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Right on cue I was jolted out of my thoughts by the blaring sound of Allison’s morning concert. “Melissa. Not a good sign. She is playing the same CD as the last time something like this happened.”

“What the hell is that?” Peter bellowed as he pulled the bed covers over his head.

“Allison.” I answered simply.

“Does she do that every morning?” He groaned.


“God how do you put up with it?” He groaned again finally peeking out from under the covers. I just shrugged in response. “Is that coffee I smell?”

“Yes.” I answered quickly as I pour us each a cup. I began to search for some sugar for his coffee. I gasped as I realized that I hadn’t bother to buy any for him. “I’m sorry Peter. I seem to be out of sugar.” I apologized.

“That’s okay.” He smiled as he sat up slightly and scratched his head. He wrapped the blanket around himself and stumbled into the kitchen. “Man I feel like someone scotch taped my tongue.” He bent down and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before taking the cup I offered to him. “When did you start drinking your coffee black?” He asked innocently.

I just shrugged once again not trusting myself to speak. I was no fool I knew he knew that I hadn’t bothered to buy sugar for his coffee. It was such a small thing. But it spoke volumes. “Peter we have to …” I began to say.

“Stephanie.” He cut me off. “I’m so sorry about last night. I hate getting drunk. I should have eaten something. I don’t know what I was thinking. But I’m going to make it up to you. Let me hop in the shower and then I will take you to breakfast.” He kissed me gently on the cheek and asked if I could grab his bag from the car. I nodded mutely as he made his way into the bathroom.

I went outside in the crisp morning air and retrieved Peter’s bag. As I pulled the bag out of the car I found myself repeating, “Just like kicking a puppy.” As I stepped up onto the porch a very young woman startled me. She seemed to be checking the names on the doorbells. “Can I help you?” I questioned her sternly.

“Hi.” She beamed. “I was just looking for Allison Kendell.”

“Uh huh.” I muttered. “Come on in. “

As we stepped into the foyer I sized her up quickly. She was young and very attractive with long chestnut hair. She was also very skinny and seemed to possess a bubbly personality. I hated her immediately. Just as I was about to grill her about just what the hell was she doing on my front porch, my apartment door swung open revealing Peter wrapped in just a towel. “Ooops.” He said quickly as his face turned a deep shade of red.

“Sorry.” The youngster chuckled.

I was just about to hand Peter his bag when I spotted Allison descending the staircase carrying two large trash bags. She looked past the youngster to Peter and then to me. The was no mistaking the cold look in her eyes. She looked betrayed. I gaped back up at her helplessly. Finally she noticed the youngster.

“Courtney?” She blurted out. “Courtney. God even her name was cute. Now I know I hated her. She was just so young and perky I could just throw up.”

“Hey there.” Courtney giggled.

“I was just about to call you.” Allison said quickly.

“I know that I’m early but it’s a beautiful morning and I couldn’t wait to see you.” Courtney explained. “There’s suppose to be this great place around the corner for breakfast.”

“The Java House?” Allison and I responded in unison.

“Yeah that’s it.” Courtney nodded enthusiastically. “Hey why don’t you two join us?”

“Sounds great.” Peter chimed in. “We were just going to grab a bite. I’m Peter by the way.”

“Courtney.” She extended her hand then withdrew realizing that Peter needed to keep his towel in place. “Ooops.” She giggled. I just rolled my eyes as I glared at Allison who now seemed to taking a sudden interest in the wallpaper.

“Peter I don’t think …” I began to explain.

“Come on sweetie I’m dying to get to know your new friends.” He explained. I just stared at him blankly. “Good it’s settled then.” He gushed. “Ah Stephanie could I have my clothes now?”

I tossed the bag at him as I glared at Allison with a pleading look. She just stood there with her jaw hanging open. Somehow Peter managed to catch the bag and keep his towel place. He muttered thanks and retreated into the apartment. “Do you need help with those?” Courtney asked motioning to the trash bags in Allison’s hands. “I’ll help her.” I snapped quickly as I grabbed one of the bags and dragged Allison away by the arm. We went around back leaving a stunned Courtney in the foyer. Without a word we deposited the bags in the barrels. “What the hell just happened in there?” Allison said wildly.

“Well it seems that we are going on a double date.” I snarled.

“No.” Allison said firmly while shaking her head.

“Yes.” I hissed.

“No.” She repeated more strongly.

“Then what are we suppose to do?” I pleaded with her. “Tell me. I’ll do it.”

I could see the wheels turning in Allison’s head finally she released a groan. “There’s nothing we can do. We have to go.” She conceded. “This sucks. I was just about to call her and cancel. Who knew she would show up eight hours early for our date? Who does that?”

“Children.” I answered bitterly.

“Hey!” Allison snapped.

“Oh come on.” I snapped back. “How old is she?”

“Old enough.” Allison snarled.

“For what?” I hissed. Allison just arched her eyebrow in defense. “I see.” I responded coldly. We just stood there like a couple of idiots shivering in the cold. I had enough this was ridiculous. “I didn’t sleep with him last night.” I explained quietly.

“Was I that transparent?” She asked with a half smile.

“Yes.” I answered her gently but honestly. “I suppose seeing him standing there half naked didn’t like very good?”

“My fault.” She volunteered. “I was just thrown by it.”

“He passed out.” I explained. “I just sat up all night crying. I thought about coming upstairs. But I was afraid that we might … you know.”

“Sleep together.” Allison stated simply.

“Yes.” I confessed with a blush. “But with him downstairs. I know that I need to end things with him. You’re right about that.”

“If he ever gives you the chance.” Allison said sharply.

“What do you mean?”

“Stephanie I must have watched you try to get him out of the party at least twenty times.” Allison explained. “You start by saying Peter we need to … and then he stops you. He knows.”

“About us?” I gasped. Not realizing what I was implying.

“I don’t think so.” Allison answered with a shake of her head. “But he knows something is up. Face it no good conversation starts with we need to talk. I think he knows that you are leaving him and he is doing everything he can to prevent you from finishing that sentence.”

“What do we do now?” I pleaded with her.

“I guess we go to breakfast.” Allison responded grimly.

“This should be fun.” I tried to joke. “Just like having my teeth drilled. Fine we’ll eat and then I’ll bring Peter back here and sit him down and tell him the truth. I can’t put this off any longer.”

“Tell me something?” Allison started.

“It’s because I don’t love him and because I’m gay.” I stated with confidence.

“That’s not what I was going to ask you.” Allison said. “I just wanted to know what we did wrong in a past life to be going through all of this now?”

“I’m not certain but I get the distinct impression that there were matches involved.” I teased. “Your turn.”