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By the time Allison’s morning concert began, (today it was Mozart) I had already watched the sunrise. Then I brewed a pot of coffee and showered and dressed quickly. Before the concert ended I was half way to the campus. There I was sitting alone in our office chewing on the end of a pencil. Everything seemed to be coming to a head. Peter would be arriving today. Allison would leave for New York this afternoon. For the first time Allison’s trips out of town was a blessing. I knew that I would be breaking up with Peter tonight.

I had just about chewed my pencil in half as I contemplated just how things might go with Peter. “Face it. This is going to suck!” I had already been making trips into Boston on my own after I had discovered the local gay bookstores. Once a woman had even approached me and began flirting. I found her attractive enough but still I politely declined. I was beginning a new life and yet I was still somehow trapped in my old existence. I recalled how strained Peter’s voice sounded the last time I spoke with him. He had been forced to cancel on the weekend of our anniversary. He had been thrown into a major project at the last moment. Secretly I had been relieved. But I could hear the disappointment in his voice when I refused to come down and see him. I explained that he had work to do and we could see each other soon. I knew that he wasn’t by any means an idiot. After all of this time he must suspect something. How could he not? After six years I had not made the slightest effort to see him in over two months.

When he called to make plans for this weekend he offered to take the day off and drive down last night. I had a difficult time of it but I finally convinced him not to do that. I wanted him to arrive after Allison’s departure. I had no intention of the two of them meeting each other. Somehow I doubted that I could survive the awkwardness of such a meeting. It was going to be difficult enough just facing him. I had to be strong and sit him down the moment he arrived and finally tell him everything. I wondered briefly if he would understand that this was just as painful for me as it would be for him. I was about to break the heart of my best friend. If only we had remained just that? Life would have been so different.

My mantra for the rest of the day was simple, “You need to strong. You need to do this. This is the only fair thing to do. Tell Peter!” Now all I had to do was actually see this through.

Near the end of the day Allison returned. She muttered “hello” before retreating to her side of the office. Not long after that Maureen popped her head into the office. “Anyone willing to baby sit tomorrow night?” She pleaded. “Mine just canceled. If I do not get a chance to go out with my husband I will go postal.”

“Sorry.” Allison answered her pleas.

“Not New York again!” Maureen groaned. “What about tonight?”

“Calm down.” Allison responded in a reassuring tone. “There is no way I am spending Halloween in New York. Tonight will be the same as every year.” As for tomorrow night I am going to the Galaxy.”

“Skip the Galaxy.” Maureen begged. “You can go there anytime. Come on do an old married woman a favor and watch my kids.”

“Watching your kids on a sugar high on Halloween night … a tempting offer but I have a date.” Allison offered in her own defense.

“Are you kidding?” Maureen asked in amazement as she looked at me. I think she could tell by my suddenly pale features that I was just as surprised as she was.

“I do date.” Allison resounded sharply.

“Since when?” Maureen asked again looking towards me for some sort of answer. I had none to offer. “Stephanie any chance you would be available?” She asked hopefully.

“I am sorry Maureen. But I have plans as well.” I answered bitterly.

“Well damn. Then I guess I will see you both tonight then.” Maureen said with disappointment.

Maureen left in a bit of a huff chasing after her next victim Grace. “Allison has a date! This is terrible!” I tried to calm myself reminding myself that I had no say over Allison’s personal life. Allison had repeatedly let me know that she was not an option. Deep down I knew that I could not really accept that. Suddenly it was all far too real. Even after tonight when I broke up with Peter I would still be a co-worker. This was still taboo for the all mighty Miss. Kendell. The Galaxy. I had heard of that place. It was a nightclub in Cambridge. It prides itself on catering to a diverse community. In addition to the gay clientele I had heard that they offered a fetish night as well. So Allison was going out dancing with another woman. If I was not mistaken from what I remember reading in the copy of IN News weekly that I had scanned one day at Glad Day Books, last night being Thursday would have been the gay night at The Galaxy. I may be a history professor but even I could do the math on that. Last night Allison went out and met someone and has a date with them tomorrow. “I knew I had taken a huge risk in waiting so long, but one day?”

I wonder what going on tonight? All day long I was not the only one searching for Allison. It seemed that everyone was looking for her. When I explained that she was out they smiled and replied with something about her getting ready for tonight and that they would see me tonight. “What the Hell is going on?” I hadn’t really focused on it since I had been wrapped with my concerns regarding Allison. But now even Maureen seemed to expect seeing me tonight. “Allison?” I called out to her through the partition. “What is going on tonight?”

“It is nothing really.” Allison answered quickly. “Just a little gathering. It happens every year on the night before Halloween.”

“I see.” I answered slowly. “Just a little gathering that the entire campus seemed to be talking about. The same little gathering that she never once mentioned to me!” At that moment Stan of all people popped his head into the office. “Allison?” He called to her in a surprisingly friendly manner. I was also surprised that he called her by her first name. Whenever Stan addressed her which was rarely he always called her Kendell. “Should I bring The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow?”

“Of course Stan. The little ones love it.” Allison replied warmly.

“Great!” He gushed. “The boys are really looking forward to coming.”

“Don’t forget your pumpkins.” Allison reminded him.

“Just one this year. I’m afraid that Richard feels that he is far too old for that.” Stan added sadly. “He is afraid. I was terrified! These two were talking like long lost friends. Normally if both were in the same building it was a good idea to lock up all sharp objects!”

“Well you know that some of the students like to do some tie dying in the upstairs’ kitchen. Perhaps he will enjoy that?” Allison added warmly.

“He might if he can do it in black. It is the only color his Mother and I can get him to wear these days.” Stan chuckled. “I will pick up some Tshirts on the way. Thank you for the suggestion Allison. I will see you both tonight.” Stan waved and left. “Had I just entered the twilight zone? Or maybe the pod people had finally taken over?”

“Stan is coming?” I blurted out not intending to voice my thoughts. Just then a young student whom I recognized popped her head into the office. “Same time this year Professor Kendell?” She asked brightly.

“Yes.” Allison answered uneasily. “Carla could you close the door on your way out?” The young African American woman smiled brightly and closed the door. As the door was closing Allison quickly approached my desk. “Stephanie.” She began cautiously. “I never invite anyone over for this.”

“I see.” I said bitterly.

“It’s the truth!” Allison responded with exasperation. “The first year I was teaching here, I told this outrageous ghost story in class. It is just something I like to do. Like the way I teased you in Salem. Well when class was over everyone wanted to hear more and tell some of their own spooky tales. I forget how it happened but everyone ended up at my apartment for an impromptu party. We decorated the porch and Mrs. Giavanni’s porch. We carved pumpkins and someone brought a horror movie. The whole thing just snowballed. Now every year on the night before Halloween people just show up.”