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“Amy.” Allison’s chilly voice rang out. “If it is not too much trouble … do you think that you could bring my friend another drink?”

“Oh? I am so sorry.” Amy lied once again. “What is that you are drinking?”

“Stephanie will have what I am having. It shouldn’t be too difficult for you to remember that.” Allison’s voice cut through the crowded bar. The steely gaze she cast at Amy made the skinny blonde recoil in horror.

“Right away.” Amy muttered as she slinked away.

“Excuse me.” Allison said softly as she gently touched me on the arm and stood. Allison walked to the other end of the bar and cornered Amy. I have no idea what the two women were talking about, but I was very well acquainted with the menacing look in Allison’s eyes. Having been on the receiving end of that glare ten years ago I was very aware of the fear it could instill. I had a feeling that Amy’s days of flirting with Allison were over. I watched with interest until Allison walked away and disappeared.

“Well there goes all of the freebies.” Maureen sighed.

“I don’t think that Amy likes me very much.” I added flatly.

“No?” Maureen laughed. “Maybe she thinks that you are a threat.”

Before I could respond to Maureen’s observations a felt a warm caress on my shoulder. I turned to find the raven-haired beauty smiling at me. “Our table is ready.” Allison said quickly.

“But the beeper didn’t go off?” Maureen questioned.

Just then a stocky dark man dressed in business attire approached us. “Miss. Kendell I would be happy to show you and your party to your table.” Maureen handed him the beeper as he directed us away from the bar. As we were led to the downstairs dinning area I noted quickly that this man was not a waiter or even the manager. We were seated at a quiet corner table. The little man pulled out our chairs and seated us individually. “I apologize for any inconvenience you have incurred. If it meets with your approval I have ordered the chef to prepare something special for you ladies. Everything is on the house. My apologies again.” He repeated as a waiter arrived with another round of margaritas. Allison thanked the man as he made his departure.

The table was silent as the drinks were delivered. A bus boy appeared and began to deposit mountains of food on our table. Allison passed a margarita to Maureen. One would be all right since it appeared that we would be eating for some time. Maureen raised her glass and saluted Allison. “To lawyer Barbie.” Allison simply groaned in response taking a sip of her drink.

“I don’t wish to appear ungrateful.” I said finally. “But the few times in my life when I have worked up the courage to complain about the service the most I ever received was an we are sorry and a coupon for a free appetizer.”

“I am a Kendell.” Allison stated in a dry voice.

“I see.” I answered suddenly thinking at that moment Allison had lost some of her charm. “So the bitch lawyer is still in there.”

Suddenly Maureen and Allison erupted into uncontrollable laughter. “Did I miss something?” I questioned feeling left out on the joke.

“Allison’s family.” Maureen spoke as she stifled her laughter. “Great old family name. One of the countries founding families. Ah to be a Kendell the prestige and history. One slight problem though.”

“No money.” Allison cut in with a huge grin.

“Excuse me?” I pried. “That is like saying the Rockefeller’s live on food stamps.”

“It’s true.” Allison confessed. “Well I don’t know about the Rockefeller’s state of affairs … but the Kendell fortune was blown decades ago. It’s an old story. One generation slaves away does nothing but work and amasses a fortune that should last forever. Except the next two generations go through everything without a second thought for the future. Basically because they have no intention of ever working for a living. Too busy drinking and getting laid. By the time my Dad graduated from Harvard all that was left was a great name and a huge debt.”

“It must be infuriating to have people assume that everything was handed to you?”

“Sometimes. I’m sure people would be shocked to know that I had a paper route when I was a kid. Being a Kendell made it difficult to find a summer job. I had to use the family connections but I was turned away a great deal of the time because people assumed I was rich and didn’t need the money. I give Dad a lot of credit unlike the way he was raised we were never led to believe that we were rich. Of course I am not entirely certain that Grandma knows that the money is long gone. She just keeps spending and sticks poor Dad with the bills. Thank God he makes a good living. But between the bills Gramps left him and his Mother’s spending habits it is never enough. Everything my parents and I have we earned. All of the money I made working on Wall Street went to helping my Dad pay off Gramps’ debt. That and my kid sister Nicole’s love affairs with gin and sleazy men and of course there was all the money I spent trying to get my little brother out of that cult. I did manage to help save the family estate and thanks to God and AA Nicole finally got her life together. Unfortunately David is hanging around Logan Airport handing out flowers.”

“You left out how Chris wiped you out.” Maureen sneered.

“Hey not my little beach house.” Allison protested. “Fortunately, I bought that before we were together.”

“What about Wellesley and Harvard?” I asked quickly not wanting to hear any of the gory details regarding the infamous Chris.

“Working my butt off and academic scholarships.” Allison replied simply.

“Speaking of Chris?” Maureen cut in.

“Let’s not.” Allison groaned.

“Is she still trying to use your beach house in PTown?” Maureen pried.

“Yes.” Allison responded reluctantly. “But I refused. I told her that she brought plenty of women there while we were together and now she could rent a room at the Boat Slip like everyone else.” Allison added defensively.

“I cannot believe her.” Maureen moaned in disgust.

“What do expect, she is a lawyer. New subject. Let’s eat!” Allison insisted as the waiter arrived with a fresh round of margaritas. While Maureen passed on anymore alcohol Allison and I indulged. The food was fantastic and I was enjoying the conversation. The tequila was beginning to have an effect on me, more than once I caught myself touching Allison’s hand or knee. She seemed to ignore my contact until I rested my hand on her thigh.

“Stephanie tell us about Peter.” Allison said briskly as she brushed my hand from her thigh.

“Who?” Maureen asked seemingly unaware of what my hands had been doing.

“Stephanie’s beau.” Allison said directly.

Her message came through loud and clear I was crossing a line. I had to stop. With the reality of my actions and Allison’s apparent rejection. I began to talk about Peter. I told my companions how we met, how long we had been together and what he did for a living. The standard conversation. Maureen asked the usual questions while Allison remained very quiet. I could not blame her. Here I was practically engaged to this man and I could not keep my hands off of her. I felt confused and terrified that I had just lost her friendship. One thing was certain no more alcohol for me tonight. Allison also passed on another round.

As the evening passed the conversation turned to gossip about Haven and the history department. Then to Maureen’s kids at this turn in the conversation Allison finally rejoined the discussion. Perhaps her return was due to the fact that I had finally stopped groping her. I think it had more to due with Maureen’s children. Allison’s face lit up during the conversation. It was clear that Allison adored Maureen’s children especially Jenny, who was the youngest and Allison’s goddaughter. After Maureen gave Allison a halfhearted lecture about spoiling the children, we agreed that it was time to go.