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“Nicole I don’t want to make your sister uncomfortable.” I explained. “Things are more than a little tense between us.” I also don’t want to see her at a holiday gathering with her new girlfriend.

“Fine.” Nicole conceded with a groan. “Oh by the way Thursday is …” Just then her pager went off again. “Damn.” She cursed as she snatched up the offending object. “I have to go. We have a GSW coming in.” She rushed off. Even I had seen enough episodes of ER to know that GSW was short for a gunshot wound.

After returning home I check on Mrs. Giavanni and ran her over to the local market for a few things. After putting away her groceries I joined her for a cup of tea. Finally I entered my apartment and collapsed on my futon thankful that the day was finally over.

* * *

The following week proceeded in much the same fashion as the previous two. I talked to Rita about my date from hell omitting the part of running into Nicole. Rita just laughed at me. We made plans to go dancing at The Galaxy on Thursday. Even though there was no sexual tension between us I really enjoyed dancing with Rita. It was also nice to have someone to talk to.

I did receive a surprise on Tuesday when I walked into my office and discovered Allison sound asleep on the coach. Maureen walked in as I was standing there watching her sleep. She was covered in what appeared to be paperwork.

“Not again.” Maureen scowled. “Allison wake up!”

Allison grumbled loudly as she shifted on the couch in an effort to raise herself up. As the tall woman lifted her body the books and papers that had been covering her toppled onto the floor. “Merde.” She swore as she bent down to clean up the mess. I put down my briefcase and knelt down to help her. Maureen muttered something unintelligible as she stomped off.

“What is all of this?” I asked as gathered up her work.

“Just getting ready for midterms.” She grumbled once again. “I finished the work on chapter ten as well. It’s on your desk … I think.”

Allison scratched her head aimlessly. It was more than obvious that Allison was not fully awake yet. “Why are you working here?” I asked.

“Tired of getting the cold shoulder.” She muttered and suddenly snapped her head up and stared at me with surprised. “I’m sorry did I just say that out loud.”

“Yes.” I answered harshly.

“Forget I said anything.” She tried to apologize. “Look I’m just trying to do the right thing here.” She said quickly as she hurried to clean up her mess.

“I’ll get this.” I offered in confusion. “You’d better hurry home and shower.” She stared at me helplessly. “Go on.” I insisted.

Allison thanked me and rushed out of the room. Something was happening and I was completely clueless as to just what it was. Nothing seemed to making any sense. That night as I walked home I was determined to sit Allison down and have a very long talk with her. As I approached our house I discovered Courtney’s Volvo parked out front. It appeared that there was nothing for Allison and I to discuss after all.

On Thursday morning I was greeted by yet another surprise as I entered my office. Allison’s desk was covered with several arrangements of flowers. The office was empty and after a quick check into the hallway I dashed over to Allison’s desk. As I peeked at the cards I asked myself once again “at what point does this become stalking?” There were roses from her parents, Iris’ from Nicole and more roses from Chris. The cards all conveyed the same message. Today was Allison’s birthday. That was what Nicole had meant to tell me at the hospital.

Without a second thought I made certain that the cards were all returned to their proper positions. I quickly dismissed the idea of tossing Chris’ in the trash. I crossed back over to my own desk and snatched up the local directory and placed a call. I had a surprise of my own coming for Allison. Yes it was true that I was angry with Allison. But it was also true that my anger was born out of my feelings for her. I couldn’t allow her birthday to pass without doing something. As I finished up my call I could here familiar footsteps approaching. I could tell by the self-assured stride that it was Allison. I quickly threw open my briefcase and pretended to be working.

Allison entered our office took one look at her desk and asked dryly. “Who died?” Her eyes suddenly widen as a snarl crossed her face. “Ah crap.” She spit out as she dropped her briefcase. Just then Maureen bounced in waving a card around. “Happy Birthday!” She shouted joyfully. Allison simply groaned in response. “What?” Maureen laughed.

“I forgot.” Allison said grimly.

“That’s not like you.” Maureen responded in surprise. “You usually live for this stuff?”

“I guess I’m just not in the mood this year.” Allison said softly as she accepted the card and retrieved the briefcase. “Thanks for the card.”

Just then Allison’s telephone began to ring she rushed over to answer it as Maureen waved her goodbyes. “Professor Kendell.” She spoke in her professional voice. “No … no … please Mother no! Don’t sing!” Allison pleaded as she slumped into her chair and began to bang her head on her desk. “Please stop.” She implored her Mother. “No not Dad too!”

I started to laugh as my telephone rang. “Dr. Grant.” I greeted my caller with a chuckle.

“Well you seem to be in good spirits Blondie.” Nicole responded. “How’s the knee?”

“Fine.” I shouted over Allison’s fussing.

“What the hell is going on there?” Nicole asked.

“Your parents are torturing your sister.” I explained as Nicole laughed.

“Let me guess their singing?” Nicole laughed hysterically.

“From what I can gather.” I chimed in.

“I guess this call is a bit late then. I forgot to tell you the other day.” Nicole explained.

“No problem. I’ve got it covered.” I explained.

“Good. I’m also calling to let you know that Dr. Chang has agreed to take you on as a patient. You’ll need to set up an appointment with her. She is expecting your call.” Nicole explained.

“Thank you Nicole.” I said loudly to be heard over Allison’s grousing. Unfortunately I said it a little too loud. Allison’s head shot up over the cubicle wall and glared at me.

“Why is Nicole calling you?” Allison asked in desperation. “Not you Mom.” She said into the receiver.

“None of your business.” I teased. I could hear Nicole laughing on the other end.

“Stephanie.” Allison growled and shot me one of her best intimidating scowls.

“Nice try.” I teased.

“What?” She spoke into her telephone. “We work together.” Allison explained. “No you can’t talk to her. I have to go.” Allison pleaded. “Thanks for the flowers Love to both of you.” Allison ducked down long enough to hang up her telephone. Her head popped up and she glared down at me.

“So is she staring at you?” Nicole asked.

“Of course.” I replied.

“Let me talk to her.” Nicole sighed.

I stood and handed Allison the receiver. “Play nice.” I warned her.

“Why are you calling Stephanie?” Allison snapped. “I am not old and cranky.” I snorted at the comment. “Yes I got them their beautiful. Yes thank you. ” Allison relaxed slightly. “So why are you bothering my co-workers?” Allison listened for a moment. “Why can’t you tell me? What are you two conspiring?” Allison demanded as she glared at me. “Well if it’s nothing then you can tell me. ” Allison pushed. “Fine.” Allison conceded. “Thanks again for the flowers. Talk to you soon Nikki.” She handed the phone back to me and ducked back to her side of the office.

I hung up the telephone and began to chuckle. “You laugh?” Allison growled.