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“Well I um . . I meant to ask you this before … would you like to spend it with me and my family?” She finally blurted out and then blew out a breath as if she had just run a four-minute mile.

“I would love to.” I answered her quickly before she could change her mind. “So where is the family gathering? The compound in Hyannis?” I joked.

“No the estate at Chestnut Hill.” Allison answered plainly. “The family lost the property on The Cape years ago.”

“Oh my God she’s not kidding? How am I going to fit in with these people?” I was suddenly very afraid even after meeting Nicole. “Don’t worry.” Allison reassured me as if reading my thoughts. “It’s not all that. It will just be my sister who you already know. Then there is just Mom and Dad and Gaia of course. She’s my great grandmother. You’ll love her. Oh and she is Haley Ballister’s daughter in law so the two of you can talk about that.”

“Thanks.” I sighed with relief suddenly noticing the television. The fighting and swordplay was confusing. “What are you watching?” This certainly didn’t seem like a show that Allison would watch.

“Nothing.” Allison answered sharply as she quickly reached for the remote control. She was not quick enough as I snatched it up and pressed the information button.

“Xena Warrior Princess?” I questioned her with disgust.

“Oh is that what this is?” She lied.

“How could you watch this?” I shook my head in amazement.

“Hey.” Allison argued. “Have you ever seen this show?”

“No.” I answered flatly.

“Just give it a few minutes.” Allison said. “This is a good one.”

“You’ve seen this episode before?” I was in shock.

I watched in bewilderment not understanding how someone with Allison’s intelligence would sit through such dribble. “I don’t get it.” I said bluntly. “Why doesn’t she just use a fishing pole? And what’s with this goof falling all over her? How can you watch this stuff? I mean the historical inaccuracies alone are …” Then something caught my eye. “Why are they taking a bath together? Are they … are they flirting with each other?”

“Ssh.” Allison put her finger to my lips to quiet me. “Just watch.”

I watched the television show as my body began to react to the two women. Watching the very tall lead and her little sidekick interact with each other was having an interesting effect on my libido. When the show ended I was drooling and speechless. Allison looked at me and with a smirk she asked, “So are you a Xena fan now?”

“I could probably sit through another show.” I said trying to sound casual about it. “When is it on again?”

“Tomorrow at five.” Allison chuckled. “Well that makes your lesbianism official then. I finally get my toaster oven.”

“Not yet there is still something else we need to do and I want to do it now!” My mind screamed.

“Stephanie I need to ask you something.” Allison began slowly

“Yes.” I answered her eagerly knowing that the answer to anything she asked me at that moment would be a heartfelt yes. I could feel the heat rising in my body. Suddenly I was embarrassed by my thoughts as a slight blush crept across my face.

“Are you all right?” She asked me with concern.

“I’m fine.” I stammered feeling my blush return.

“Wow that Lucy Lawless really pushed your buttons.”

“I um … um …” I shouldn’t have tried to defend myself speaking at this point was futile.

“Stephanie likes Xena.” Allison teased me in a singsong voice.

“Knock it off.” I snapped as I gave her a playful push she grabbed me to defend herself. Her movements caught me off balance and somehow we I ended up laying on top of her. I was gazing deeply into her eyes as I lowered my lips to hers. Just as I was about to kiss her she pulled away.

I shivered at the abrupt movement but decided to let it go for now. I pulled myself up and ran my fingers threw my hair. “So what did you want to ask me?” I asked her simply. Allison leaned over to the coffee table and retrieved two sheets of paper and handed them to me. I glanced at them quickly as I scanned the long list of names, I realized that it was the fax Chris had promised to send this morning. There was a brief note at the bottom. “Stephanie, I got these names from a friend of mine. Guess what two things these women have in common? Talk to you soon Chris.” I sighed knowing the answer to Chris’ query. I returned the papers to Allison. “What were you doing upstairs?” I asked Allison in a lame attempt to divert her attention.

“Never mind that.” Allison responded dismissing my question. “I’m more than a little curious as to why my ex-lover is faxing you a list of women’s names. Care to enlighten me?”

I was not ready to go into this with Allison, in fact Chris and I had agreed that she would be the one to tell Allison if my suspicions were correct. Now there was no way to avoid it. I couldn’t lie to her. “Stephanie?” Allison pushed in a strained voice. “Come on what is it?” Allison divert her gaze from me as she scanned the list. “I know some of these women.” She added absently.

“Allison.” I started carefully, hating what I was about to do. “You and all of these women have something in common.” Allison just stared at me blankly. “What?” She asked innocently.

“Jessica Beaumont.” I blurted out quickly and then just as quickly braced myself for her reaction.

“Well Jessica has certainly been a very busy girl.” Allison said with a smile. “But that still doesn’t explain …”

“Wait.” I cut her off. “You’re not upset.”

“No.” She answered honestly. “Should I be?”

“Frankly yes.” I spit out.


“Because there are so many.” I pointed out.

“And?” Allison laughed. “I’m sorry I don’t mean to laugh but I learned of Jessica’s track record quite some time ago.”

“But so many?” I repeated.

“I get it!” Allison snapped. “Sorry.” She offered quickly. “Okay I’ll admit to see it printed out on paper is a bit much. But Jessica is my past. Any feelings I had for her are just that, the past. I got over that woman years ago.” Her voice was firm and honest. It was true Jessica was the past.

“I’m sorry.” I apologized as I gently touched her arm.

“That still doesn’t explain why Chris faxed these names over to you.” Allison continued. “And what did she mean by these woman have two things in common?”

“You and all of these women have another thing in common.” I said very carefully.

“Now wait a minute!” Allison jumped in. “I don’t know what Chris is trying to pull here. I have been tested for everything and I do mean everything. Several times in fact.” Allison pointed. “Which I only did because of Chris and Jessica. Stephanie I am perfectly healthy.”

“That’s good to know.” I said without thinking. I pulled my arm away from her as I realized not only what I had said but also what my saying it implied. “And you?” She asked me with a mischievous smile.

“I had a full physical when I joined the faculty here at Haven. It included all the blood work under the sun.” I answered proudly and then feeling a little adventurous I added a little something. “You could eat off of me.”

Allison was suddenly plagued with a coughing fit. I patted her back gently as she gasped for air. “You okay there Sparky?” I teased her as she began to regain her breathing. She held up a hand to indicated that she was fine. “Do you need some water?” I offered feeling only slightly guilty for her present condition. “No thank you.” She croaked out. I gave her a few moments to regain her composure. “So are you going to tell me what this is all about? Or are you just going to torture me all evening.” She finally managed to ask me.