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Oh … Oh-oh-oh …

Oh … Oh-oh-oh.

I’m going blind.

You took what was mine,

Left me behind.

Now I can’t find me.

Oh … Oh-oh-oh …

Oh … Oh-oh-oh.

The light, it shines ubiquitously.

I can still smell your scent universally.

The hole you left can never be filled.

No drink, no smoke, no fucking pills.

I wanna feel the aching I’ve earned.

Chalk it up to a lesson learned.

I try so hard. Can’t believe you’re not mine.

Now it’s time. Yes, it’s time

To let go and find my heart that was blown away.

Lock it up tight.

Mend it, I might.

But I’m still going blind.

You took what was mine,

Left me behind.

Now I can’t find me.

Oh … Oh-oh-oh …

Oh … Oh-oh-oh.

I’m still going blind.

You took what was mine,

Left me behind.

Now I can’t find me.

Oh … Oh-oh-oh …

Oh … Oh-oh-oh.

I walk alone, seeking the truth.

The dusty road now comforts my blues.

In the light of day, I’m glad she’s not you.

I still look around. It’s still like a dream.

All I ever wanted is now sewn together, loose seam.

I search for me in my darkest hours, but I’m still gone.

The love we had never was true.

My shattered heart is now whole. Empty my soul,

But I’m still going blind.

You took what was mine,

Left me behind.

Now I can’t find me.

Oh … Oh-oh-oh …

Oh … Oh-oh-oh.

I’m still going blind.

You stole what was mine.

Left me behind.

Now I can’t find me.

Oh … Oh-oh-oh …

Oh … Oh-oh-oh.

I’m still going blind.

You stole what was mine,

Left me behind.

Now I can’t find me.

Oh … Oh-oh-oh …

Oh … Oh-oh-oh.

The music ends, the crowd roars, and my heart shatters for him, for me, for … her. Then the lights dim, and over the speakers, his husky rasp starts again. No drums, no guitar, just his voice.

I don’t want to be blind.

I just want to see.

Look in the mirror, and let it be me.

Oh … Oh-oh-oh …

Oh … Oh-oh-oh.

Don’t fucking want to be blind.

Just wanna see that face in the mirror that once was me.

Oh … Oh-oh-oh …

Oh … Oh-oh-oh.

The crowd’s roar hits a new high.

“That was Finn Fucking Beckett, ladies and gentlemen. Give it up for Finn!” Memphis yells to the crowd.

I see him pull a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket.

Don’t do it, I plead with him in my head. Don’t. Do. It.

He’s doing it … He. Is. Doing. It.

As he lights up and inhales deeply, I scan the stage for the security men and see them walking up to the stage. However, Xavier shakes his head at them, giving them a look that is without a doubt meant to intimidate, and they step back.

The band goes right into another song. Memphis is singing; Finn’s jamming; Billy is trying his best not to look annoyed by Finn with his cigarette hanging out of his mouth; and River has a look of mischief as he looks toward the security officers.

The song ends, and I see River reach in his pocket and pull out … Oh, hell.

Don’t do it, I plead with him in my head. Don’t. Do. It.

He’s doing it … He. Is. Doing. It.

The entire song, River is beating on the drum with what I am one hundred ten percent sure is a joint hanging from the corner of his mouth.

By the time the song ends, the security guard force has increased, and Nick, Taelyn, and Xavier are arguing with them.

I look at my tablet as I walk over.

“They have one more song,” I say as loudly as I can. No one hears me, so I scream, “They just have one more song!”

All eyes fly to me.

“They are breaking laws,” the man who seems to be in charge says to me.

“They’re not, really—” I stop, because what’s not really? Pot is illegal in Texas, and Finn has already been warned that no smoking is allowed at the arena.

Think, think, I tell myself.

“They’re props.” I nod, content at my lame-ass excuse, hoping it buys them time.

Security storming the stage would not be good, not with a hundred thousand cameras in the audience.

“Props?” one says, and Xavier smirks like this is funny.

I scowl at him, and his eyebrows rise. Then I sigh and shrug, throwing my hands in the air as I walk away. I tried, dammit.

The band is saying their thank yous and goodnights when I see River stand.

“Thank you, Texas! But, hey, there is a whole shit-load of security standing off stage. I think I’m in trouble. I just want to say one thing to them … I didn’t do shit!” He takes the joint from behind his ear and shoves it in his mouth. “I didn’t do shit!” The crowd roars as he raises his hands in the air. “Rockers fucking rock and cops eat fucking donuts! Rockers rock and cops eat donuts! Rockers rock and cops eat donuts!”

When the crowd starts chanting with him, Xavier throws his notebook on the ground and his hands in the air, turns, and walks away.

Security storms the stage, the lights go out, and the crowd goes mad. Once River is cuffed and off stage, the lights come up.

Memphis steps to the mic. “Hope you enjoyed the show. River’s just fucking with you. He just had to piss. Not all cops eat donuts; some just like the coffee.”