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“I see.” Nicole scowled. Then I watched her eyes widen as she caught Peter’s eye. “Well Hi there. I’m Nicole.” She offered her hand to him.

“Peter.” He squeaked as he draped his arm around my shoulders. Another curious look swept across the younger Kendell’s face. “I’m Stephanie’s boyfriend.”

“Uh huh.” Nicole responded with a sudden indifference.

“So are you related to Allison?” Peter asked uncomfortably.

“Yes. She is my older and seriously misguided sister.” She answered wryly and winked at me. “So what brings you kids to the Galaxy?”

“The Galaxy?” I gasped. Damn it! This is where Allison was coming tonight.

The doorman requested our id’s as he simply waved Nicole in. She took my hand and led me in the doorway. “She’s with me.” She explained leaving Peter and Bob dumbfounded. The doorman simply stamped our hands without question. We walked in and Nicole waved to the cashier who simply waved us in. “You don’t pay?” I questioned.

“No back when I was drinking I think I dropped my entire trust fund here.” Nicole explained. “So Peter’s cute.” She smiled.

“You want him?” I offered hopefully. Looking over at the red neon sign with the words The Galaxy emblazed across it. “I can’t believe he brought me here? This is where your sister is coming.”

“This should be fun.” Nicole groaned.

“Fun it is then.” Bob offered.

“Listen Bubba …” Nicole scoffed.

“Bob.” He retorted not getting the hint.

“Whatever.” Nicole snarled then she leaned over and whispered to me. “This jerk has been hitting on me since I got in line.”

“Hey Nicole.” A voice called out.

“Sorry that’s my friends.” She apologized waving back a group of people. “I hate to ditch you but we are all from the program. We kind of like to keep an eye on each other in places like this.” With that she gave me a quick hug and waved to Peter before joining her friends.

Left alone with Bob and Peter I looked around the expansive nightclub. I was impressed. To my left was a room with a large dance floor. The lights pulsated to the music as two disco balls glimmered above the sea of bodies dancing to YMCA. I could not help but notice the diversity of the crowd. There were many people donned in Halloween costumes for the festivities. Others were clad in traditional Goth or PVC. While many people were dressed in blue jeans and Tshirts. There were men and women dancing together, men and men dancing together and women and women dancing together. No one seemed to mind the differences of the people they shared the dance floor with.

The large dance room had three full bars open. I watched in amazement as the bartenders moved with grace and ease even though they were swarmed with customers. “How can they hear anything?” I wondered aloud.

“Most of the bartenders have been here for years.” Bob explained. “I still don’t know how they do it. Most of them are hard of hearing. Just be sure they can see your stamp when you order.”

“Why?” Peter asked as we both examined the black stamp of Elroy from the Jetsons placed on the back of our left hands.

“It let’s the bartender know that you are over twenty one.” Bob answered. “See the kids with the large black X’s on both hands. They are under age. Their first stop is usually downstairs to wash off the marks in the bathroom. But the bartenders won’t serve them unless they see a stamp. It’s Massachusetts and the laws are very strict.”

Just as Bob finished his explanation I looked over to my right. This room was decorated as a lounge area with a long bar cover the length of the back wall. The room had velvet couch and several arm chairs. There was also two old time video games and a pool table. The bartender was a tall African American man standing there with his hands placed firmly on his hips. “Listen sweetie no stamp mean no cocktail.” He explained impatiently. “Now if you are old enough you will haul your pretty ass back over to security and get a stamp.” The youngster just slumped away.

I chuckled at the sight. When I cast my eyes back to the lounge area I saw them at the pool table. Allison was bent over trying to make a shot while Courtney was trying to feel her ass. My blood was boiling. “Why was Allison letting her touch her? Stop it Stephanie. Remember you don’t have any right to feel jealous. You said it yourself this morning. Allison can date whomever she wants. Hell you even told her she could fuck the girl for all you cared.” I lied. I do care more than I should.

Just as I was about to storm over and break up the little party a felt a hand on my shoulder. I spun around to find Maureen smiling back at me. I hugged her quickly. Then I made the proper introductions. She in turn introduced us to her husband Mort. Peter, Bob and Mort offered to check our coats. “Come on let me buy you a drink.” Maureen offered as she led me through an open doorway. On the other side of the doorway was another dance room with three more bars in full service. This room was smaller and darker than the first with gothic paintings adorning the walls. At the far end of the room was a stage covered with wrought iron bars. In the opposite end of the room was a telephone booth. “What’s with the phone booth?” I questioned.

“That’s so you can make a request from the dj in this room.” Maureen explained. “Come on let’s go to Teresa Raven’s bar.”

Maureen guided me threw the crowd and shouted above the eighties new wave blaring from the speakers. She led me to the largest bar in the room near the telephone booth. Behind the bar was a tiny woman with platinum blonde hair dressed in a flowing black dress. I wondered how she could move so will in such an outfit? As she approached us I noticed that both of her wrists were tattooed in a floral pattern and both her nose and lip were pierced. “What can I get for you Ladies?” She asked brightly.

“Captain and coke.” Maureen ordered quickly.

“Something strong.” I shrugged.

“Red Death.” Teresa suggested.

“We don’t want to kill her.” Maureen interjected. “How about a Cuervo sunrise?”

“No tequila.” I said sternly. “Just a white zinfandel.”

Teresa nodded and departed to fix our cocktails. “So how old is that child with Allison?” Maureen shouted over the GoGo’s.

“According to Allison old enough.” I answered bitterly.

“For what?” Maureen laughed. “I heard the four of you had just a super day!” Maureen teased with a wide-eyed expression.

“Who said that?”

“The teenager.” Maureen answered sarcastically. “Look out here comes trouble.” Maureen said looking over my shoulder. I steadied myself and was relieve to find Nicole approaching us. She waved to Teresa who just nodded. Nicole joined us. “Ladies.” She greeted us. Teresa returned with our drinks and a bottle of Poland Springs water for Nicole.

“I have this.” I offered as I reached for my wallet.

“Thanks.” Maureen and Nicole accepted.

“Just make you sure you tip Teresa well.” Nicole pointed out. “Rumor has it that she once killed a coat check girl.”

“What do mean rumored?” Teresa laughed as she accepted my money.

“Still you wouldn’t want to be Lucyed on your first trip here.” Maureen offered.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“To be Lucyed you must do two things.” Teresa explained. “You must be rude and cheap. If you are then you could walk up to the bar with Lucy Lawless strapped to your ass and I still wouldn’t wait on you.” Teresa then pointed to the button she was wearing that stated in bold purple lettering ‘Don’t make me use the Lucy Law!’

“Who?” I questioned not understanding. “Never mind just keep the change.” I teased.

“Thank you Miss.” Teresa smiled and went off to wait on more patrons.

“So, what are you Gals talking about?” Nicole inquired.