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I move to his tip, licking circles around it.

“Two. Last chance.”

I do it again.

“One,” he hisses.

I pump him while watching his now clear, black, and hooded eyes shine with nothing but raw need.

“I’m there,” he growls, then thrusts as his hot liquid fills my mouth in not one, not two, but three jerks of his hot and delicious come.

He pants as he rests his head against the headrest and pets my hair slowly and adoringly. He then looks down, still fighting to catch his breath, and his eyes narrow as he shakes his head then groans.

“Swear to God,” he says, “I thought you were trying to kill me.” He smirks and his head falls back again.

I sit up and tuck him away. I even zip and button his jeans. Smiling inside, I giggle quietly.

I feel his hand take mine. “I knew I didn’t want to let go before, Yaya. Now it’s going to be impossible.” He sits up and turns to me. “You just became an obsession.”

I simply look at him.

“Did I scare you?” he asks, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

I shake my head. “I think I like that.”

“Good damn thing,” he says in a deeper rasp than usual before leaning forward and kissing me hard, just the way I like him to. It’s possessive, and I like that from him.

She called him a dark knight in her journal. Finn Beckett isn’t dark, and he isn’t light; he is gray and perfect.

I smile. “I know I like it.”

He smiles in return and laughs, then sits back in his seat and laughs again.

“You just sucked any toxins that I have ever allowed inside of me out. I swear to you, I feel like a new man, Yaya. A very happy and deeply satisfied man who owes his girl big.” He glances over at me. “Holy fuck. You just … fuck.” He pulls me into a hug, and I can hear his heart beating against his chest. “You just got me off in public.”

I smirk up at him, feeling just as giddy as he sounds.

“In an airplane.”

“I wonder what state we’re over.” I smile.

“No shit.” He raises his hand. “Miss?”

The flight attendant walks back.

“Where are we?”

“About an hour out.”

“What state?” he asks.

She smiles at him. “I’ll go find out.”

“Thank you.”

She begins walking away.


She turns around.

“Does the pilot have any of those little plastic wings they give kids?”

“I’m sure he does.”

“Can you ask if I can buy two?”



As soon as we land, I turn on my phone to see if there are any messages. There is one.

“What’s going on?”

“He’s having a scan done’” I answer. “He hates them.”

He pulls me tightly against him. “Where’s he at?”

“I think Riverside Methodist.” I send a text, asking just that. “I don’t want her to know I’m here yet.”

“Why?” he asks, scowling.

“I just don’t want to fight with her.”

“He’s your kid.”

“It’s not that, Finn.” I don’t want him to know I’m sure she blew the money. I don’t want him to judge her. She’s all I have.

“Then what is it?”

“I’d really rather not—”

“She the one who drained your account?”

I look at him and shrug.

“That’s bullshit, Sonya.”

“I’m sure she has a reason. But right now, I want to grab a cab and get to Noah.”

“I have a rental car waiting. I’ll take you.”

I start to object, but he puts his finger over my mouth.

“You aren’t going to take taxis around, looking for your kid.”

“You can’t meet him.” I won’t put him through the possible attachment to a man when I don’t know if he will be in Noah’s life for a long time.

“I never said I was going to, but why?”

“I met many of my mother’s men, Finn. My son won’t go through that. I’m not her.”

He nods and pulls his sunglasses down. “Understood.”


“Yeah?” he asks as he walks us to the car rental pick up.

“It’s nothing against you.”



He shrugs. “He’s yours. You gotta do what’s best for him.”

“You’re a good man, Finn, but—”

“I said I understood.”

“I hope so,” I whisper.

He leans down and kisses the side of my head, and for now, it still feels all right.


When he pulls up outside the hospital in the black Mercedes SUV, I grab my bag and start to get out, but he grabs my elbow. I lean in and kiss him, and then he sits back.

“Text me and let me know he’s here. I’ll wait until I hear from you.”

I go to get out, but he pulls me back again and kisses me.

“Text me.”

“I will.” I nod.

“Go get your boy better.”

“I’ll do that, too.”

“And don’t forget about me.” He narrows his eyes when he says it.

“Wouldn’t want to. See you later.”

“Text,” he grumbles.

“Okay.” I smile and shut the door, heading inside.

After speaking with patient registration, I find out Noah is here, so I send Finn a message on my way to the elevator. He calls immediately.

“Hi,” I say as I push the fourth floor button.

“He okay?”

“They admitted him, so I am going to say no.” I hit the four again and again until it opens.

“I bet they’re just being cautious.” His voice is soft and comforting.

“I know,” I whisper.

“I’ll be two hours from here. If you need me, you call, and I’ll come. Get it?”

“Got it,” I reply.


I walk past the nurse’s station and straight for room 321 where the receptionist, who remembered me from prior visits, told me my son is.

When I walk in, he sits up.


“Who else would it be?” I try to stay calm as I practically run to him.

“I thought you was in Florida,” he says as he enunciates every syllable.

“I heard my favorite person in the universe wasn’t feeling good.”

He smiles and throws his arms around me, and I hug him tight.

“No wires, Mommy,” he whispers.

“That’s good, buddy,” I whisper back.

“Just a picture.” He points to his chest.

“A chest x-ray?”

He nods.

I lean back and look at him, taking his hands and holding them in the air to inspect. “You’re correct. Wow, that’s super cool. So why are you stayin’ the night?”

“Aunt Margie is sick. She been sleepin’ lots. I guess I’m sick, ’cause I didn’t get my breathing treatment when she was sleepin’. I tried to do it myself, but,” he leans in and whispers, “I was a scared of the cord.”

“Afraid of the cord? I’m proud of you, buddy. So proud that you didn’t touch it.”

“Not without adult supervision.”

“How did you get here today, Noah?”

“She drived.”

“Aunt Margie drove?”

“Yes, she droved,” he says, correcting himself. “She was really tired. She almost falled asleep walking in. The doctor taked her on a stretcher for a checkup.”

“Okay, well, how about you lie back. I am going to turn on the TV and go talk to the nurse right down there. Then I will be right back, Noah. I will be right back.”

I hug him tight again and then walk out of his room. I stand against the wall, trying to stop the trembling in my hands. After I feel like I can face her, I walk to the nurses’ station and wait for one of them to notice me.

“Can I help you?”

“Is Marguerite Thugington on this floor?”

“Are you—”

“Sonya. Sonya DeAmore,” I say.

I see it on her face. She knows who I am, and not just because my son is here, but because she remembers my story.

“Yes, sweetheart, let me get the doctor.”