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“Stephanie sweetie, Boston maybe a big city but in many way it is a very small town.” Rita explained. “I’ll prove it to you. Chris is Allison’s ex-lover. They lived together in New York for a couple of years. They met while working at the same law firm. They split up because Chris was cheating on her. Allison caught her in the act when she came home unrepentantly one night.”

“Okay that is spooky.” I gasped.

“Not really.” Rita answered. “When Allison blew back into town who do you think were the people she called first?”

“Her old college friends.” I smacked myself mentally at the sudden realization.

“Of course.” Rita affirmed. “That is half the point of attending the colleges that we did, the connections. Allison came home and was forced to start all over again. Being the bright girl that she is she called on her old cronies to help her get reestablished. Both socially and professionally.”

“Then why is Courtney at her apartment constantly?” I asked absently as I tried to piece together the events of the past few weeks.

“You’re not spying on her are you?” Rita questioned me cautiously.

“No, of course not.” I answered quickly understanding Rita’s concerns. “I live in the apartment below her.”

“Convenient.” Rita said with sly look.

“For all the good it does me.” I grumbled.

“Stephanie trust me on this, Allison is single.” Rita reassured me with a slight squeeze on my shoulder. “Hey think about it. If there was someone special in her life right now, then why aren’t they here on her birthday?”

“This is driving me insane.” I growled. “None of this makes any sense. Come on let’s dance before my head explodes.”

Rita just laughed and led me out onto the dance floor. I was enjoying dancing with Rita, happy to be lost in some pleasant thoughts. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of a very startling sight. Allison and Chris were dancing together. It pained me to admit it but they looked good together. They moved in perfect harmony with each other. Why wouldn’t they? After all they use to be lovers. I wasn’t the only one who noticed the two. Men and women alike were staring openly at the attractive couple. “How could I compete with that? Maybe I don’t have to. Think about it girl, remember earlier tonight in Allison’s bedroom.”

I continued dancing with Rita and tried to relax but thoughts of the kiss that Allison and I had shared earlier kept running through my mind. I lost sight of Allison and Chris. Unaware that I was ignoring Rita I kept searching for them. “Come on.” Rita finally groaned as she grasped my hand and led me off of the dance floor. “God you’ve got it bad girl.” She groaned as she dragged me over to Daisy’s bar and order us a couple woo woo shots. I downed mine quickly without even thinking. The liquor tasted so sweet it was hard to believe that there was alcohol in it. “I can’t leave you alone for a minute can I?” A soft contralto voice whispered in my ear as two familiar hands caressed my shoulders.

I leaned back into Allison’s body. I looked over to Rita grinning and Chris scowling. “Does anyone want another drink?” Chris offer with a hint of harshness to her voice. I waved off her offer as Allison wrapped her arms around my waist. “Just a Poland Springs.” Allison said. “I think I need to sober up a little.”

“I’ll have another one.” Rita smiled up at Chris.

Chris returned Rita’s smile and ordered their drinks. “Oh no.” Rita groaned as she accepted her drink from Chris. We all looked at her oddly. “What is it?” I asked.

“Issue girl at twelve o’clock and she is heading this way.” Rita sighed.

“No, tell me that you’re joking.” I dropped my head knowing it was true.

“Sorry Stephanie.” Rita apologized. “And she’s already seen you.”

“Allison would you do me a favor?” I asked as I looked up into a pair of very confused blue eyes.

“Anything.” She answered honestly.

“Kill me now.” I groaned.

“Huh?” Allison pulled me closer and shook her head.

“Who is issue girl?” Chris asked.

“Stephanie’s date from hell.” Rita tried to explain as I felt Allison stiffen from behind me.

“You mean the good looking woman heading this way?” Chris asked. “What is wrong with her?”

“She’s not that good looking.” I heard Allison muttered as she turned to see Josie.

“She has issues.” I said bluntly.

“Oh.” Allison and Chris groaned in unison. “But still, she is good looking and everyone has baggage.” Chris was grasping at straws. “With Regis Philbin? With M&M’s, the internet and television?” I tried to explain.

“Now that’s just un-American.” Allison snorted.

“Stephanie?” Josie called out to me in an accusing tone.

“Hi.” I answered dryly. I could feel Allison pulling me closer to her in a protective manner.

“Sweetheart, I have been so worried about you.” Josie went on ignoring Allison’s growl. “It was all I could talk about in therapy this week. I must say I’m surprised that you didn’t call me.”

“Josie, I’m sorry but it was just one date.” I explained.

“We have a connection Stephanie.” Josie went on. “If it wasn’t for that idiot doctor in the emergency room.” She huffed as I tensed. “I have a real issues with her.”

“You’re not talking about my sister are you?” Allison asked in a controlled yet frightening tone.

“Oh no.” Chris gasped in fear.

“Would you like to dance Chris?” Rita asked hurriedly and with that they both disappeared leaving me wedged between an angry ex-lawyer who I suspected was a black belt and the clueless issue girl.

“Who are you?” The clueless wonder had the nerve to snap at Allison.

“I’m Stephanie’s partner.” Allison replied dryly. I felt no need to correct her, I liked the way it sounded when Allison referred to me as her partner.

“I don’t think so.” Josie challenged her.

“And I think you should leave.” Allison growled.

“You look like you have some anger management problems.” Josie retorted as if that was going to save her.

“And you look like a bleeder.” Allison replied coldly. I could see Daisy stiffen from behind the bar preparing for trouble.

“Okay that’s it.” I said finally as I stepped away from Allison positioning myself between the two. I placed a calming hand on Allison chest. “Josie goodbye.” I waved my hand at her to shoo her away and then turned to Allison. “Allison go drink your water and give Daisy an extra tip for worrying him.” Allison muttered something under her breath and slinked over to the bar and followed my instructions. Josie just stared at me.

“Look Josie I’m with Allison.” I liked the way that sounded. “Now please leave because frankly you are working my nerves.” Josie looked horrified as she stomped off. I just rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to a certain tall beauty that was pouting as she sipped her bottle of water. I walked over to her.

“She seemed nice.” Allison teased. “How did you ever let her get away?”

I slapped her playfully in the stomach and held a cautioning finger. “It’s a good thing it’s your birthday kiddo.” I warned her. “You know she did.” I said thoughtfully.

“Did what?”

“Seem nice.” I explained. “When I first met her here, she seemed perfectly normal. It wasn’t until I got her out in the light of day that she turned out to be a complete wacko. So are you enjoying your birthday?”

“Hmm.” She answered. “I liked my presents.”

“The flowers or the balloons?” I asked.

“The balloons but that wasn’t the best one.”