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I was exhausted by the time I reentered the bedroom. The sight of Allison trying to stand up unnerved me. “Stop.” I commanded her. “I’m going to be …” she gulped. I understood immediately and dropped my belongings and rushed to her side. “Okay.” I reassured her. “But you can’t do it alone.” With my assistance Allison made into the bathroom. I held her hair back while she became ill. “I don’t understand why can’t I?” She moaned weakly from her spot in front of the toilet.

“Because there is nothing in your stomach.” I tried to explain. “I’m going to run a bath for you.” This little trip into the bathroom provided the perfect opportunity to change Allison and the bedding as well. I started to run the water as Allison muttered something about a shower. “I don’t think so.” I answered softly. “You don’t have your sea legs yet and I doubt I could support you. Stay here I’m going to get you something clean to put on.” Allison simply groaned weakly in response.

Upon returning to the bathroom I found her still lying there with her face pressed up against the porcelain. I quickly tested the water and found it to be acceptable. I turned off the faucet and returned my attention to Allison. As sick as she was the woman still looked adorable.

“Okay stretch let’s get you into the tub.” I assisted her to a somewhat standing position. “What are you doing?” Allison mumbled as I began to undress her.

“You might enjoy your bath more without your pajamas.” I explained.

“Oh.” She answered absently as she tried to help with the removal of her clothing.

“Not to worry.” I reassured her. “I saw everything you had to offer last night.”

“Really?” She questioned as she stepped out of her flannel lounge pants. “And?” She asked as I helped her into the bathtub.

“Well with the exception of the unnatural shade of green your skin had turned, I enjoyed the view.” I answered her as I handed her a clean washcloth and some soap.

“Hmm.” She shook her head in confusion. “Why isn’t anything making sense?”

“You are very sick sweetheart.” I patted her gently on the shoulder. “Now if you promise not to drown yourself I need to change the sheets on the bed.” She gave a mock salute but her glassy eyed expression concerned me. Reluctantly I left her and tore the sheets and blankets off of the bed. I then fluffed up the feather bed, put on clean sheets and blankets and raced back to the bathroom.

Much to my relief I found that Allison had managed to clean herself without drowning. My relief proved to be short lived when she began to struggle to stand up. “Hold on there tiger!” I ordered she obeyed instantly.

“I need to wash your hair.” I said to her gently.

“How did you know about that?” She asked absently.

“Know about what?” I asked as I lowered the shower massage and retrieved her shampoo.

“Tigger?” She explained. “David used to call me that.”

“Wow she must really be out of it, she never wants to talk about her brother.” I thought as I gently washed and rinsed her long tresses. I also thought about how much I would like to do this again. Of course when I wasn’t completely exhausted and she wasn’t delirious. After Allison was cleaned and dried I helped her change and put her back into bed. She began to toss and turn. I went to the kitchen and heated up some broth for her. I also grabbed her medicine a large glass of water and some Gatorade I brought up from downstairs.

Allison held down most of the broth, took her medicine and drank everything I gave her. I tucked her back into bed and brought her dirty linen and clothing up to her second floor kitchen and threw everything, including the clothing I was wearing, into the washing machine. Having done all of that I headed back into the bedroom. I had not given a thought to my own nakedness until I walked into the bedroom and quickly realized that Allison was awake. I blushed furiously and buried my face in my hands. “Beautiful.” I heard her mutter. I looked up to find that she had rolled over and went to sleep. I didn’t know if should feel embarrassment or anger over the events that had just transpired. I simply dragged myself off to the bathroom and took a very long shower.

The next few days were spent taking care of Allison. She seemed more and more coherent but not consistently. Her fever had lessened but was still hanging on. I informed Maureen about Allison’s state of health and it was agreed that Allison’s teaching assistant would give her midterms. Mrs. Giavanni came by frequently to check on her and bring food. Allison was keeping more down but her diet was still restricted to broth. By Sunday evening I was exhausted. I looked forward to the day when Allison would wake and not need to have everything explained to her as to why she was sick. I also spent my time fielding calls from Nicole and Chris. Chris updated me on the case against Allison. It appeared that my suspicions were on the money. Nicole managed to convince her parents not to come up and to just let Allison rest. She was taking the train up so she could sit with Allison in the morning while I was at work.

I set the alarm and crawled into bed with Allison. Even though she was fast asleep she pulled me into her arms. This had been our routine for the past few days whenever I crawled into bed with her. I quickly drifted off to sleep.

The dream was so vivid, I was touching Allison and she was caressing me in return. I moaned as I felt her suckling my nipple, my legs opened for her and she pressed her thigh between them. Out of instinct I lifted my knee and slid my thigh between her legs. “My God she is wet!” My eyes flew open this was no dream! I found myself lying beneath her our legs entwined just as I had been dreaming. Much to my surprise both my hands were underneath Allison’s nightshirt cupping her breasts. I quickly pulled my hands from her. “Stephanie.” She called out dreamingly. I felt her brow with one hand. Apparently her fever had finally vanished. It was also painfully clear that Allison was still asleep.

Her hips began to sway in a slow gentle movement causing my hips to follow her lead. Our legs and hips began to rock together in a slow rhythm. She pressed her body tightly against mine and allowed her lips and tongue to feast on my neck. “Oh god.” I moaned as I felt our desire touch even through our clothing. “I need to stop this! She isn’t awake. She doesn’t know what she’s doing. Oh but it feels so good!” As my mind screamed at me to stop her, my body fought its own battle. I continued to rock against her as I slid my hands down her strong back to her buttocks. I grabbed her cheeks and pushed her against me. “Oh yes.” She moaned as the pace of our grinding became more urgent.

My thigh began to tremble as my breathing became ragged. All too familiar demons chose that moment to arise. I was so close I knew that I was about to go over the edge. I could feel her body reacting in a similar fashion. We were both so close and it was so wrong. “No!” My mind screamed as I gently pushed her off of me. Allison rolled off of me without protest and drifted back into her slumber. “It was the right thing to do.” I told myself as tried to regain control of my breathing. “If we are going to make love I want us both to remember it.” I collected myself and climbed out of bed. I grabbed a clean t-shirt and a fresh pair of boxer shorts and headed into the bathroom. Two things occurred to me as I took a long cold shower. The first was that what I said to myself was true. The gentleness of the moment and the way our bodies connected I was making love to her. For the first time in my life it wasn’t just sex, I had been making love to someone. The second thing I realized was that if Allison was that good when she was sound asleep, I really wanted to know what she was like when she was wide awake! Damn it would probably kill me but what a way to go!