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“You know how the field works?”

“I will soon enough.”

Rebona Myking turned her profile to the orange and green sunset forming above the jagged line of the Firefly Mountains. “So your pancreas is safe for another year.”

“Once I have the money to make my payment.”

“Then you’ll be leaving soon.”

“It’ll take a while to get the trust established and to complete the transfers of title and sign the license agreement. I can’t leave until the off-planet funds are confirmed and my fee paid so that I can buy fuel and provisions. You know how slowly things work on New Sonora.”

“Yes.” She turned away even further so that now all I saw was the back of her head. Was she thinking of the petalhead husband whom she hadn’t seen in nine months?

“So you’ll be here for at least a couple of weeks then,” she said in a small voice.

“Yes. In the meantime, that’s an awfully pretty sunset getting started over there. How about getting this butterfly away from this blossom and flying on over for a closer look? Then maybe we could go back to the ship and open a bottle of real wine. I’ve got one I’ve been saving for a special occasion.” I reached out and tentatively took her hand.

Rebona squeezed my fingers firmly.

“I thought you’d never ask.”