibility that I'm a kidnaper and murderer? Me?"

Wolfe nodded. "Certainly. You're a lawyer with wide experience; you know I could exclude no one who was there. Mr Panzer is discreet and extremely competent; I'm sure he-"

The doorbell rang. I got up and went to the hall for a look, returned to my desk, scribbled "Cramer" on the scratch pad, tore off the sheet, and handed it to Wolfe. He glanced at it, closed his eyes, opened them in three seconds, and turned to Frost.

"Inspector Cramer of the police is at the door. If you would prefer not to-"

Frost's wires snapped. He jerked forward, his eyes blazing. "Damn you! Damn you! You phoned him!"

"I did not," Wolfe snapped. "He is uninvited and unexpected. I don't know why he's here. He deals only with death by violence. If he has heard of my conclusion that Mr Vail was murdered, I don't know when or from whom. Not from Mr Goodwin or me." The doorbell rang. "Do you want him to know you are here?"

"You're a liar! You're to blame-"

"Enough!" Wolfe hit the desk. "The situation is precisely as I have described it. Archie, admit Mr Cramer. Do you want him to see you or not? Yes or no."

"No," Frost said, and left the chair. Wolfe told Saul to take him to the front room, and when Saul had gone to the connecting door and opened it, and Frost was moving, I went to admit the law. From the expression on Cramer's face I expected him to march on by to the office, but when I turned after shutting the door, he was there facing me.

"What were you doing with Noel Tedder last night?" he demanded.

"Don't snap my head off," I said. "I'd rather tell you before a witness. Mr Wolfe will do." I walked to the office, entered, and told Wolfe, "He wants to know what I was doing with Noel Tedder last night. He didn't say please."

Cramer was at my elbow. "The day I say please to you," he growled, and went to the red leather chair, sat, and put his hat on the stand.

"I suppose," Wolfe said, "it's futile to complain. You have been a policeman so long, and have asked so many people so many impertinent questions, and so frequently have got answers to them, that it has become spontaneous. Have you any ground at all for expecting Mr Goodwin to answer that one?"

"We might arrange a deal," I suggested. "I'll ask an impertinent question. Why have you got a tail on Noel Tedder if Jimmy Vail's death was an accident?"

"We haven't got a tail on him."

"Then how did you know he was with me?"

"A detective happened to see you with him on the street and followed you." Cramer turned to Wolfe. "Day before yesterday you refused to tell me where you and Goodwin had been for twenty-four hours. You said you had no further commitment to Mrs Vail and you had no client. You repeated that in your signed statement. You did not repeat it to Draper of the FBI when he asked you last night. Your answer was evasive. That's not like you. I have never known you to hedge on a lie. Now this, Goodwin with Noel Tedder. You're not going to tell me that was just social. Are you?"




"Then what was it?"

Wolfe shook his head. "You have a right to expect answers only to questions that are relevant to a crime. What crime are you investigating?"

"That's typical. That's you. I'm investigating the possibility that Jimmy Vail didn't die by accident."

"Then you aren't satisfied that he did."

"Satisfied, no. The District Attorney may be, I don't know, you can ask him. I say I have a right to expect Goodwin to answer that question. Or you."

Wolfe tilted his chair back, then his head, pursed his lips, and examined the ceiling. Cramer took a cigar from a pocket, rolled it between his palms, which was silly with a cigar that wasn't going to be lit, held it at an angle with his thumb and forefinger, frowning at it, and returned it to his pocket. Evidently he had asked it an impertinent question and it had refused to answer. Wolfe let his chair come forward and said, "The paper, Archie." I went to the safe and got it from the shelf and took it to him. He put it on his desk pad and turned to Cramer.

"I think you have the notion that I have withheld information from you on various occasions just to be contrary. I haven't. I have reserved details only when I wanted them, at least temporarily, for my exclusive use, or when you have been excessively offensive. Today you have been reasonably civil, though of course not affable; imparting it will not make it less useful to me; and if it furthers your investigation, though I confess I don't see how it can, it will serve a double purpose." He picked up the paper. "I'll read it. I won't hand it to you because you would probably say it may be needed as evidence, which would be absurd, and pocket it."