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“Huh?” Bob looked around unaware of the danger he was in. “She is so hot.”

“Bob.” Peter cut in placing himself between Allison and Bob. “Dude shut up now.” Peter warned him. Bob just got that far away look in his eyes. “Hey you know the bartender in the disco room said you were cute.” Peter added.

“Really?” Bob beamed and strutted into the disco room.

“Thank you.” I said as I took Peter’s arm breathing a sigh of relief that no blood had been spilled.

“No problem.” Peter answered. “He’s not a bad guy. He just a little bit of a …”

“Dumb ass.” Allison cut in. This received a rousing round of laughter from the entire group.

“Basically.” Peter agreed.

“You know the bartender you sent him to is a lesbian.” Allison explained.

“Yes I do.” Peter smirked knowingly. This received another round of laughter.

The tension had vanished from everyone with the exception of myself. I found myself standing there with my hand on Peter’s arm. It was such a small gesture but I understood its implications. It somehow said that I was his. Peter and Courtney were about to order another round of drinks. “Peter.” I cautioned him not wanting a repeat of last night. I pulled him over to me and leaned up and whispered in his ear. “Peter we need to talk.” I had finally said it and I was certain not anyone else had heard me. Now was the time to get him out of there. “Okay.” He said loudly. “But first you owe me a dance.” He added brushing off what I had just said. “What do you say?” He smiled. “Dance with me.” Everyone was looking at me with the exception of Allison. “What could I do?” I allowed him to take my hand and lead me into the front dance room.

Peter and I had always danced well together until tonight. Perhaps it was the guilt but every time he touched me I pulled away. I survived dancing to three songs before I could pull him off the dance floor. As we were exiting the dance floor I saw Allison and Courtney dancing very closely together. Allison looked incredible tonight with her black jeans and red silk blouse. Watching her sway to the music was thrilling. But it broke my heart to see another woman touching her.

Peter and I rejoined the others. Bob had returned apparently shot down by the bartender. Everyone was deep in conversation. What they were talking about was a mystery to me. I failed to join in on the conversation. I just watched the dance floor trying to catch glimpses of Allison and Courtney. Someone said something to me but I failed to responded. I was far too busy looking for a certain dark haired beauty. They had disappeared into the crowd. Peter slid his arm around me and out of habit I placed my hand in his. It was a familiar yet empty gesture. Just as it had always been.

“Stephanie?” A voice called to me. “Huh?” I was shaken out of my thoughts as I realized that it had been Peter talking to me. “I asked if you wanted something to drink?” He asked. “No thanks.” I answered as I looked back towards to the dance floor. Frustrated and feeling a little bit like a stalker I excused myself and went downstairs to the ladies room. It was crowded and to my surprise the long line of people included men. Granted most of them were wearing dresses but for a girl who grew up in Connecticut it was a bit of a shock. No one else seemed to notice. I looked around at the young faces and suddenly began to feel self-conscious. I was definitely over dressed in my black dress and heels. Not to mention my matching purse.

Standing in line gave me time to think. The events of the day had been so surreal. I could have stopped most everything from happening. All I had to do was break up Peter. All I needed to do was to finally tell him that it was over between us. I could have done it last night or this morning. Instead jealousy won out and I spent the day touring around Salem. There was no way in hell I was going to leave Allison alone with that girl. If only I had trusted Allison and done what I knew I should do? Look where it got me. Peter was doing everything he could to avoid talking to me alone. Allison was pissed off because I was allowing him to get away with it. Courtney was doing everything she could to get Allison into bed. At this rate if I don’t pull myself together I am going to end up as a flower girl at their wedding.

I left the ladies room deciding that hiding there was not going to solve anything. As I stepped out into the dark hallway I felt a familiar hand on my arm. Gently she pulled me around the corner next to the pay phone. I had known her touch instantly. I pulled her close to me and held her tightly. “Allison.” I whispered.

“How are you holding up?” She asked gently as she stepped slightly away from me.

“Not very well.” I answered honestly. “I’m sorry about today. I should have never gone to Salem.”

“No.” Allison responded firmly. “This is my fault. I had no right telling you what you should do. This is none of my business.”

“None of your business?” I answered sadly. “So last night and this morning meant nothing to you? It meant something to me. I don’t go around just kissing anyone.” There was no harshness to my words just simple honesty.

“Of course it meant something to me.” Allison answered looking deeply into my eyes. “It means so much to me that it is scaring the hell out me. Stephanie you have no idea of the power you hold over me. Last night, this morning and right now.”

“Right now?” I moaned as she lowered her head and ran her tongue across my lips. Her lips brushed mine gently as her tongue begged for entrance. I parted my lips and allowed her in. I pulled her closer as our kiss deepened. I felt my legs opening slightly as her thigh slid between them. Our bodies melt together. I could feel my legs tremble as became aware of the wetness between my legs. I shivered as I felt a hand feeling it’s way up under the hem of my dress and caressing my cheek.

I felt lost not knowing where I stopped and she began. A sudden coldness overcame me as she pulled away. I opened my eyes as I felt the coldness of the basement wall I was pressed up against. Only moments ago I was on fire. Her touch alone had burned me and now I was freezing. “Not like this.” She explained tenderly as she brushed her hand across my face. “We’ll talk later.” She offered as her other hand retreated from under my dress. I nodded to her as I straighten my clothing. She brushed my arm gently and then and walked away. Her departure wasn’t like the other times. Allison was not running away. I stood there for a moment as she went to the coat check her eyes never leaving mine as she received the clothing and departed. I gave her time to make her departure while I collected myself. Finally I went upstairs.

I touched Peter gently on the arm and with a new found sense of strength I whispered to him. “We should go.”

“But it’s still early.” He protested.

“You’re not leaving too?” Bob piped in. “First Courtney and Allison and now you two. “

“It was past Courtney’s bedtime.” Maureen added snidely.

“I just can’t believe that those two beautiful women are lesbians.” Bob add in disbelief.

“Oh please.” Daisy scoffed from behind us he just smiled and pretended to be busy.

I shot Bob a cold look suddenly wishing that Peter had allowed Allison to kill him. I grabbed Peter firmly by the arm. “Excuse us.” I said as I dragged Peter away from the others. “Peter.” I spoke firmly as I placed my hand over his mouth to stop him. “We have to talk and not here. Get our coats.” I demanded.

“Okay.” He conceded sadly. Then he turned back to the others as I walked over to the bar. “We’re taking off.” Peter announced with a false joyous tone.

“No.” Bob argued.

“Bob what would you do?” Peter teased him. “Stay here and look at your ugly mug or go home with her?”

Bob just laughed as he saluted Peter with his bottle of Rolling Rock. Daisy and Maureen just cast an all too knowing look at me. Peter went downstairs to get our coats and I ordered a bottle of water from Daisy. He brought it quickly. As I paid for the over priced water Daisy leaned over and very quietly said, “Girl you are going to break that boy’s heart.”