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“What about Finn?” River asks.

She looks up, then back down and shakes her head. “Pensive. More about the music and less about the buzz.”

“Pensive? Meaning asshole?” River laughs.

“No, of course not,” she says quickly and looks at me. “That’s not what I meant.”

“I’d say you nailed it.” I nod and look down.

“I’m glad you think so,” she says in a sweet as hell voice, and I look up. I can’t help smiling, but I need to reel it in.

“Breakfast coming anytime soon? I’m starving.”

Nick stands up. “It’s on its way. We have a decision to make, and it needs to happen now. We have a show tomorrow.”

“I say the twins,” River jumps right in.

“They’re country,” Nick states. “Hot, but country.”

“I heard some rock in there,” he interjects.

Nick looks around. “Anyone else want the twins?”

Sonya’s eyes catch mine, and I shake my head, so she looks around at the others.

“Look, they’re really, really, really fucking good,” River says.

“You fucked ’em?” I ask, knowing damn well he did.

“Their talents are undeniable. I’m telling you, Nick, they are—”

“Answer Finn’s question,” Nick says, trying not to laugh at the fool.

“Nick, their Southern hospitality is fucking incredible.”

“What about the Black Knights?” Memphis says. “They’ve got their shit together. Tight-ass band.”

“Just so we’re clear, the twins?” River.

“Not happening,” Nick says.

“Fine”—River scowls—“but they get VIP tickets tomorrow night.”

“Fine.” Nick rolls his eyes. “Back to—”

“Tainted Knights, not Black.” Sonya turns her laptop. “They already have a female manager—”

“That’s a hang-up of yours, huh?” Memphis asks. “You like that women’s lib shit.”

“I have a large female following myself, so yes, I like to tap into that,” she answers.

“But they’re not a female group,” River adds.

“No, they aren’t, but they are young, good-looking, and have a great social following. They’re from Bristol, Tennessee, the only out of area band here. They traveled a long way for this. And they have a manager, a woman named Emmie Armstrong. Jace is on vocals; Gray, vocals and guitar; Kale on drums; Tate, or Sin as they call him, is bass; and Cash is on keys, vocals, and bass. Six people strong and they already have a social media presence.” She looks up at us then smiles. “I know music is your thing, but causing a buzz is mine, and they would make my job a lot easier.”

“They have a great look, too,” Nick adds. “What do you say?”

“I say yes.” Sonya seems to really want these guys.

“You think they’re hot?” I ask without giving it a second thought.

She looks at me and then Tally.

“No, he was asking you, Sonya.” She giggles.

She nods. “They have a great look.”

“But would you bang ’em?” River asks.

“Would you?” she asks back, and the whole room busts up laughing.

“Probably not.” River smirks. “Now, if you’d asked me that three years ago, I may not have had the same answer. Right, Finn?”

“Fuck you, man.” I laugh.

“I’d bang Finn.” River winks at me.

“I’d like to see you try,” I growl at him.

“The road is a lonely place,” he sighs.

“Not for you.” Nick shoots him a look. “Beckett, where were you until five this morning?”

“That’s none of your damn business,” I tell him.

A knock on the door thankfully breaks up the bullshit.

“That better be breakfast. I worked up one hell of an appetite last night.”

“You must be lying down on the job, man. I got breakfast in bed.” River laughs.

“Yeah, slacking,” I say as I stand to get the door.

“So, I was thinking Tally and I could shout out the winner of the Houston audition now, and then, when we decide on Dallas, we’ll do that one.” I hear an excitement in her voice that I kind of like, but then I remember who she will be shouting out about, and it rubs me the wrong way.

“Sounds good. Let me give X a buzz first,” Nick answers her.

After Nick calls Xavier, Tainted Knights is moved to opening in Dallas. It will give Tally and Sonya more time to create a bigger buzz.

We decide on a band called Hoopla to open in Houston. They are local and don’t have an agent, and they have a very cool sound, more a pop rock than our kind of rock. The problem is they are a new band, so they only have a half hour set. Therefore, River ends up getting his twins in there, too. They will kick off the show, play for half an hour, Hoopla will then do the same, and then we will rock the crowd.

Sonya and Tally are buzzing all day on those damn devices. Nick even goes out and grabs two more iPads so Tally can run Memphis’s shit.

I lock myself down with a pen and paper.


I spent the night with her again. I couldn’t get enough of her or the natural beauty that now shined even brighter. But today, I went back to my room early. I needed sleep and so did she. Tonight is the fucking night we will rock Houston.

“Break a leg, Beckett.” I look back to see Sonya standing in the wings before I take the stage.

I look around. I’m the first one out.

I walk behind the speakers and motion for her to follow.

“I’m more than ready, but I have a problem,” I tell her.

“Are you sick, tired? Is something—”

“I see the way those fucks look at you, and I want to bash their heads in.” I point to the fucking Hoopla guys.

“You’re imagining it.” She giggles, not even looking.

“Nah, I’m not imagining shit. Tales even said you were hot, and she’s a straight chick.”

She shakes her head. “Stop it.”

“If I could stamp my name on your forehead, I’d feel better.”

“How about if you just remember that I’m the only one you’re over, and I’m the only one under you?”

“Hmm, I think that’ll get me through tonight, but then I’ll be walking on stage hard as hell.”

“Make sure you come back that way, too,” she says, shocking me.

“You have a thing for rock stars, Sonya?” I tease.

“Only the ones who play bass, sing, have beards, and make me feel so damn good every time we’re together.”

“That’s a damn good answer.” I grab the back of her head and pull her to me. Then I kiss her so hard she will feel it until I come back.

I pull back, and she licks her lips.

“I like you, Finn Beckett.”

“The feeling is mutual,” I say as I pull my aviators down, turn, and walk away.

We take the stage in a storm of electric steel and badass beats. Billy and River are in the zone, and I am finger fucking the strings, wishing the night away, because right now, that girl, that little brunette standing just off stage with all her electronic gadgets, has me by the balls.

Once Memphis takes the stage and starts belting out “Bang, Bang,” the crowd roars. He eats that shit up. Hell, I’m actually kind of enjoying it tonight, too. But the only roars that matter are the ones in my ear I know I will hear later tonight.

Memphis’s arm is still healing from his bar altercation in Miami, so Billy is sticking to acoustic tonight. I’m still not singing, and X-man and Nickie D are being patient with me.

Sonya doesn’t ask about my past, but shares a little more of hers every day. It seems to empower her. When the time comes, I will sing and release some of my past as I do. Right now, on this stage in Houston, Texas, I’m doing what I love, what I do best, and that’s creating music.

I’m looking at my here and now a lot differently.

After the show, I make sure everyone gets pictures. Lots of pictures.

I don’t mind this crowd; it’s well controlled. Not to mention, there is lots of security, and well, Finn is here. He doesn’t go far away from me, and I certainly don’t go far from him. He makes me feel good, safe even.