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“Oh.” Chris said seeming to understand.

“With a man.” I added much to Chris’ surprise. “I didn’t know that I was gay.” I explained further.

“That explains it then.” Chris said simply.

“That explains what?” Now I was lost.

“Well you know about Jessica.” Chris began slowly. “But do you know about Brenda?”

“Brenda?” I asked. I had heard Nicole mention her once. “Who the hell is Brenda?” I blurted out.

“Brenda was Allison’s first girlfriend.” Chris explained as her face twisted in an odd expression. “The one from high school. She dumped Allison for a guy. She gave Allison the old it’s been fun but it’s not like I’m a queer or anything crap. Then she ends up marrying this guy and had the nerve to ask Allison to be the maid of honor at the wedding.”

“What a bitch!” I exclaimed a little too loudly as the entire waiting turned around a stared at me.

“Basically.” Chris agreed. “Nicole didn’t take it too well when Allison agreed to go through with it. She beat the crap out Brenda. She ended up getting arrested for drunk and disorderly and assault and battery. The charges were dropped since Brenda wasn’t in hurry to explain the situation to anyone. But everyone agreed that it would be best if Allison bowed out of the wedding party.”

“The two of them certainly look out for each other.” I said quietly. Chris just nodded in agreement.

“I think I understand what the problem is between the two of you.” Chris offered in a comforting tone. “Allison can freak out so easily.”

“I probably didn’t help things by dragging my feet about breaking up with Peter.” I added.

“Knowing Allison she probably stayed as far away from you as possible.” Chris said in a disgusted tone. “She tries to put on this act like she has everything under control. But she can run away from her feelings faster than a politician can lie. Stephanie I would give anything if she would just look at me once the way she looks at you.”

I could feel how difficult this was for her to admit. “So what do I do?” I pleaded helplessly.

“Don’t give her a chance to over analyze this.” Chris said aggressively. “Just go for it.”

“That’s easy for you to say.” I confessed as I looked over at the statuesque beauty seated next to me.

I was mulling over everything Chris had told me. I knew that it could not have been easy for her. I thought about her advice and it frightened me a little. But there was something on my mind. “Six months. Eight months. Neither of them would have made that kind of error.”

“What are you doing here snake?” A familiar voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Brat.” Chris retorted to Nicole.

They glared at each other for a moment it appeared that there would be no cease-fire coming anytime soon. “How is she?” I asked not caring about tension between the two women. The only thing I wanted to know about at this moment was Allison’s health. These two can kill each other later. “She is going to be fine.” Nicole reassured me.

A sigh of relief escaped from me. “But.” Nicole began as I felt my chest tighten. “There is a problem.” Nicole sat next to me and placed a hand on my arm. “It was food poisoning. As you can see we’ve had a run of cases on that tonight. Now her doctor would like to keep her here over night just for observation. The attending physician agrees. Here’s the problem Allison wants to go home.”

“So what’s the problem?” Chris interrupted. “If she needs to be in the hospital just explain it to her.”

“I wasn’t talking to you.” Nicole snapped.

“That’s enough.” I growled stunning the both of them. “Now behave the both of you.” I warned them. “Nicole what aren’t you telling me?” I demanded.

“It’s just that …” Nicole stammered. “Well Allison is …”

“Spit it out.” I pushed.

“She’s afraid.” She finally admitted.

“What?” Chris said with disbelief.

I held up a cautioning hand up to Chris. I could see that Nicole was being truthful. “She’s terrified of having to stay over night in a hospital.” Nicole said quietly. I didn’t need to know why. I could see the pain of Nicole’s face of having to reveal Allison’s secret. “Is it medically necessary for her to be admitted?” I asked firmly.

“No.” Nicole answered. “It’s just a precaution. Dr. Chang isn’t going to release her though unless she knows that someone will be with her constantly for the next twenty four hours.”

“That isn’t a problem.” I asserted. “I wasn’t planning on leaving her side even if you did admit her. Now when can I take her home?”

“Thank you.” Nicole sighed with relief.

“Hold on.” Chris butted in. “If the doctor thinks she should stay… “

“No.” I said firmly. It was at that moment that I realized that the neither of them would fight my choice. Both her sister and her ex-lover had left the decision up to me. I wasn’t sure how or why but Allison’s well being had been placed in my hands. It should have seemed strange or uncomfortable but it didn’t. It seemed perfectly natural.

“She’s been asking for you.” Nicole stated. “Funny she didn’t mention you snake.” Nicole shot out at Chris who just glared in response. Nicole led me into the treatment area. On the way she explained that Allison had to be rehydrated from all of the vomiting and the alcohol. Then she explained what I needed to watch out for and about the antibiotics that she needed to take. She also explained that Allison was pretty much out of it and she might be confused on and off for the next few days.

Allison looked terrible when I was led into the curtain area. I brushed her hair off of her face and took her hand. She smiled gently up at me. “I’m taking you home.” I whispered to her. She just nodded in response and squeezed my hand. Nicole spoke to Allison’s doctors and convinced them to release her into my care. Once she was stable enough Chris and I drove her home and put her to bed. I made up the couch for Chris and rushed downstairs and changed into a t-shirt and sweats and raced back upstairs. I peeked into the bedroom to find Allison resting comfortably.

“Long day huh?” Chris said from behind me.

“No kidding.” I sighed as I turned to her. She had taken a shower and was wearing Allison’s robe. I was too tied to get angry. “Chris I need to talk to you.”

“I’m sorry if I was out line at the hospital.” She apologized quickly. “I have to admit that, Allison was right when she told me you were easy to talk too. I don’t know why I told you half the stuff I did. Well if I stepped on your toes or anything I just want you to know that I apologize.”

I smiled at her sincere offering. “You were fine at the hospital.” I offered in a friendly manner. “There is something bothering me and maybe you could help me out with it?”

“Shoot.” She said as she plopped down on the sofa.

“Don’t lawyers need to account for their time for financial reasons?” I asked.

“Always.” She answered with a smile. “Billable hours make the world go round.”

“Allison isn’t the type who would screw something like that up is she?”

“Not a chance.” She answered with curiosity.

“So for her not to able to account for her where abouts is very unusual?” I pushed a little harder.

“Tell me about it.” Chris groaned in frustration. “That woman could probably tell you what she ate for breakfast every day for the past decade.”

“She doesn’t eat breakfast.” I added absently as I tried to piece together my thoughts.

“I know that.” Chris snapped back sarcastically.

“I’m sorry.” I apologized quickly. “I’m just trying to put something together here. So bear with me okay.” She nodded her agreement. “You and Allison were close friends before you were together. She told me that many times.”