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I was placing my work into my briefcase when I heard footsteps approaching the apartment door. I was snapping my briefcase shut when I heard noises still shuffling around outside of the door. I peeked through the peephole and chuckled at the sight I was spying. I swung the door open quickly startling the Nicole and Roger the cop caught up in a major lip lock. Roger blushed as Nicole laughed. “Blondie.” She greeted me. “Thanks again for the ride Roger.” She kissed him gently on the cheek. “Nice to see you again.” Roger offered shyly to me. “Officer.” I replied with a smirk as Nicole brushed past me.

I closed the door and gave a knowing look at the younger Kendell woman. “You know you can get cooties by doing that.” I pointed out.

“It’s true.” She agreed. “We learned that in med school. Unlike when you stick your tongue down my sister’s throat, which is perfectly hygienic.” She teased me.

“Nicole halte!” Allison barked from the bedroom doorway. “Impur bouche.”

“That’s not what Roger said.” Nicole laughed.

“Mauvais.” Allison grumbled.

“Okay play nice you two.” I warned the both of them as they rolled their eyes in unison.

“I see that you have returned to the world of the living Ally.” Nicole noted effectively changing the subject. “How is she today?” She directed this comment to me.

“Her fever broke last night.” I answered. “She has been keeping down more food nothing solid yet. She’s not delirious any longer, I think.” Allison growled at me. “She also showered by herself this morning.” I continued ignoring Allison’s obvious discomfort.

“I also went potty by myself.” Allison grunted. “What am I a two year old?”

“Allison you were very sick.” Nicole tried to calm her down. “If it wasn’t for Stephanie the doctors were going to admit you.”

Allison simply pouted in response. “I have to go.” I offered. “I’m taking the car if that’s alright?” I asked Allison who simply nodded in response. “Why not?” Nicole answered. “She’s grounded.” She pointed to her sister. “And I’m not allowed to drive, yet.”

Allison looked at her sister with surprise. “I was going to tell you later.” Nicole explained. “I went to see that judge and I have my learners permit.” She reached into her pocket and produced a long white sheet of paper with her picture on it. “I had a very long talk with the judge and he could see that I’ve changed. But if I screw up again he made it very clear that I will be looking at some serious jail time.”

“What?” Allison snapped. “Nikki you should have let me handle this for you.” Nicole held up her hand in protest. “Allison I have to do these things myself.” Nicole explained calmly. “And he’s right. I should have been locked up for what I did. I’m an ER doctor I know better than to get behind the wheel of car after drinking. I could have killed someone.” Nicole stressed.

The two remained silent for a moment. Allison started heading for the kitchen. “Where are you going?” I asked her briskly effectively stopping her in her tracks. “I smell coffee.” Allison answered shyly.

“No.” I said firmly.

“Why?” She whined like a child.

“Allison no.” Nicole confirmed. “You were dehydrated no caffeine.”

“But.” Allison whimpered.

“Maybe by Wednesday.” Nicole suggested.

“Wednesday!” Allison gasped in horror. “But … but today is Monday. It is still Monday isn’t?”

I rushed to Allison’s side as she whimpered. “Yes, sweetie it is still Monday.” I reassured her. “Just two more days and you can have some coffee. I’ll get the hazelnut blend you like so much. Okay?” I patted her on the shoulder.

“It’s not fair.” She pouted as she tugged gently on the sleeve of the sweater I was wearing.

“I know Allison.” I comforted her wrapping my arm around her waist. “It’s not fair.”

“You get to have coffee and Nikki can have coffee.” Allison continued to whimper and then a surprised look crossed her face. “Is that my sweater?”

“Gotta go.” I said hurriedly as I dashed into the kitchen and filled my travel mug. I returned to the living room and gathered up my belongings and threw on my coat. There was no way I was giving up that sweater. It was comfortable, warm and most importantly it smelled like Allison. “Oh sure rub it in.” Allison snorted as she pointed to my travel mug. I just shrugged my shoulders and headed towards the doorway. Allison followed me. “Have a good day at work.” She said softly then as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do she lowered her head and placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

We broke apart quickly both startled by the kiss. “That was …” Her voice trailed off. “I know.” I answered her thinking about how perfectly normal it seemed for her to send me off to work with a goodbye kiss. “Stephanie could we do that again but could you have sip of coffee first?”

“Oh sure use my body to satisfy your caffeine Jones.” I teased taking pity on her I took a healthy sip of coffee.

Allison lowered her head once again as I puckered my lips to greet hers. I gasped slightly as she ran her tongue across my lips. Instinctively I parted my lips and allowed her entrance. I moaned not caring that she was simply trying to taste the coffee I had just consumed. The kiss deepened as she wrapped her arms around me pulling me closer as our tongues began to battle for control. Suddenly this had nothing to do with Allison’s caffeine addiction. “Are you saying goodbye to the girl or giving her a dental exam Allison?” Nicole teased.

Allison growled and sneered at her younger sibling. “I have to go.” I patted Allison gently on the arm. “Have fun with your sister.”

“Stephanie.” Allison’s voice stopped me. “It looks nice on you. The sweater it looks good on you, it brings out your eyes.” She smiled sweetly at me. “Now I could definitely get use to starting my mornings like this.” I thought as I finally left the apartment. Behind the now closed door I could hear some choice words in French being tossed around.

As I stepped out onto the front porch a most unwelcome sight greeted me. Courtney was approaching slowly. “This is going to be fun.” I cursed silently. “Hi.” She greeted me with a forced smile. I did not respond. “I heard Allison was sick and I wanted to give her this.” I noticed that her hand was shaking as she handed me what appeared to be a greeting card sealed in a lavender envelope.

I accepted the card gingerly taking note that she had dotted the “i” with a little heart. “God how young is this kid?”

“Fine.” I grumbled as I tried to push my way past her. The events of the past few days had only convinced me further that Rita had been correct. Little Courtney set me up and I fell for it.

“Wait.” She called out as I was heading towards Allison’s car.

Turning towards her approaching figure I cast an icy stare at the young woman. “Look.” She began very cautiously. “I owe you an apology.”

“For?” I retorted coldly.

“I think you know.” She offered to my icy glance. I was not going to back down I needed to hear her say it. To admit that she had lied. “For the morning after Halloween.” She whined. “I lied to you and you were right I was being a bitch.” She blurted out finally. I released a breath I hadn’t realized I had been holding. “You don’t need to worry about the card.” She went on to explain. “It’s just a thank you. She’s been so nice to me helping me study for the bar exam and all. The firm I work for is so small and I have to put in a lot of hours. None of the lawyers there have any time to spare and …”