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“I was just going to ask Stephanie here where she and Allison disappeared to last night at the party?” Maureen stated smugly as she sipped her cocktail.

“Do tell?” Nicole encouraged.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” I answered.

“Come on Stephanie share.” Maureen pushed. “Tell us what is going on?”

“Who knows?” I responded with a hint of defeat in my voice.

I sipped my wine and pretended that the two of them weren’t staring at me. “I don’t want to talk about it.” I said finally as I slammed my glass down on the bar. I looked at Maureen who was standing to my left. She just smiled at me. I turned to Nicole who was standing on my right with her arms folded across her chest giving my the same knowing look. I was trapped. “It’s the truth I don’t know what is going on.” I offered and received two disbelieving glares cast down at me.

“There you are.” Mort called out as he approached his wife. He placed a tender kiss on her cheek. “Everyone is looking for the two of you. Hey Nicole how are you?”

“No complaints Mort. Good to see you.” Nicole answered warmly.

“We will be with you in just a second Mort.” Maureen explained to her husband. “We were in the middle of some girl talk.”

“Please hurry.” Mort pleaded. “Peter is nice enough but that Bob guy is driving me crazy.”

“Bob?” Nicole groaned.

“Yeah.” Mort sighed. “If we don’t get back there they might just come looking for us.”

“Gotta go.” Nicole spit out quickly and disappeared into the crowd.

Maureen groaned as her back up left alone. “Come on.” She conceded. “Thank you Mort!” The three of us departed the bar and made our way back into the lounge area. At the bar we found Peter and Bob. They weren’t alone, little Courtney had joined them. “Look who I found!” Peter said brightly.

“Hey there.” Courtney giggled as she waved to us. “We were just going to do some shots.”

“Maybe you could fix her up with Peter.” Maureen whispered to me slyly.

I laughed thinking about how well the two of them got along. It would be the perfect solution. Just then a tall beautiful blonde approached the bar. Everyone with exception of Maureen turned and watched her as she ordered and got her drinks. Maureen just glared at Mort. The rest of the party including myself watched the blonde as she walked away. Peter was definitely not Courtney’s type.

“Mort.” Maureen growled at her husband who was now hanging his head in shame. All eyes turned to me expecting me to do the same to Peter. “How could I since I had also checked out the woman’s attributes?” I just shrugged catching a knowing smirk from Courtney.

“How many kamikazes?” The tall bartender asked.

“None for me.” Maureen said quickly. “This is my last drink since I am driving.”

“Darling?” Peter asked.

“No thank you.” I replied as I waved off the offer. The last thing I needed was to get drunk.

“Five then.” Courtney ordered.

“Five?” I questioned.

“Yeah the four of us and one for Allison.” She responded brightly.

“She won’t drink that.” I added honestly. Little Courtney just glared at me.

“I won’t drink what?” The deep alto voice said from behind me.

“We’re doing kamikaze shots.” Courtney offered brightly.

“No thanks.” Allison said bluntly as Courtney pouted. “Daisy four shots and a bottle of Poland Springs.”

“Daisy?” Peter questioned in confusion.

“Yes?” The tall bartender said as he wink at Peter. Peter’s voice turned paled as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. Daisy just laughed and he lined up the shots and a bottle of spring water for Allison. She paid for the round quickly and tipped the man generously. “Thanks Daisy.” She smiled. Our four companions downed their shots quickly and proceeded to order another round and beers to follow their shots. The four of them continued to drink while Allison, Maureen and I talked about school. The three of us passed on all offers for alcohol. Courtney seemed disappointed that Allison wasn’t joining in on the festivities.

Nicole approached quietly and pulled Allison aside. The two of them walked to the other side of the lounge and began an very animated conversation. I caught one or two words that they were saying. Unfortunately they were speaking French again. “What the hell?” Courtney growled catching sight of the two of them approaching the crowd. “Now what?” Courtney slurred as the Kendell sisters rejoined us. I felt no need to inform Courtney that Nicole was Allison sister. Let her think what she wants. Apparently Maureen agreed with my choice as she stood there smirking. “This has been happening all night.” Courtney slurred again.

“Imbecile!” Nicole snapped at her sister as she shook her head in disgust. Allison simply held up a cautioning finger in her sister’s face. Courtney strutted over to Allison and placed a possessive hand on her arm as she stood toe to toe with Nicole. Courtney raised a warning finger and was about to poke her in the chest when Allison stopped her. “Se conduire, petit fille!” Nicole warned. I have no idea what she was saying but it did not look good for Courtney. “Ivre?” Nicole asked looking at her sister and then casting a look at Courtney.

“Oui.” Allison nodded.

“Listen you Euro trash …” Courtney began to sputter.

“Stupide, bete.” Nicole laughed as she stared down at the youngster.

“Down Courtney.” Allison cautioned her. “My sister is a black belt.”

“I’m not the only one.” Nicole smiled up at her older sibling.

“Sister?” Courtney blushed. “Oh my gosh. I had no idea. I’m so sorry.”

“Uh huh.” Nicole waved Courtney off with in difference. “Une petite fille.” Nicole scoffed looking at her sister.

“Arret!” Allison warned her sister.

“Do you know what they are saying?” I whispered to Maureen.

“From what I can catch Nicole just called Courtney stupid and a little girl.” Maureen whispered back with a smirk. At this point Nicole pushed past her sister and her date and joined us. Bob quickly rushed over. “Glad to see you came back.” He leered. “You’re sure I can’t buy you a drink?”

“She doesn’t drink.” Allison growled.

“Ally.” Nicole waved her off. “I can handle this chien. Listen Bert …”

“Bob.” He corrected her.

“Whatever.” Nicole rolled her eyes. “I don’t drink not ever. I can’t I’m in AA.”


“I’m a alcoholic.” Nicole spelled it out for him.

“Oh.” He finally caught on. “Well how about a dance?”

“No.” Nicole brushed him off.

“Why?” He seemed confused. “Are you … well you know like your sister?”

“You mean a lesbian.” Nicole laughed. “Hell no. I just think you are obnoxious.”

“Right.” He laughed. “So about that dance?”

“Not the sharpest knife in draw is he?” Nicole concluded. Just then a beeping sound interrupted the conversation. Nicole grabbed the pager clipped to her belt and quickly examined it. “That’s me.” She explained. “It’s the hospital. I’m on call. I need to go. Allison I will talk to you later. Mort, Maureen good seeing you. Peter a real pleasure meeting you.” She smiled sweetly at him. “Stephanie I’m sure I will see you again.” With that she smirked at her sister and left.

“Nice meeting you.” Courtney called after her. Nicole never turned around. “So your sister is a doctor?” She asked Allison.

“Resident at MGH.” Allison replied.

“I wouldn’t mind playing doctor with her.” Bob drooled.

“Excuse me!” Allison snapped. “You wouldn’t be making any unwanted advances towards my baby sister now would you?”