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After climbing back into bed I tossed and turned for hours before finally returning to sleep. Fortunately or unfortunately I wasn’t awakened by anymore-erotic dreams. The next morning I awoke and reached out for my companion. I was surprised to find Allison’s side of the bed empty. I heard the shower running in the bathroom. “Idiot.” I growled as I looked at the alarm clock noting that I had a good two hours before I had to get up. I threw the bed covers aside and followed the sounds of running water.

I rapped on the glass door to the shower and was greeted by a startled gasp from inside. “Are you all right?” I called out in an tense tone. The water stopped and the door opened slightly. Allison’s dazzling blue eyes peered out shyly. For the first time in days she looked like her old self. “I’m fine.” She answered shyly.

“Can you stand up okay?” I pushed wiping the sleep from my eyes.

“Yeah?” Allison answered in a confused voice.

The telephone began to ring. “I’ll get that. You be careful.” I ordered her. “Oh okay.” Allison responded still confused by my actions. I just waved a dismissing hand at her and stomped off into the bedroom. “Hello.” I snarled into the telephone.

“Whoa.” Chris’ voice chuckled on the other end. “Someone is grumpy.”

“I need sleep, Chris.” I snarled. Then I took a calming breath before continuing. “I’m sorry it’s been a long couple of days.”

“How’s our girl doing?” Chris asked.

“Much better. She is in the shower.” I explained.

“That’s a good sign.” Chris sighed with relief. “Maybe when she has her strength back the weather will change and send the two of you a nice rainstorm.” She laughed.

“What is it with you and the rain anyway?” I asked not really wanting an answer.

“It’s not me Blondie.” Chris said seductively. “It’s her. It makes her … how do I put this delicately?” She teased. “It makes her horny as hell.” She blurted out.

“If that was delicate I would hate to hear you tell a children’s story.” I laughed then I paused for a moment. “Really?”

“Oh yeah.” Chris sighed deeply. “And it’s not just the rain.” Chris continued. “Rain, sleet, snow any change in the weather sets her off. I swear that woman is a sexual barometer.”

“Uh huh.” I squeaked out as my mind reeled at the implications of what Chris had just told me.

“Well I just wanted to check in.” Chris offered. “Glad to hear she is doing better. I’m going to fax over some information to you later. Talk to you soon. Bye.”

“Bye Chris.” I replied sheepishly. “I need to start following the weather reports.” I told myself as I hung up the telephone.

Allison entered the bedroom in a clean pair navy sweat pants and a well-worn Harvard t-shirt. “How are you feeling?” I asked absently. “Like I’ve been kicked in the head by a mule.” Allison grumbled as she ran her fingers through her hair. “I’ve got one hell of a hangover.”

“Oh no.” I groaned realizing that Allison had forgotten what had happen. “Allison …” I began slowly.

“I should feel better later.” Allison interrupted me. “I mean if you still want to play hooky that is? I must admit I was more than a little surprised to find you in my bed this morning. Did I forget something important?”

“Almost.” I sighed heavily. “Allison sit down.” I patted the bed next to me. She complied although her startled expression remained in place. I took another calming breath as I tried to figure out the best way to explain everything to her. Somehow it had been easier when she was delirious. “Allison sweetie, you don’t have a hangover.”

“That’s not what my head is screaming.” She laughed.

“I’m sorry I was so forward in the bathroom but I was afraid that you might fall.” I tried to explain.

“Okay?” She looked at me oddly.

“Allison what day is it?”

“Friday.” She answered as she continued to stare at me.


“No?” She laughed.

“Today is Monday.” I replied flatly.

“What?” She gasped. I watched as she tried to process what I had just told her. “Monday? How can that be?” She asked.

“Do you remember going to the diner in the South End on Thursday after dancing?” I asked she nodded in the affirmative. “Well you and half of Boston ended up with food poisoning. The board of health shut the place down. It was in yesterday’s Globe.”

“Food poisoning?” Allison was trying to put the pieces together.

“You were very sick so Chris and I took you to the ER at MGH. The doctors wanted to keep you overnight but you weren’t thrilled with the idea. So Nicole and I arranged it so they would release you but only if someone could stay with you. So I did.” I took a breath and allowed her to catch up on what had happened.

“I remember something…” Allison said absently. “You coming to me and saying that you were taking me home.”

“That’s right.” I confirmed. “Now climb back into bed you still need your rest and frankly so do I.”

“But if it is Monday then I have midterms to give.” She protested.

“No you don’t.” I argued. “Your TA is giving them. I faxed copies of your exams over to Grace on Friday. Maureen has already signed you out for the rest of the week. And your cousin Anthony closed up your house in P-Town. Your sister is on her way over to stay with you while I go to work. There is nothing you need to do except get some rest.” Having said that I crawled back under the covers and waited for her to join me.

Finally she crawled into bed with me. I released a sigh knowing that she wasn’t going to fight me on this. “You did all of that for me?” She asked as she curled up next to me. “Yes.” I answered with a yawn. “Thank you.” She offered sweetly.

“You are welcome.” I yawned again. “Now go to sleep I have a couple hours left before I need to get up.”

“I can not believe that you did all of that for me.” She repeated. “Thank you.”

“Anytime.” I yawned. “Now Ssh I need sleep.” I snuggled up against her.


“Ugh!” I groaned.

“Sorry but I seem to recall a few other things that have me confused.”

“Such as?” I growled and lifted my head to face her. I found her blushing.

“Well for some reason I recall you standing in my bedroom naked.”

“Okay I can explain that.” I stammered. “I was doing laundry and decided to wash what I was wearing. We were alone in the apartment and I thought you were asleep.”

“Well that makes sense.” She smiled. “I do that all the time. One of the advantages of living alone.”

“Okay if that is settled can I get some sleep?” I pleaded hoping that was all she remembered.

“Did you give me a bath?” She went on.

“Yes.” I answered. “Whenever you needed to change your clothing and get cleaned up I helped you.”

“That was sweet of you.” Allison said honestly. “But there is something else … I can’t seem to sort out what was real and what was a dream.”

“Allison.” I cut her off there was no way we were talking about this now. “You slept most of the time. I’m sure everything will come back to you. Please I need to get some sleep.”

“I’m sorry.” She apologized and snuggled up against me placing my head on her chest.

I listened to her heart beating steadily and once again we were both fast asleep. I was awakened by the sound of the alarm clock. Allison stirred slightly as I cursed and shut the annoying clock off. I showered and changed into a pair of jeans and a simple white turtleneck. I glanced quickly outside noticing the frost building up. Winter was definitely on it’s way. I went to Allison’s walk in closet and grabbed a black wool sweater. I hoped that she wouldn’t mind. I also prayed that when she woke up she would remember what day it was. I brewed a pot of coffee for Nicole and myself. I quickly learned that Nicole shared her sister’s addiction for caffeine. I toasted a bagel and ate it while flipping through my paperwork.