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“Why didn’t you tell me about this?” I pushed. “This is a small campus Allison. Everyone knows where I live. I feel like an idiot, just when were you going to mention this? When a hundred some odd people showed up on our doorstep? You could have said something when we went to Salem!” I was beyond anger.

“I’m sorry.” Allison said defensively. “It … it’s just that …” Allison was stammering like an idiot. I was secretly pleased to see the shoe finally on the other foot.

“I know what it is Allison!” I said bitterly. “It is you and your stupid rules! If you and I have a good time together for more than five minutes you assume that I am going to jump your bones! You should be so lucky you arrogant …”

“Stephanie don’t!” She warned me harshly.

I was far too angry to listen to her warning. “Don’t what?” I growled at her. “Don’t call your bluff?” And there it was. I had called her on the carpet. We just stood there in silence. My blood was boiling even though I could see by the pained expression on her face that I had hurt her. I had not meant to hurt her. But I could not stand all of the games and the rules and the jumping threw hoops that she made me endure on a daily basis. I watched as those beautiful blue eyes started to close. “Don’t you dare shut me out again!” I shouted at her as I flew out from behind my desk and stood toe to toe with her. I had not intended to yell but I just could not stand her shutting down again.

Her eyes flew open at my assault and glared at me. “Fine. Come then.” She spat out coldly. Turning from me she stomped to her side of the office and gathered her things. Then she stormed over to the door and opened it. Just as she was about to leave she turned back to me and gave me a deadly glare. “Oh and Stephanie don’t forget to bring your boyfriend.” Her words sent a chill through me. At that moment I lost all sense of reality. My body shuddered and without even realizing it I snatched up the glass paperweight that was sitting on top of my desk and hurled it at her. Allison ducked as it shattered against the wall.

“Jesus Christ!” Allison shouted at me. I just stood there paralyzed by my actions. Never in my life had I ever lost control like that. “It is all right. I just dropped something.” Allison explained to someone in the hallway and then she closed the door. I just stood there staring blankly at the shattered remains. “Don’t you ever do that again.” Allison scolded me. “Stephanie?” She called to me and I could hear the alarm in her voice. I was still unable to move. “Stephanie?” She repeated.

Suddenly my breathing became erratic and the panic washed over me. “I never … ” I trembled as the tears began to flow. I was sobbing uncontrollably as I felt my knees begin to buckle. I was falling as I felt her arms wrap around me. She held me tightly. “Hold on.” She whispered gently. I was in a daze as she led me over to the couch. Allison rubbed my back soothingly. “I’m just going to clean up the mess. Okay?” I nodded numbly. Before I realized it Allison had returned to my side. Without thinking I wrapped myself in her arms and wept. She held me as I cried rubbing my back and whispering soft words.

I’d lost track of time as she held me. Finally my tears stopped. But Allison continued to hold me. “It is getting late we should go.” She said finally. I had no idea of how long we had been sitting there. I had never done anything like this before and it frightened me. Allison stood slowly and gathered our things. Then she held out her hand to me and helped me stand. Without a word she placed a comforting arm around my shoulders and led me to her car. We drove home in silence.

Upon arriving home I saw that our front porch as well as Mrs. Giavanni’s front porch was covered with people. There were pumpkins everywhere. Not to mention various ghosts, skeletons and a few Frankenstein’s to boot. The crowd consisted of students, faculty and many people I had never seen before. There was one tall figure with dark puppy dog eyes that stood out. He was busy helping string orange lights across the porch and laughing without a care in the world. “Is that him?” Allison asked quietly.

“Yes. It’s Peter.” I responded painfully.

“It’s going to be all right.” Allison said gently as she wiped an errant tear from my cheek.

“Liar.” I whispered. I inhaled deeply and braced myself as Allison gently caressed my thigh.

After taking several more deep breaths I steadied myself enough to exit the car. Peter ran over to me with a huge grin plastered upon his face. Allison walked past him without a second glance. Peter threw his arms around me and held me tightly. When he pulled back the smile left his face instantly. “Are you all right?” He asked.

“Fine.” I lied. “Just a bad day.”

“You can tell me all about it later.” He squeezed my shoulder reassuringly. Before I could react he bent down and claimed my lips passionately. I stiffened as his tongue tried to enter my mouth. “Not now.” I murmured as I pulled away.

“It’s good to see you sweetheart.” He smiled hopefully.

I had felt nothing when he had kissed me. It was all true I had never felt any passion for this man. I looked up into those trusting brown eyes and quickly turned away. I was unable to face him due to the overwhelming guilt that engulfed me. As my eyes turned from him I found Allison staring at us. Her face was possessed an icy expression. Her eyes held mine briefly before turning away. “Okay everyone!” She said without missing a beat. “Now everyone knows the rules right?”

“Yes.” The crowd responded quickly.

“Okay then what are they?” Allison questioned them like a drill sergeant.

“There is hard cider and alcohol free cider.” A few voices volunteered.

“And who can drink the hard cider?” Allison drilled them.

“Anyone over twenty one.” The crowd answered.

“Excellent.” Allison smiled. “Now who is on key duty?”

“I am.” A voice answered.

“Good for you Walter.” Allison patted the boy on the shoulder. “Just remember no drinking and you must take everyone’s car keys as they enter the party and they can’t have them back if they are unable to drive. So what’s the movie tonight?”

“The Blair Witch Project.” Several voices answered.

“Good choice.” Allison answered as she smiled once again. “Just remember …”

“No one under seventeen in the living room while the movie is playing.” Someone answered.

“Okay!” Allison clapped her hands together. “The houses look great. I think this is the best decorating job yet. Now let’s get this crap upstairs and start this party.”

The crowd began to gather their belongings and made their way into the house. Someone called after Peter. He just waved to them as he continued to smile at me. “This is so much fun.” He exclaimed. “Your neighbor certainly knows how to have fun.”

“You have no idea.” I said absently.

“Let’s go then.” He beamed.

“Peter we have to …” I stammered.

“Come on Peter.” One coed called after him.

“I have to change.” I said quickly.

“I could help you.” He said playfully.

“No.” I shot out quickly. “I mean you go on ahead. Go join the party. I’ll see you upstairs.”

He quickly kissed me again and ran off to join the others. I made a mad dash into my apartment and slammed the door behind me. Mentally kicking myself was the first thing I did. “If only I had felt something when he kissed me! Why didn’t I just tell him everything right then and there? I panicked that’s why. Now it is too late. It is obvious that this party is going to go on all night. I could wait until tomorrow and tell him first thing in the morning. What about tonight? After all of this time I’m certain that Peter will expect us to sleep together. I’ll tell him when we leave the party. I just need to find an excuse to get him to leave. Now hurry up there and stop him from meeting Allison.”