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Courtney yelped as she jumped up in surprise. “I’m so sorry.” I lied as I suppressed my laughter at the sight of her orange stained crotch. I mentally high fived myself as I thought about how cold the drink was. “It’s okay.” Courtney muttered as she raced off to the ladies room. I was greeted by a disbelieving look from Allison. “Ooops.” I offered in my defense. Allison simply curled her lips and shook her head. Betty rushed over and quickly cleaned up the mess with Allison’s assistance. “Thank you Betty.” Allison offered. “It seams that Dr. Grant has lost control of her senses. ” She shot me another angry look. I simply shrugged off her accusation. “Could we have the check when you have a chance?”

Courtney rejoined us with a smile and a very wet pair of jeans. “Oh Cory that looks terrible.” I gasped trying not to sound condescending. “I am so sorry.” I lied once again.

“Courtney.” The youngster growled and then quickly smiled. “Not a problem accidents happen. I have another pair of jeans in my car.” She added as she began to caress Allison’s arm. “I can change at your place before we go.” She smiled to Allison. “She brought a change of clothes?”

“Go?” Allison and I said in unison.

“Weren’t the two of you paying attention?” Peter asked as the check arrived.

“Of course.” Allison lied.

“We better hurry if we are going to beat the traffic.” Courtney rubbed Allison’s shoulders. Allison just flashed a warning look at me. “Unless you don’t want to go to Salem? We could just stay in?” Courtney purred.

“No.” Allison said quickly as she pulled away from Courtney’s touch. “Salem at Halloween sounds like fun.” She looked to me for help. “No way stretch you are on your own.” I just smirked at her and received another glare. “Perhaps you and Pete would rather be alone?” Allison suggested.

“We have all day tomorrow for that.” Peter offered with a smile.

“That’s right.” I replied quickly.

Peter paid the check against our protesting. The four of us left the restaurant and Allison quickly pulled me aside and motioned for our dates to go on without us. “What in hell are you thinking?” She spat out once we were alone.

“If you think I’m going to leave alone with Lolita there … you are sadly mistaken.” I responded bitterly.

“What’s it to you?” Allison scoffed. “I’m not your girlfriend.”

“No you’re right you are not my girlfriend.” I shot back. “I’m not anyone’s girlfriend.”

“Well that will be news to Pete.” She snarled.

“His name is Peter.” I argued. “And I’m going to tell him the truth.”

“When?” Allison groaned. “After you the two of you are married and have twelve children?”

“Today!” I shouted as I closed the distance between and poked her in the chest. “I’ll tell him everything today.”

“Do what you want.” She shot back as she pressed against me.

“Fine I will.” I spat back. “Shouldn’t you get back to your date before her curfew kicks in?”

“Very clever.” Allison sneered as I pulled her hips into my body. “It’s none of your business.” She groaned pushing herself into me.

“You’re right it’s none of my business.” I gasped as my body moved against her. “Do what you want. Date her. Fuck her for all I care.”

It was the harshness of my own words that brought me back reality. There I was pressed up against the brick wall of the Java House practically having sex with Allison in the middle of the street. I was about to pull away as I felt her strong thigh slide between my legs. I clutched her hips and thrust my hips against her. All I wanted to do at that moment was to ride her thigh until I found the release that I so desperately needed. “Does he make you feel this way?” A cruel voice whispered hotly in my ear. That was it. I pushed her away and stomped off fighting back the tears. I could feel her presences following me as I walked back to the house. “Hey there you two are.” Peter called out as we approached. They were smiling and waving as they stood next Courtney’s aging Volvo. Courtney had already changed into a fresh pair of blue jeans and was holding the car door open. Peter took my hand and before I realized it I was sitting in the back seat with him. Allison climbed into the front passenger seat and slammed the door.

The trip was long and strenuous. Peter and Courtney chatted away at every stop we made. Allison hid behind her dark Rayban sunglasses and we kept our distance. I could feel her anger emanating from her. I simply grinded my teeth and stewed in my own anger. Now was not the time to have my little chat with Peter. But I did try repeatedly to get him alone so we could talk. Allison was right. Peter did everything he could to avoid being alone with me. He was however determined to show me a good time. He had taken my hand on the drive up and refused to release it during the entire outing. I noticed several woman eyeing him. I silently wished that he would notice them.

The hour grew late and Allison wanted return before dark so she could hand out candy to the neighborhood children. We drove back I could feel the tension growing as we approached our house. Allison and Courtney left us. They had plans to hand out candy then they were going dancing. Peter and I would finally be alone and I could sit him down. Upon entering the apartment he excused himself to the bathroom. This was it! I sat down on the futon and waited for him. I was confused when I awoke several hours later covered in a blanket. The emotional turmoil and lack of sleep must have caught up with me. “Come on Sweetheart.” Peter said gently. “I thought we could go dancing tonight.”

Still half asleep I nodded mutely and made my way to the shower. I showered and dressed on autopilot. It wasn’t until we were heading out the front door that it hit me. I was going out with Peter! “How did that happen?” During the trip into Cambridge I made several valiant efforts to talk to him. But he kept changing the subject. He was very excited about the place we were going. He had arranged to meet a friend of his. Bob something or other was meeting us. So much for being alone. “I can’t wait for you to meet Bob.” Peter chimed as we walked from the parking garage on Green Street. I saw the black building and the crowd waiting to show their ids so they could enter. “There’s Bob.” Peter waved excitedly to his friend.

Bob was a well built tanned blonde surfer type. He talking to or at least was trying to talk to a familiar raven-haired beauty. “Wow for a second I thought that was Allison.” Peter gasped. “Close.” I replied noticing the similar features. The same infectious laugh and cocky stance. The only noticeable difference was the height and the brown eyes. We approached the pair as Bob waved us over. Startled brown eyes smiled at me warmly. “Hey Blondie.” Nicole greeted me with a warm embrace. “You know each other?” Bob ranted. “Wow that is great.” Nicole simply rolled her eyes. “Hi I’m Bob.” He beamed as he offered his clammy paw to me for a luke warm embrace. “Stephanie.” I replied causally.

“So now that you have met my friends maybe you will let me buy you that drink?” Bob persisted.

Nicole shot her elbow back and connected with his rib cage. Bob gasped for air. “I told you before buddy, I don’t drink.” Nicole growled. “I see that the Kendell charm is in full swing.” I joked.

“Speaking of charm where is the Amazon?” Nicole inquired. “Don’t tell me she made you wait in line by yourself. I’m going to have to teach that girl some manners.”

“Date.” I said flatly. “She is on a date.” I explained further to Nicole’s confused gaze.