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“You were a sorority girl?” I asked in disbelief.

“Of course.” She laughed. “Sigma Kappa Epsilon. Why let me guess you were a Delta girl.”

“No I was never in a sorority.” I sighed. “I was so much younger than everyone else.”

“Oh? That must have been hard?” She said sympathetically.

“At times.” I admitted. “So tell me about the night you were introduced to Jose? Did you make a pass at someone too?”

“I wish.” She blushed at the memory. “No I climbed up on the roof of the Kappa house took off all of my clothes and sang several chorus’ of ‘Don’t Cry For Me Argentina’. After they managed to get me down before campus security arrived I spent the rest of the evening worshiping the porcelain god. So you see you are ahead of the game. You managed to keep most of your clothing on, you have not sung any show tunes and you haven’t thrown up.”


“Well if you feel a song coming on or the bed starts to spin, just give me a shout. Good night Stephanie.” Allison said gently mussing my hair once again.

“Good night Allison and thank you.”

“Anytime.” She smiled as she stood to leave. As she turned away she instantly crashed onto the floor. “Damn it!”

“Are you all right?” I called out as I jumped from the bed and fumbled around the nightstand to find the light switch. The sudden brightness was startling. But not as startling as the sight of Allison sprawled across the floor with her pants around her ankles holding her knee wincing in pain. “Allison?”

“I’m fine.” She groaned. “I tripped over my pants. I completely fought that they were down.”

I couldn’t help myself as I burst out in laughter. She giggled in response then moaned in pain. “My God she is hurt!” Instant sobriety kicked in as I rushed to her side. I wrapped my arms around her and assisted the taller woman up onto the bed. “Ouch.” She cried. “I am such a klutz. I am always doing this.” I raised my eyebrows questioning. “Let’s just say that my middle name isn’t Grace.”

“This doesn’t look good Allison.” I explained as I examined her swollen knee. “We need to elevate this. Why don’t you put on something more comfortable. I will get some ice.”

“I’m fine.” She protested.

“Right.” I admonished her brave attempts. “Do you need help getting changed.” She shook her head no. “Good then get changed and lay down I will be right back.” I commanded as I stormed out the bedroom and made my way into the kitchen. I fumbled around in the darkness until I finally discovered the kitchen. When I flipped on the light I gasped at the sight before me. It was enormous and fully equipped with everything. I would love to cook in here. I noticed that it was also spotless. I could not believe it after seeing what she had done to her office. Deep down Allison Kendell was a neat freak. It was when I opened the refrigerator that I discovered her true secret to keeping her kitchen in such a pristine condition. The interior was packed with carton after carton of every variety of take out food. It seemed that Allison’s version of cooking required the use of a telephone. Shaking my head in disgust I closed the door and opened the freezer to get what I came for. The contents of the freezer convinced me that the rest of Allison’s culinary talents were limited to the microwave. I reached for the ice trays and discovered that they were empty. “Apparently she fought the recipe for ice as well.” I filled the trays and placed them in the freezer. Then I grabbed the next best thing I could find a handful of frozen burritos. In one of the draws I found a dishtowel that I was certain had never been used. Silently I wonder if Allison was even aware that the kitchen existed.

Wrapping the burritos in the towel I made my way back into the bedroom. I found Allison reclined on the bed clad in an t-shirt with the words Obey Me written across the front and a pair of boxer shorts. I made my way over to the bed and gently raised her knee and carefully placed a pillow under it then I placed the towel across her swollen knee. “Ouch!” She groaned. “What is this?” She asked as she peeked into the hand towel. “Bean and cheese an excellent choice.”

“You are out of ice.”

“Again? I am always forgetting to fill those things.”

“You might want to check out your fridge I think something is growing in there.” I explained as I searched her dresser for something to sleep in. I found a large white cotton blouse. Without thinking I stripped and threw it on. Although I am certain it fit Allison perfectly on me the garment was overwhelming. I turned to find Allison staring at me with her mouth hanging open. “That is cute.” I said pointing to her t-shirt.

“It belonged to Chris.” She explained. “It took it when I left. It was her favorite. I know that must sound petty but I couldn’t resist.”

“So she got your BMW and you got a T-shirt?”

“Did I mention that it was her favorite?”

“Uh huh.” I laughed as I crawled into bed next to her. “Remind me that if I ever need a lawyer that I should call you ex-girlfriend.”

She turned off the light and we both drifted off to sleep knowing that we were both sober enough to no longer fear my earlier temptations. My attempt at sexual exploration was over. At least for that night.


The next morning I awoke to the sweet sounds of the birds singing just outside the bedroom window. That sweet tune felt like an ice pick piercing through my already throbbing head. “Kill it!” I moaned as I buried my head under the pillow.

“I would if I could lift my head off of the pillow.” Allison groaned in agony.

Slowly I crawled out from under my pillow to be assaulted by the blinding glare of the sun. “I will never drink again.” I vowed as I curled up against Allison trying to hide from the offending light. “Poor baby.” Allison said softly. “Come here.” She whispered as she pulled me into her waiting arms. “Where does it hurt?” She inquired as she gently stroked my hair.

“Everywhere.” I sobbed pitifully. “How is your knee?” I asked as I listened to the steady beating of her heart.

“Better. But I think the burritos are done for.”

“I’m sorry about last night.” I apologized again.

“Don’t be I wasn’t exactly … unwilling.”

“But at least you were thinking.” I said softly.

“Was I?” Allison questioned with a touch of sadness. “Stephanie?”

“Yes.” I responded with a hard swallow.

“Have you?” She began nervously. “Never mind.”

“What is it Allison?” I asked as I lifted my body so I could look into her eyes.

“Have you done anything like that before?” She asked hesitantly.

“Well …” I began uncertain as to just how I should answer her. “Have I ever gotten so drunk that I put my hands down another woman’s pants?” The answer was no. But that wasn’t the complete truth. How many times did I have one too many to find myself making out with another woman only to sober up quickly and go running off into the night. Then there was Gigi. Although we never made love … technically what we did together certainly went beyond friendship. Of course that is not what I told myself at the time. So I have had urges before. And now here I am lying in her arms feeling more at home than I have ever with any man. “What is happening to me? Nothing is happening except that I am finally waking up.” Suddenly I felt my world come crashing down around me.

“Stephanie?” Allison nudged me.

“Trust me I have never done anything like I did last night.” I hedged. “But … I have kissed a girl before.”

“Uh huh.” Allison responded suspiciously.

“Well more than one.” I confessed. “But it never went past that. And it only happened a few times when I was…”