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October passed in much the same manner as September. I managed to find a great many excuses not to visit Peter. I know that I should have been braver and end things, and I felt very guilty stringing him along that way. At least my classes were going well. Never before had I been able to express myself so well with my students. Allison had been right. I opened my heart and showed them why I loved the subject matter so dearly. History I explained in one of my lectures was part story telling, that the facts often changed to please the public and the other half was a life lesson. Since history truly does repeat itself, all of us need to heed the lessons from the past. Miraculously my enthusiasm invoked their enthusiasm.

The one bright note was that work on our book moved along much faster than I had anticipated. I sent out the rough drafts to my publisher since Allison no longer had one. Pauline Kwan had been my editor from the beginning. She was thrilled with the early drafts and clamored for more. She was disappointed that we had not started work on the manuscript sooner. “It would be perfect for the holiday season.” She gushed. She promised that if Allison and I could complete the final draft by the date she had set she could guarantee us a release date in the fall. I promised her that we would try. Allison worked equally as hard on the project as I did. But I longed for a more one on one working relationship with her.

This became increasingly harder to do since Allison began spending most of her weekends in New York. It appeared that the problems at Wainwright & Griggs were not going to be resolved quickly. I was becoming jealous of all of the time she was spending with Chris. I knew that I had no right to be jealous but hell I am human. But my suspicions would disappear each time Allison would return home. The constant traveling and pressure were beginning to weigh heavily on her. She was sullen and moody most of the time. The only time she seemed truly happy was when she was teaching.

Each time she returned home I prayed that it would be her last trip to New York. In my heart I knew that I could not trust Chris. Mrs. Giovanni seemed to agree with me. I also began to resent Chris for taking up so much of Allison’s time. Even when she was home, Chris was constantly calling. Allison and I rarely spent time together and when we did it was strictly business. Despite my feelings of jealousy I was more concerned on the toll all of this was having on Allison. I needed to get her to relax and this was no small accomplishment these days. All of this constant traveling and nonstop work was not good for her.

On the 28th of October I found myself working in Allison’s apartment. Several times during the evening I tried in vain to get her to laugh but nothing seemed to be working. I finally gave up and focused on our book. As we went over the mundane details of the book I forced myself to maintain a professional atmosphere. We were very close to finishing. Everything was coming down to rechecking dates and information. All I needed to do was read Eleanor’s diary. Allison had filled me in on the content as much as she could and her father would often fax or email passages to us. But I needed to see the journal for myself. With all of Allison’s traveling she did not have a chance to visit her parents. I would just have to wait until she returned from the Thanksgiving Holiday as we originally planned.

“Where is Eleanor buried?” I asked as I watched her stoke the fire.

“Salem.” She responded in her usual business tone. With each passing day she was becoming more and more like the lawyer she had been when I first met her. She stood from her duties at the fireplace. The glow of the fire illuminated her features. I could feel my heart racing. She was so beautiful as she gazed over at me. For the first time in almost two months she looked into my eyes.

I could not take my eyes off of her. She looked at me and I could feel the heat and it was not emanating from the fireplace. There was something in the way that she looked at me. The kindness and the joy I had not seen in her for a very long time seemed to return. Standing before me was the woman that I had first fallen for. The flames let out a loud snap and we were both brought back to reality. She closed her eyes and pinched her nose and she was gone again.

“What was I saying?” She asked as she began rubbing her eyes.

“Eleanor’s grave.” I prodded her with regret.

“Right.” She opened her eyes and looked back up but not at me. “She is buried in Salem. In fact Eleanor, Anna Moorehouse and Haley are all buried in the same little cemetery.

“We should include a picture of their headstones in the book if we can.” I stated dryly. “Your family doesn’t have one by any chance?”

Suddenly Allison was laughing loudly. “Uh no. Not exactly something you put in the family album.” Her face was alive suddenly.

“Maybe I could go down to Salem sometime and get one.” I said carefully not wanting to jolt her out of her happy mood.

“We could go now.” She suggested enthusiastically.

“Are you serious?” I asked her awkwardly. It had been far too long since Allison had suggested that we do anything together. But a trip to a cemetery?

“Why not?” She pleaded. “It’s still early enough. If we hurry we can just make it before it gets dark. Please!”

“You are serious.” I asked as I shook my head in disbelief. “But won’t the cemetery be closed at this hour?” I wanted to spend time with Allison but it was late and cold and this was a cemetery for pity’s sake!

“This little graveyard is locked up constantly.” She answered plainly. “Oh so now it is a grave yard? I so do not like where this is going!” Allison just looked at me pouting. “Come on Stephanie what could be more fun than breaking into a grave yard in Salem three nights before Halloween?” I don’t know … gum surgery? “Please Stephanie if I don’t get out of here and doing something fun soon I am going to snap.” Allison begged.

“Allison …” I could think of a thousand reasons why this idea was completely ludicrous. I had to admit though deep down I wanted to go. I had never done anything like this before. I was always the voice of reason or the wet blanket depending upon your point of view.

“Chicken.” She taunted me. Okay so now it is a dare! Well that changes everything!

That was all it took, I grabbed my shoes and stood up off of her sofa. “Come on then!” I ordered meeting her challenge. “Put the fire out and get your keys Kendell.” On that note I raced downstairs. As I waited for her I quickly checked my reflection in the side mirror. I looked good and my blue jeans and turtleneck should be fine for the trip. I ran my fingers through my short blonde locks quickly to make myself more presentable. Of course I was overlooking the fact that Allison had seen me all day long.

She met me at the car carrying a long wool coat, her digital camera and a flashlight. “Come on Kendell, daylight is burning.” I hollered after her. She laughed at me as she climbed into the car. “You will need a jacket.” She chastised me. “I am fine.” I argued as I climbed into the passenger seat. Along the drive to Salem I put a CD in. I knew her driving selections very well at this point. I selected an Aretha Franklin CD in hopes that Allison would lose herself as she drove and start to sing along. She did not disappoint me. Allison possessed a beautiful singing voice.