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“I’ll see that Allison gets this.” I cut her ramblings deciding it was time to let the girl off the hook.

“Thanks.” Courtney said quickly. “Again, I’m sorry for lying to you. I don’t know why I did it.”

“Don’t worry.” I said warmly. “You’ll grow out of it.”

“Hey.” She shot back with a smile.

“Sorry.” I replied. “Do you need a ride?”

“No thank you.” She answered. “I have my car. The firm gave us the week off for the holiday. I’m driving home to Providence.”

“Have a nice Thanksgiving.” I offered as I deactivated the car alarm.

“You too.” She responded but remained standing in place. “Stephanie I’m still a little confused about something?”

“What?” I sighed as I glanced at my watch.

I watched as she shifted nervously from one foot to the other. “It’s that I ran into Peter in Providence the other day.” She began cautiously. “And well the thing is that he kind of gave me the impression that the two of you were still together. I just can’t figure this out since all Allison talks about is you. That and I heard the two of you were pretty hot and heavy at The Galaxy last Thursday.”

“What did you just say?” I blurted out in horror.

“Which part?”

“About Peter.” I demanded. Come on Courtney focus!

“Well I Uhm …” She stammered. “I ran into him and we exchanged the usual funny running into you. I asked about you and basically he said something about you doing great and the two of you were spending the holiday with his family. I thought it was strange since you told me that the two of you split up. You know, right before I lied about sleeping with Allison.”

“I remember.” I spat out. “And we did split up. I haven’t seen him since that morning. I swear if you are lying again.” I threatened her.

“I’m not.” She defended herself. “I just thought I should say something to you. I’m sorry.”

“No I’m glad you did.” I steadied myself. “Thank you.”

Courtney and I parted company. I drove to the campus and went directly to my office. I picked up my messages and headed out to give my first exam. While my students were busy with the midterm I studied my messages. Most of them were from Peter wanting to know my plans for Thanksgiving. Granted I was not looking forward to spending the holiday alone but there was no way I was going to spend it with Peter and his family. I needed to have a chat with him. I didn’t trust Courtney and for good reason, I would talk to him and get to the bottom of this.

After I administered my last exam for the day I headed directly to my office and pulled up my emails. Once again many were from Peter. I dialed his office immediately. When he answered I lit into him instantly. “Peter its Stephanie.” I spat out harshly.

“Stephanie where have you been?” He spat back in an accusing tone.


“I’m sorry.” He offered weakly. “It’s just that I’ve been calling you for days. I didn’t get an answer at your apartment. I can’t help if I’m jealous.”

I calmed myself. “Peter I’m sorry I flew off the handle.” I apologized. “Allison has been very ill and I have been staying with her.”

“Thank God.” I heard him sigh.

“Peter did you run into Courtney last week?” I asked him carefully.

“Yes.” He answered after a brief silence. “I … Uhm …”


“I’m sorry.” He gasped. “Look I’m having a hard time telling people about this. I still don’t understand it and well I really don’t believe it.”

“Oh Peter.” I sighed. “I know this is hard especially after all the years we have been together.”

“About Thursday?” He began hopefully.

“No Peter.” I was gentle but firm.

“But.” He protested.

“I’m sorry.” I sighed again. “Have a nice holiday and my best to your family.” Having said that I hung up before he could say anything. After the holiday Peter and I were going to have a very long talk. It was time he knew the truth.

When I returned home I found Allison and Nicole in a fierce battle over some video game. “Did you two have a nice play date?” I asked them noticing Mrs. Giavanni puttering around. “Tia Maria I can clean my own apartment.” Allison scolded her. Mrs. Giavanni for her part ignored her niece and continued to dust.

“I’ll put this away.” Nicole offered breaking down the play station.

For my part I put my briefcase down on the bookshelf that was nearest the front door. I slipped off my shoes and went over to the sofa and joined Allison. “Help.” She whispered to me softly.

“Mrs. Giavanni?” I called out. “Why don’t you take a break.” I suggested calmly.

The elderly woman shrugged her shoulders and complied with my request. “How was school Stephanie?” Mrs. Giavanni asked.

“Good thank you.” I answered. “And how was our patient today ladies?”

“She ate some soup and toast.” Mrs. Giavanni offered.

“How did she do with the soup?” I asked them both ignoring Allison grumbling next to me.

“Good.” Nicole answered. “She is much better. Keep her on the antibiotics and no coffee until Wednesday and then only a little. Keep getting fluids into her including the sport drinks you have been giving her. You might want to keep an eye on how much she urinates.” Nicole suggested. “If she gets plenty of rest and things keep going this way she can enjoy a nice meal on Thursday.”

“Hello!” Allison shouted. “I am sitting right here you know.”

“Don’t listen to her.” Mrs. Giavanni scolded. “She’s been a pain in the ass all day.” I choked at Mrs. Giavanni choice of language. “She kept trying to sneak upstairs and work on her computer or do laundry.”

“I did not.” Allison lied.

“She did.” Nicole confirmed.

“Rat.” Allison snarled.

“Tia Maria finally got her to sit down.” Nicole explained ignoring her sister.

“How did she manage that?” I questioned.

“She threatened me.” Allison grumbled.

“I did not!” Mrs. Giavanni protested.

“She did.” Allison teased.

“That fresh mouth of yours is going to get you serious trouble some day young lady.” Mrs. Giavanni scolded.

Allison ignored her Aunt and flipped on the television. “Come on Tia Maria.” Nicole said. “You promised me dinner before I had to leave.”

“Okay but first I heat up the plate I brought over for Stephanie.” Mrs. Giavanni explained in broken English. “Eggplant parmesan.”

“I’ll eat it later.” I replied. “Thank you for doing that. You two go eat.” They said their goodbyes and left us alone.

I reached to the back of the sofa and grabbed the blanket that rested there and covered up Allison. “I don’t know how to thank you for everything you have done for me over the past few days.” Allison said with sincerity as she moved part of the blanket over my legs.

“You could spend the rest of your life with me.” I thought to myself. “Don’t mention it.” I replied aloud settling myself in closer to her. “Stephanie I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” Allison began shyly. “What are you doing for Thanksgiving?”

“Nothing.” I answered honestly.

“Well it’s just that … well I’ve been wondering …” Allison stammered.

“Yes.” I prodded her.