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Our eyes met. There it was. I suddenly began to understand why it was so hard for her to look into my eyes. I felt it instantly. That look! My knees felt weak and suddenly I couldn’t breath. I leaned over to her and whispered, “Happy Birthday, Allison.” Our faces were a mere breath apart. I looked at her full lips as I licked my own. I began to close the slight distance between us, giving into what my body and heart were crying out for. At the last moment I pulled away, as the image of Courtney flashed through my mind. This was killing me. “How could she have chosen that child over me?” I looked back towards her and my resistance instantly vanished, as I reached for her once again.

This time it was Allison who broke away suddenly. I was surprised at first then once I managed to catch my breath, I reminded myself that Allison already had someone in her life. Without looking at me she casually offered me a ride home. “Sure.” I accepted her offer. “Good then you can grab the balloons.” She teased me. It was a struggle to get all of the balloons into the car. “Why did I order so many?” I grunted as we fought to get them into the Subaru. “Because I’m cute.” Allison pouted.

“No that’s not it.” I teased as I managed to get the back door closed. I watched as she continued to pout. “Nice try. Come on let’s get your flowers.” We returned to the office and gathered up the floral arrangements, and cards and the rest of our belongings. On the drive home neither of us spoke. I was secretly pleased with myself, for not mentally berating myself for my earlier actions. I knew that Allison felt it too. There was no need to beat myself up for making a pass at her. I had finally accepted that whatever was happening between us was not one sided.


When we returned home I brought the flowers upstairs to Allison’s apartment, while she struggled to get the balloons out of the car. As I reached the porch I saw that Allison had managed to free the balloons safely. Mrs. Giavanni was standing there holding a pie as she wished Allison a Happy Birthday. “Hello Mrs. Giavanni.” I greeted her. “These are beautiful Stephanie.” Our landlady beamed as she pointed to the balloons. “That was so nice of you.” She smiled. “Isn’t she nice Allison.” Mrs. Giavanni pushed.

“I’ll take the balloons, you can take the pie.” I offered quickly.

“She’s such a good girl.” Mrs. Giavanni went on. “Not like that Chris.”

“Tia Maria.” Allison snapped suddenly and pulled Mrs. Giavanni aside.

I struggled with the balloons as they whispered to each other. Allison’s slip had not escaped my notice. I placed the balloons in her living room and looked around. The one little slip had shed light on something that I had been curious about since I moved here. I turned as I heard Allison entering the apartment. “I didn’t know that you spoke Italian?” I asked trying to maintain a casual tone of voice.

“I don’t.” Allison replied absently.


“Mrs. Giavanni may have taught me a word or two.” Allison explained quickly. “Okay she’s lying. Now do I confront her with my suspicions or do I just drop the whole thing? Go ahead it’s been bugging you for months. The apartment, the way Allison dotes on her. The little clues piling up.”

“The two of you must be very close.” I began. “I don’t know much Italian myself but I do know that Tia Maria translates into Aunt Mary.” I tried to sound indifferent. “I think it is sweet the way that you look after her. You do her shopping, take care of her bills, you even tuck her in at night. Is that why she let you convert two apartments into one?”

“Ah … well it’s complicated.” Allison hedged.

“Allison are you my landlady?” I finally asked straight out. It wasn’t the first time I suspected it. Allison was the one who called the repairmen and I saw her on more than one occasion writing a check for their services. I also noticed that the tax bills were addressed to Allison.

“I am not your landlady.” Allison flatly denied.

“But you do own this house.” I stated directly.

“Only on paper.” Allison explained.

“And Mrs. Giavanni is your Aunt.” Again it was not a question. “Why the big secret?”

“Because she’s embarrassed.” Allison explained. “When my Uncle Joseph passed away both houses were paid for, but there was the upkeep to contend with. Plus the taxes, water, sewage and on and on. It was too much for her now that she was living on one social security check. She hated to raise the rents because the tenants were like family to her. I finally got her to raise the rents but then she got sick and the cost of maintaining her own home. So I just …”

“Did what you always do.” I added with a smile. “You stepped in and helped her. Just like you always have, like with your Grandfather’s debts and your sister’s drinking.”

“What can I say it’s the oldest child syndrome.” She agreed.

“So that’s why I got such a great deal on my rent?” I questioned her.

“It’s not what you think.” Allison explained quickly. “You were in a bind and I just wanted to help out. I did not have any hidden motives. I was just trying to be a friend.”

“I know that.” I scoffed at the implication. “You big dumb Amazon. You certainly have an interesting memory, if you recall I’m the one who keeps, I mean I was the one who kept trying to get you into bed not the other way around. You know the two of us have a lot in common. Always trying to take care of everyone but us. Always striving to succeed never considering failure as an option.”

“It’s true.” Allison agreed. “Hey wait a second. Big dumb Amazon! Just what is going on with you and my baby sister?”


“The two of you are up to something.” Allison accused me.


“Nicole is the only person who calls me that.” Allison explained. “Then she calls you this morning, so give what are the two of you conspiring?”

“Nothing.” I answered honestly.

“Then what gives?” Allison pushed not fully convinced of my innocence. “Why couldn’t she tell me why she called you? If the two of aren’t plotting something the only other reason she couldn’t tell me would be if the call was for professional reasons …” Allison’s face went pale. “Stephanie is everything all right?”

“Yes.” I groaned. “I’m fine and you’re right her call this morning was a professional call of sorts.” I watched as Allison began to tremble. “Get a hold of yourself. I fell while rollerblading last Sunday. I ended up in the ER at MGH, Nicole was the doctor who treated me. While I was there I expressed concerns with my present primary care physician and she arranged it so that Dr. Chang would take over as my doctor. That is all there is to it.”

“But if that is all it was, then why didn’t she just tell me?”

“Excuse me counselor?” I laughed. “I don’t really need to explain the law to you, do I?”

“No. ” She pouted and I had to admit she was damn cute when she did that. “Are you all right? Were you hurt?”

“There you go again. Taking on everyone else’s problems. Allison I scrapped my knee that is it.” I stated firmly and didn’t feel the need to add that I wouldn’t have sought out medical attention if my date hadn’t been such a complete wacko.

“You’re right.” She sighed. “It was the same with Wainwright & Griggs and why I stayed with Chris as long as I did. The day I walked away from both of those situations was the first time I felt like I was doing something just for me.”

“And you managed to walk away with your self respect. No small accomplishment.” I added.

“Well almost.” Allison chuckled at the admission. “I did throw Chris’ clothes out the window before I left. It was childish I know, but it felt great.”