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I couldn’t help but blush at her question as I recalled the night I first seen the t-shirt. I turned to Allison for help only to find her blushing as well. “Uh huh.” Was Chris’ only response. Allison in typical fashion shut her eyes and began to rub them. “Ugh. Don’t you just hate that?” Chris groaned as she looked directly at me.

“As a matter of fact I do.” I confessed.

“What?” Allison snapped as she glared at the both of us.

“That whole shutting the world out thing.” Chris explained bitterly. “It’s like if you shut your eyes to the situation it will just go away. It used to drive me insane. Oh and what about her morning concerts?” Chris directed her question towards me.

“I kind of like that.” I answered with a smile.

“What?” Chris snorted. “How could anyone enjoy having their living room turned into Woodstock every morning?”

“I still enjoy it, but then again I don’t live here.” I explained.

“I see.” Chris said slyly. “Then how pray tell do you know about her seven am concerts?”

“Because my apartment is directly below this one.” I explained hoping to nip her suspicions in the bud.

“How convenient” Chris purred. “Is that how you two gals met?”

“No.” I was losing ground fast and Allison appeared to have been stricken mute. “We work together.” I offered lamely.

“Hey so your a history Professor as well?” Chris sounded genuinely interested.

“Actually I’m a PHD.” I corrected her without boasting.

“So it’s Dr. Grant then.” Chris complimented me. “Hey that means she out ranks you Allison.”

“Whatever.” Allison grumbled.

“I’m hungry.” Chris announced. “So are you going to allow me to take the two of you out to dinner?”

“Stephanie has plans.” Allison blurted out quickly.

“Not until ten o’clock.” I spoke up. “I’m meeting a friend at The Galaxy for some dancing.” I explained to Chris. “I was just trying to coax the birthday girl into joining us when you arrived.”

“Dinner and dancing, now that sounds like a plan.” Chris accepted eagerly. “Great idea. Why don’t you gals go get changed. We can eat at that Mexican restaurant that Allison is so found of. If I remember correctly it isn’t too far from the club.”

“I don’t know.” Allison hesitated.

“I know, tequila.” Chris teased her.

“Horny and stupid.” I added with a laugh. Chris joined in on the laughter as Allison turned her back on us.

“Allison is there a problem?” Chris questioned her in a serious tone.

“No.” Allison muttered as she turned back to us.

“Then lighten up.” Chris pushed. “It’s your birthday and two beautiful women want to take you out on the town. I should be so lucky.”

“Fine, I’ll get ready.” Allison gave in and stomped off into her bedroom.

I excused myself and followed Allison into the bedroom. “Are you okay with this?” I asked her quietly.

“Yes.” Allison answered softly. “I really wanted to have dinner with you tonight. It’s just that Chris can be somewhat of a steamroller at times.”

“I’ve noticed.” I answered. “She isn’t what I expected. I actually like her.”

“I told you that Chris gets a bad rap.” Allison agreed.

“Well I think she is very nice.” I admitted. “She’s also very …”

“Attractive.” Allison finished for me. “Yes, Chris is a beautiful woman. Unfortunately Chris is all too aware of that fact herself.”

“Hey what’s with the sad look?”

“Nothing.” Allison pouted.

“Allison I am not interested in your ex.” I explained sensing that my early comment might have made her uncomfortable.

“Am I really that easy to read?”

“Sometimes, yes you are.” I answered with a smile.

“I didn’t like the way she was flirting with you.” Allison confessed.

“That’s why she did it.”


“Forget it.” I sighed. “Get dressed so we can take you out for your birthday. Don’t forget it’s your night so anything you want …”

“Anything?” She asked as she licked her lips. It was far too tempting to resist. I stepped closer to her and leaned into her firm body.

“Anything.” I answered seductively. “What is your wish birthday girl?”

“Just this.” Allison replied as she lower her lips to capture my own. The kiss quickly deepened as I felt her tongue brush against my lips. Instinctively I parted my lips and allowed her to enter my mouth. I moaned as our tongues danced together. I could feel my body being lowered onto her bed. “Hey what’s taking you two so long?” Chris shouted from the living room. We groaned in unison as we broke apart and climbed off of the bed.

I stomped off without looking at Allison. A part of me simply wanted to rip Chris’ head off. Instead I muttered something about being back soon. I went downstairs and caught my breath after entering my apartment. I showered quickly. I pulled on a new pair of black jeans as I tried to forget what had occurred in Allison’s bedroom. I then put on a new silk camisole that matched my teal silk blouse that I purchased recently. I looked good I told myself as I check myself one last time in the bathroom mirror.

I raced back upstairs eager to see Allison. I was just about to open when the door when I heard shouting coming from within. “Why not?” Chris asked anxiously.

“It’s complicated.” Allison answered in exasperation.

“Allison, not again.” Chris chastised her. “It’s always something, isn’t? Stop being such a coward.”

“Did you fly all the way up here, just to give me a lecture.” Allison argued with her.

I decided that my newfound hobby of eavesdropping needed to come to an end, I knocked on the door and entered quickly. I felt my breathing halt suddenly. Allison had changed into a pair of faded blue jeans and a white tank top. She was standing with her back to me. There was something about the sight of this woman’s backside wrapped in well-worn denim that was my undoing. I shifted my gaze from her well-defined butt only to find myself drooling over her the sight of her back. I flushed as I leered at her back. It didn’t help matters that I was thinking about the kiss we had shared earlier. “This is going to be a long night.”

I was relieved as Allison put on a black men’s blazer. Now I could make it through the evening without staring at her back like some lecher. “Hi.” Allison said as she turned to me. “You look great.” She said as a slight blush crept across her normally dark complexion.

“Back at you.” I answered as I noticed how absolutely adorable she looked.

Unfortunately I was not the only one who noticed. Chris stood up and quickly moved beside and adjusted the collar on her jacket. Then she gently caressed Allison’s face. “You look beautiful.” She whispered sweetly and as I clenched my fists in anger. “Thanks.” Allison muttered as she took a slight step away from Chris. I looked at the two of them standing next to each other. My early bravado vanished. Suddenly I felt like one of the ugly stepsisters from Cinderella.

Pitifully I slumped down onto the sofa and wished that I could simply disappear. I looked at the coffee table that was now covered with a stack of papers. Something caught my eye, it was a date. One that was all too familiar to me. Chris crossed quickly over and began to gather of the papers. “Chris it doesn’t matter.” Allison stated abruptly. “I trust Stephanie.” My heart warmed slightly with her declaration. Granted she wasn’t pledging her undying love to me but it was a nice gesture just the same.