Then the woman spoke: "Leonard Land is a seven-foot-tall, twenty-seven-year-old, fat, bald man who is pitiful and cowardly," she began.
The words devastated him. Shirley had always screamed words like that at him.
"I will not be pitied," he screamed back at the bitch on TV.
"My profile shows him to be sexually inadequate. He believes he is the Anti-Christ or something approaching it… maybe even a disciple of the Devil."
As she spoke, The Wind Minstrel fought to hold down a rising tide of emotions.
"So, Dr. Dawson, you say he's fixated on his mother, who tortured him. What would she have done or said to him to produce this kind of horrible psychosis all these years later?" Trisha asked, providing Karen with her transition.
"I can only approximate these thoughts, but she might have said…" Karen turned to the camera and looked directly into the lens. She switched to the first person, using all she had learned about Leonard and his foster mother. She talked to him directly, as she hoped Shirley might have: "Leonard, you are ugly! Pitiful, filthy, foul! You are the Anti-Christ! Fire is all that will cleanse you. You will burn in agony in God's Apocalypse."
In the barge, the words hit The Wind Minstrel like a fist. He screamed in anguish, "Bitch! You've come back!" The Wind Minstrel was standing now. His long, fat legs rubbed together at the thighs as he began pacing. He no longer felt the pain on his nipples and skin. His mind was consumed with anger and distress. If this wasn't Shirley, then it was Shirley's ghost, or it was Shirley in the body of a whore cunt who looked and sounded just like her.
"God will strike you down!" Karen continued angrily.
The Wind Minstrel shrieked again in anger as he threw himself into the rusting walls, slamming his head against the steel bulkhead to get the painful sound of her voice out of his ears.
"I am the god of fuck and mutilation. You cannot punish me. You cannot burn me with Trinity candles. You are my victim!" he yelled. And then he paced in the small room, trying not to look at the Shirley person on the TV. He paced in a frenzy, trying to get his mind to focus on his plight.
"God rules the sunshine. But The Wind Minstrel rules the night," he whispered.
When the newscast was complete, Trisha packed up her equipment. They stood in the parking lot for a long moment.
"Thanks," Karen finally said.
"You're baiting this sicko. I wouldn't be you for nothing."
Then, after Trisha got into her car and followed the remote truck out of the lot, Karen went up to the Ramada Inn. Two of the off-duty police were now positioned in adjoining rooms. The connecting doors to her room were unlocked, so they could get in fast. The other two policemen were outside in the stairwell. She turned out the light and, still dressed, stretched out on her bed and waited. At midnight, she called Malavida. He had seen the TV newscast.
"I thought you said you weren't going to do anything stupid," he said.
"Look, Mal, I'm covered. I have cops all around."
"This guy isn't going to hit you where you think, Karen." "You're wrong. He's gonna come at me like he came at Claire.. sloppy, no planning, no organization."
"You think that your profile lets you get inside his head. That's ego, Karen; ego can get you killed. You can't predict him."
"Did you take your temperature?"
"Don't change the subject," Mal answered.
By 4:30 in the morning, she had begun to lose some hope. It was now Sunday. She wondered what Sunday meant to The Rat. According to followers of the New Testament, Sunday was the day of rest. Seventh Day Adventists observed the Sabbath on Saturday… but Leslie Bowers had been killed on a Saturday… Sunday was the day The Rat talked to his friend in Oslo. What did that mean? Although Leonard Land killed Claire on a Sunday, Karen wondered if the "personality" that had dismembered Candice Wilcox would also kill on a Sunday. She was positive The Rat was nocturnal. Once the sun was up, he would be dormant. She wondered if she had misjudged him.
And then the phone rang.
Chapter 35
"Is this Ms. Dawson?" Her voice was*tinny, she was whispering. In the background, Karen could hear her Death Metal music screaming. "Yes," she answered. "Who's this?"
"It's Tashay… Roberts. You met me with Bob Shiff, only he don't like me to call him Bob anymore."
"Hi," Karen said. "How are you doing?"
"That Lockwood guy, he really got fucked up big in Washington. They say on the news he ain't never comin' back from the bird farm." "But we can hope."
"First I was expecting him to call. I handed him a note that night with my number, but then I heard on the TV that he was in Washington and that he got… Wait a minute," and her hand was cupped over the receiver. Karen could hear a muffled man's voice and then Tashay was back on the phone. "Sorry, that fuckin' guy won't leave me alone. I'm backstage, we just finished a concert. Satan roared tonight. Cold-blooded shit… really out there."
"That's nice," Karen said, sitting up. "You had something you wanted to tell me…?"
"I seen this guy you're lookin' for. He was here, backstage, tonight. He's been to see Baby Killer a buncha times. A big son of a bitch… no hair, really looks broke to the curb. Ugly fucker."
"Is he there now?"
"He left. See, thing is, if I'm gonna help you, Satan's gonna be maximum pissed. He don't like cops. He told me not to call… If I roll on him, it's like a major L-12."
"L-12?" Karen asked. Tashay sounded ripped.
"It's like loco times twelve."
"What do you want?" Karen asked.
"Two things. First, it's just gotta be you and me. We gotta meet someplace where the T. Bone won't see us. And you gotta bring a thousand dollars."
"And what does that buy me?"
"It buys you this big, ugly prick's address. He gave Satan his address 'cause he wanted an autographed picture. Can you believe it? An autographed picture. We don't have band shots, but Satan took his address anyway… and I copied it down."
"Where do you want to meet?"
"I don't care. I just don't want nobody to see us. And if there's any cops around, you can twist a braid, sugar, 'cause I ain't gonna say shit to the cops… If Satan finds out I done that, my thing with him goes orbital."
"How about we meet here, at the Ramada Inn?"
"You kiddin'… where you did the TV thing? Check that. How 'bout Satan's house tomorrow morning. He ain't gonna be awake. He sleeps till almost four in the afternoon."
"Now you're kidding," Karen said. She searched her memory for a good place, some place public but where people wouldn't pay much attention. Then she remembered the park where they'd all gone after the Loomis Theater. "How about that park on Biscayne Bay," she said, "the one we went to."
"Bayfront Park… okay. What time?"
"Nine A. M.," Karen said.
"Shit, honey, I don't get up till two. I'm in the music biz." "Now you're in the information biz. I'll have cash. Be there at nine, if you want it."
Tashay sighed loudly; then she was talking to somebody else. "… the fuck you lookin' at, Martin?" Her hand went back over the receiver and Karen heard a loud muffled conversation. Then Tashay was back on the phone. "That asshole's been suckin' my flava all week."
"Nine A. M.," Karen said firmly.
"Okay, nine. But bring the grand in cash." And she hung up.
Karen decided not to tell Fred T. Fred yet. She had two reasons: First, she didn't think she could control Fred. He'd want to play it his way, and that might spook Tashay into clamming up. Second, Tashay wasn't very smart, but she was shrewd. She probably would be very careful before she gave up The Rat's new address. Karen was sure she could handle it.